Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


One Year with SS501 - 12 months worth living

Where were we last year? Pretty much here...

That 5 Men's 5 Years that was so perfect from any point of view.

It's been 5 years since our debut. 1/5 of my life. It can either be a short or long time. In these five years you've constantly supported us from where you are. Thank you. Really. - HJL

But their 5th anniversary wasn't the only reason for us to party. \o/

They were in the middle of their promotions for Love Ya.
Love Ya was my first comeback. And It feels like a first kiss. I can't forget the exact feeling i felt on that day.
Anyway, here's a pic that will make you all go crey crey, since we all miss them together. Too bad Jung Min is crippled.

And third highlighto from Love Ya days

I know we were all proud mommies..well, nunas...or dongsaengs in that moment.

Now i suggest you to grab a tissue or something that can work as a tissue, because you know what comes after Love Ya. That bloody X-Concert.
You know, i was rewatching some videos to organize this spam last night. I cried yesterday just like last year.

What makes this 6th anniversary special is that the sadness&drama from last summer feels unbelievable right now. 'Cause all is just ok. ;_; But back then...well...

A lot of fans think we are giving them something to fill in their life but honestly, we are the ones getting something from our fans. - Jung Min

Even if some change their heart or get married&cannot support us all the way, we'll still sing for who supports us in their mind. - Kyu

We'll continue to run forward so don’t you ever cheat on us. You can still have boyfriends though. - Kyu
(Historical cuteness, this quote.)

We all shed tears today, not because it’s a sad day but because it’s a new take off. Therefore I want you all to be happy and smiling. - HJL

It’s a new beginning for us and I know you'll worry about fake rumors or abusive comments in the future. But don’t worry and just trust us, because we are SS501. - HJL

Ok, i'm done with X-Concert. Now let's all calm down, wipe our tears, kiss a picture of our bias, smile at the other 4, breathe and move on.

After that fanmeeting we all sensed something was wrong. And indeed the news came: Kim Hyun Joong leaves DSP.
And we were all 'wth is going on?' o.O
It was such an awful moment, because nobody said anything....*waves at DSP* And then Young Saeng came and wrote that post about their Wings of the World performance. Which didn't help at all, despite how touching it was.
Half-confirmed rumors have it that DSP didn't want to sign with Kyu anymore and Leader left to protect him, because without one of them there is no SS501. It's easy for us to imagine this as the truth.
We missed a good share of fellow TripleS during those weeks because someone chose not to believe. But then again, we had an year full of fun.

Anyway, we didn't hear a word from anyone until Jung Min and HJB announced their new contracts. But the situation was cooling down at that point.
One of the first things they both said was they signed as SS501's Park Jung Min and SS501's Kim Hyung Jun.

A while after that, it was our Baby's birthday. \o/
First SS gathering after the end of the contract. HJL couldn't attend because of his schedule. But Kyu, Saengie and HJB's beloved counterpart were there. \o/ More tears on that day.
We got our couple moments back: the cuteness...

...and the endless unfaltering love...

Just imagining what they might have felt on that day makes me cry like a baby.

And then the summer bloody summer ended and we got the final news we were all waiting for.

Surprising, uh? XD And that way we finally knew more clearly what the future of our boys was gonna be.

Winter went by like this:

Playful Kiss

Kyusaeng's tour

Saengie's new love

Meanwhile our wait was almost over and we were about to get the first solo comeback, but Korea was shaken by a political/human crisis, so Jung Min and his mature brains and his sensitive heart decided to postpone Not Alone. I think we all gladly waited, though.
That stormy 2010 came to an end and this is how our 2011 started

A song that touched our hearts and made us cry and literally feel not alone anymore.
Btw, can we all spend a minute remembering the guy in Jung Min's teaser, wearing those amazing "cussing" sunglasses??? XDD
Ok, sorry for ruining the moment. Let me go back on the right tracks...
We also found out our strong pillar almost collapsed along the way. More or less worried one might have been, knowing about Jung Min's suicidal thoughts was shocking for everyone.

After SS501 activities' end, i was really hurt. I worried for a long time. It was emotionally very painful. I even thought of giving up. - Jung Min

Personal note: i still believe he never really tried to "give up". But anyway the fact he didn't do that despite how hard it might have been, makes me admire him even more. \o/

A short while after Jung Min ended his promotions, came Baby's moment.

He came back with a song and album that totally suit his personality. *Girls girls girls*

And so it happened that through the first two months of the new year, Tom and Jerry were the ones keeping our faith alive: at Jung Min's showcase, when Hyung Jun surprised Jung Min...

(JM's reaction to HJB's kiss is better than the kiss itself.)

And at Hyung Jun's showcase, when Jung Min repayed the favor...

While HJB invited everyone on Music High we expected Saengie's comeback. Since February, actually. XD I guess cool people are always late. But alas, he even broke his hand.
TripleS have been trained for postponed albums anyway, so we were fine. \o/
And after a couple more weeks, in the end our Shy Prince made his dream come true *i wanna be a baaaad booooy* and came back, too.

Btw, in case someone didn't notice...Young Saeng is back.

Jokes apart, he pulled that concept off way too well. \o/ I guess he really can be a bad boy. It's just us who refuse to accept it.

Meanwhile Kyu, being into hiding since New Year's Day, finally picked his new anticipated acting role.

Too bad Goong is a musical and overseas Pretties can't see it. Let's pray for a dvd. XD

We finally get to nowadays, when the missing member, the missed Leader, our favorite hardworking man found his way back to us again. \o/
Looking younger, happier, improved, more leader-ish than ever.

