Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


My Roleplaying for Dummies

Months ago i was asked so many questions and given so many judgments about my roleplaying that i decided to write a sort of guide. Now that i don't properly roleplay anymore this might be useless, but in case some abandoned soul stumbles upon my blog and reads my chapters from the start, i figured this might still be of some use.
This is split 5 ways:

  1. The form
  2. The behaviors
  3. The extras
  4. The reality
  5. Dates and habits


It's pretty easy to figure out who's saying what while reading from my blog, considering i usually write the names of everyone.
I am Menu, Saengie is YS, GD is GD, Jong Hoon is JH.
But if you happen to catch a live roleplaying session on Twitter, it could be hard for newbies to keep up with and grab the meaning of it. Therefore...
  • The general rule is i put the brats' lines between stars (* <- this is a star), but...
  • ...Saengie's lines are not preceded by initials, while GD's lines are preceded by GD and Jong Hoon's lines are preceded by JH. It might look like a bunch of *blabblabla* but if you read carefully you can tell them apart.
  • When i need to specify a gesture or anything not verbal one of us does, then it's between stars when it's something i do, while it's put between dashes (- <- this is a dash) when it's something the brats do. This is why you need to understand who's saying what. I hardly say 'GD does this' or 'Jong Hoon does that'. I give for granted you know who i'm talking about.
  • There's a difference between YA!, Ya... and Ya-aah. The first one is supposed to be read in an upset, decided tone; Ya... is in a resigned/sorry tone, while ya-aah is in an annoyed tone. Same goes for hyung!, hyung... and hyu-uung. Or any other word followed by ! or ... or separated by a dash.


I like that my roleplaying has some steady recurring points. Like rules that give it a consistence.
  • THE NAMES: I call Young Saeng, Saengie ah. Pretty much all the time, except when he's in serious trouble. Then he becomes (Heo) Young Saeng (the Heo is there according to how big the damage is). GD is Ji Yong ah (because his friends know him as Kwon Ji Yong, not G-Dragon); Jong Hoon is Jong Hoon ah (because through it all i'll always be attached to him). The 'ah' is a sign of affection.
    Saengie calls me Menu ah, even when he's mad. I don't know why, it just turned out like that. Then there's Ji Yong ah, because they're best buddies. And Jong Hoon ssi, (because they constantly fight, but they keep it polite. Until one of the two loses it.)
    To GD we're all friends. Menu ah, Jong Hoon ah and Hyung. GD wants an easy life. And a quiet sleep.
    Jong Hoon has Menu ssi (because he's younger, so he respects me); Hyung (who's GD in this case) and Young Saeng ssi ( because they constantly fight, but they keep it polite.)
  • THE COUPLE: Saengie and i are not a cute couple. We have a sort of siblings/best friends relationship. We quarrel, all the time. But we sort of help each other, being careful the other one doesn't notice.
    We didn't want to be together, but we got used to it and i guess we secretly wouldn't change it, but the other one can't know, of course. Anyway since we're stuck, i try getting some cuteness from him, but unless i'm sick or scarily mad he won't give in.
    We're both incredibly jealous. The whole story turns around this point.
  • THE ROLES: Saengie and GD are the troublemakers;
    Jong Hoon is almost always on my side, unless he thinks i'm neglecting him too much (notice the too much because he constantly thinks i'm neglecting him, but most of the time he blames Saengie.)
    Jong Hoon and Saengie were never friends and never will be;
    Jong Hoon and GD have a typical hyung-dongsaeng bond: GD gives him advices and makes him feel noticed when he starts sulking.


It's always SS501.
  • According to Saengie, Jung Min (JM) is my ex, who never loved me in the proper sense of the term but is too kind to say it. Truth is the moment Saengie butted in, Jung Min thought i was dumping him and you do not turn your back on Sexy Charisma. So now we're...ex. I guess. Good friends though. I still use him to upset the brat, because i still love him enough to make him a threat.
  • Baby (HJB) is and forever will be the only brother-in-law who loves me. Especially because of my arguments with Jung Min.
  • Leader (HJL). He's too busy to play with us. And he's been avoiding me since the day i made him think a bug was hunting him down and he climbed the kitchen cabinet to save himself.
  • Kyu. Kyu is to Saengie what Jung Min is to me. The third one. I love him, but he's a heavy presence in this unwilling marriage.


This roleplaying is my ideal couple life (GD and Jong Hoon nt being part of the couple, but still significant caring mates).
  • I am me. A bit emphasized, but what i write is 100% coming from my mind, so of course i'm me. I never write things i wouldn't do or say.
  • Saengie used to be what i thought he was. I've always known he wasn't a total shy prince deep down and time proved me right.
    Saengie is at least 70% what he could be in real life, from what i see.
  • GD is 40% what he could be. Except the sense of leadership and his obsession for clothes. And his dorky side.
  • Jong Hoon is only 10% similar to the original. He's more composed and stubborn than what he really is. So i often insert hints to real events to make him more real. Like the guitar he drags around every minute of every day, or references to his schedule or activities.


Only two: 2nd of March (2010; the day Saengie moved in) and 24th of July (2010; our wedding day).

  • When in doubt, pull his hair.
  • A healthy simple YA! can move mountains.
  • Haven't done it in a while, but stuffing noses is useful, too.
  • There's much more to cakes and meatballs than what meets the eye.

This is pretty much it. Of course reading the proper chapters is a complete different experience. But hopefully this makes it less confusing, considering there are already enough elements to make it confusing.
Ah, one last thing. In case you're wondering, the brat is Saengie ah.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

1 commento:

jjovenq ha detto...

Blue Sapphire BEAUTIFUL!! I felt every word she wrote. It's not just the 5 who are together as one, but look at us too. Don't we all have the same feelings for all 5? Isn't that also the exact feeling that brings us together as one family? Regardless of age, race, and stature in society. As having one HEART & one SOUL. The POWER of LOVE, it is