Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


My 49 Days Journey

I'm not sure i've analyzed this well enough to write an entry already, but i'm also afraid if too much time passes then i will forget what i already know and wanna say, i am.

2011 dramas are the best i've ever watched. If we don't count my all time favorite top5  but we just compare them to last year dramas and the older ones i've watched, this year beats them all.
Yet, 49 Days is even better.
It's literally a journey, just like the one Ji Hyun has to go through. It's not made of events or expectations. You just walk with the characters and see what happens, their reactions and emotions, all projected toward knowing how they're all gonna end. You're waiting for the 49 days to pass, just like them and with them.
One would expect it to be depressing because it starts with death and death lingers there through the whole journey, but it's not. It's actually wisely funny. Deep and touching. Cute and heart-warming.
Though the adjective i feel like using the most is surprising. Right when you start thinking everything is getting dull or that the events are reaching an epilogue, something shocks you.

No need to mention i will miss the Scheduler the most. His being one step above the others, his guiding with apparent indifference and his comforting comprehension of mankind. His weakness and his love. When the elevator doors close for the last time you stand there and wonder where Ji Hyun would have been without him.
At the same time, though, i will miss everyone else just as much because i felt close to all of them at least once.
Ji Hyun and her naivety, her will and efforts to do her best for everyone, her being misunderstood by people she loves and who can just aim to be better than her, ignoring what a pure soul they were actually blessed to meet. (I don't mean i consider people blessed to meet me, but i identify myself in everything i said untilt the "misunderstood" part. XD)
Yi Kyung eonni. Oh, i will miss hearing that 'eonni'. And Han Kang. Unknowingly the pillars of the whole story. Both struggling with their past.
I won't exactly miss Kang Min Ho, but his character and Shin In Jung are the personifications of what a choice can do to you. They're on the same boat, apparently very similar, but their choices are what sets them apart in the end.
And then Seo Woo and the staff at the Heaven. Ji Hyun's family and Kang's mom. All those secondary characters who made 49 Days world more real and reassuring. Because after all dramas are like life: they make you cry, worry, bite your hands, but there always comes that happy moment that pushes you forward or pulls you up.

The ending is fair. A lot of people say it should have been different, but it was fair. And it simply adds to the already epic epicness. 
But this is what's good about 49 Days: it's the journey that mattered. The ending, you've always known it would come at some point. 
And unconsciously, i knew that was what the closure would be like.

This drama was also amazingly relevant. It was like i was following their journey and they were following mine. 
I had trouble with my friends and the Scheduler said something; i felt lonely and he took Ji Hyun shopping to relieve her; i was happy and everything was good in their world, too.
It was a unique company and it leaves you with a lesson that is like made of a piece of every person you met along the way: Ji Hyun's livelyness, Kang's strength, Yi Kyung's struggling, even Min Ho and In Jung's determination.
A message they've been trying to teach you all along, i guess: when times are hard, recall the days you treasure the most. Gather your courage and live.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

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