I started looking back while I was working on the album. I realized how important the meaning of ‘together’ is. - HJL

In the past year i've seen many fans fighting. I didn't say a word and only watched, feeling like I'm actually a helpless person. - HJL
Antis made our Leader cry. Well, actually even some old fans did. Aish...-.-

I hope when everyone listens to my album they'll feel blessed. From today onward, everyone shall smile more and feel more blessed. - HJL

This isn't only my album, but everyone's album. Today i want to tell everyone from the bottom of my heart thank you. I love you all. - HJL

Leader does know how to make us emotional. ;_;

Last unforgettable moment at his showcase: the return of Hyunsaeng. \o/
After one year of Tom and Jerry and Kyusaeng all over the place...

(To those who said Kim Hyun Joong only thought about his interests and didn't care about his group.)

And this is how, through excitement, pride, tears, faith, laughter, smiles, we spent one more year with these amazing men. ;_; For someone it was the first year, for someone it was just an year that's been more memorable than others.
The last words we got from them on their anniversary made me feel like they never really separated. Not even on paper. They still cherish their past together, treat the present like a gift that will benefit all the five of them and especially look forward to the future, when they'll reunite like they promised they will do.

Since we’ve achieved our dreams, let’s strengthen up! SS501! Let no one forget the meaning of our name! - Young Saeng

June 8th 2005, and today. I hope that we’re met with good things and continue to love and support each other. - HJB

It feels like we were crying only yesterday and now we’re already here. Thank you so much! Really, thank you. - Kyu

Well, what's left to say? I'm proud of the part of this fandom who didn't leave and i feel sorry for the rest, who missed so much awesomeness.
We still don't know when and where and how SS501 will come back, but we know they will. And we also know that's all we need to stick around.
So, TripleS. Let's pray in my next year recap we'll get to say that our boys came back to us as 5-0-1 again. Because that is who they are.

Because they've been supporting each other since the day they went their separate ways, as if nothing bad happened and as if the hardships only made them stronger, individually and as a group.

Because we've been seeing hints of their unbreakableness throughout these 12 months, catching old choreographies in their new singles or reading their tweets to each other. Or actually seeing them together these days.

The affinity that’s fated to be forever in my life. The five brothers in SS501. Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min, and…me! - HJB, My Girl Thanks to

Though we are all dispersed around now…I’ll keep watching over SS501. - Jung Min, Not Alone Thanks to

SS501 members..Hyun Joong…Kyu Jong..Jung Min..Hyung Jun… I can’t leave you out of my Thanks to. - Young Saeng, Let It Go Thanks to

It's been a full year. Full of emotions, worries and happiness. 2011 SS501 has been a nice, serene, strengthening memory that only helped my love growing deeper and steadier.
I would regret it if i missed it and i honestly feel bad for those who didn't get to live these 12 months. Whether you'll come back or not, when they'll keep that promise you ignored, living what we've lived side by side with the five of them is something you'll never have the chance to retrieve.
I am proud to be here writing this and feeling this today. Because i know TripleS' presence is everything SS501 needs, always and forever, you know. And i gave my presence and support to them in every way i could.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

10 commenti:

News@Triplesvn ha detto...

I cried when reading your emotional post ^^....

Just don't know what to share with you because so many things to say ...

Thank you so much for writing down these meaningful words ^^

I, you, we love 5 of them, 4ever...

Anonimo ha detto...

Oh My GOD,, this recap really made me cry from the bottom of my heart.. thank you so much for doin this,, this made me realize how wonderful it is to be a Triple S.. I will forever put my head up high and be proud~~"I am a Triple S... I love SS501 FOREVER"
~Love501 from Philippines

Thinie Daitay ha detto...

i can't stop crying ,it really touch my heart . huhuhu ~ forever ,together ;)

Alison Gan ha detto...

Thank you for this ... I'm very proud to be a new Triple S ( since Feb 2011 !) ..

Anonimo ha detto...

Thank you for this it helps me to appreciate them more. i'm a newbie and have know about them for barely a year. but i'm happy that despite all the controversies and hardships last year, this year 2011 has been a very blessed year for them. I regret that i get to know of them late (they're already dispersed) but i NEVER regret that i got to know them. SS501 are more than just pretty faces. Their voices though have their own characteristics when harmonizing together, 5 voices becomes 1. The way they put all their might in each dance move they groove, and the way they pour their hearts out in all the songs that they sing, it's more than professionalism, it's PASSION. The brotherhood they share exceeds my expectation, it goes beyond their job, beyond contracts , their bond is made to last for life just like blood brothers. Despite being apart, they never fail to support each and everyone be it personally, through phone or by silently watching over each members performances. SS501's hearts if i may say are golden, their willingness to share their blessings without expecting anything in return. Let's not forget, their love to all Triple S and their trust to us never waiver. Triple S and SS501 becomes one big happy family, it's so sad that some left but i'm hoping some will become prodigals and comeback.
i got so much to say. But THANK YOU SO MUCH and sorry i left a very long comment :D SS501 & TRIPLE S Fighting! -chloe17

newlie501 ha detto...
Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
newlie501 ha detto...

we all love SS501!! whatever it takes "we""The TRIPLE S" would always SUPPORT SS501. im proud to say That i'm part of triple S in which we are all united and love 501 as one <3

6/10/2011 3:54 PM

moshee ha detto...

everything start with X Concert automatically my tears will flow like a river.all u said is defintely a true story of our journey as a TS. i didnt experience something like this before. to protect & being protected. in the meaning of SS501 i gain my strengthness again.

Anonimo ha detto...

SS501 always together....thank u soo much <3

jjovenq ha detto...

Blue Sapphire BEAUTIFUL!! I felt every word she wrote. It's not just the 5 who are together as one, but look at us too. Don't we all have the same feelings for all 5? Isn't that also the exact feeling that brings us together as one family? Regardless of age, race, and stature in society. As having one HEART & one SOUL. The POWER of LOVE, it is