Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Introducing Attack All Around

Again, this blog is 'Diary of a K-Pop Lover'. But ottoke? The situation there is stuck, so i...explored.
No, not true. The truth is i've been having this crush on this guy and this guy is in this group and this group is

But this isn't a news, i suppose. I've been repeating this for a month now.
So i was watching their 309249875th concert and i decided they're officially all precious their own way.
I can't really say i know them because i never know what they're saying. But maybe that's part of their charm. They don't need to say anything. I still love them.
They all have something special.
Naoya is pretty much what i hope to be when i'm 30. (Yes, he's almost 30. XD Weird, uh? After one year of kpop it's weird.) Anyway he's this all grown-up man who loves what he does and still knows how to have fun. I really hope i'll get there by that age.
Hidaka, like i said, i wish he was my brother. No, he's nothing like Kyu. I think. But he seems know, the big brother. The one with all the cool friends, the one who teases you like that's his life goal, the one who would always be there if you need him. He's loud, he's lively, he has that kind sparkle in his eyes that makes him quite squishy. And he has this high voice that makes him sound funny whatever he says. Literally, whatever he says. Because like i said, i don't know what he says.
Shuta is a puppy. I could write twenty lines to explain this, but in the end i could never be more clear than when i say Shuta is a puppy. He's a bit like Hidaka, but mostly he's a sensitive supportive big puppy.
Misako gives me a sort of princess feeling. I watched this show where the other members said she's annoying. In a good way. More than annoying, i'd say fussy. But i'm used to fussy people, so i don't really care if she is. She's lovely. A cry baby. But well, she's a girl. And she seems more "explosive" than Chiaki, but it's all good. It's nice to see her tough side and her soft spot at the same time.
While Chiaki. Chiaki is cuteness on Earth. Incredibly friendly, completely adorable, classy, gorgeous, but not conceited. I want to pinch her cheeks every time she winks at the camera.
I must say i wasn't expecting to love her and Misako so much, but how can you not? They enchant you with their voices and you get entangled in their personalities.
Shinji is 4D. Shinji constantly gives me the impression that he's there because someone took him there. And then he sings or speaks and i realise he's one of the toughest and most hardworking members. I hope i'm not wrong. And he's cute, too. Actually i thought he was only cute at first. Later, this sort of "Shinji Condition" of his changed my view. 
And then Nissy.
Do i really need to explain what Nissy is? Nissy is my japanese Jung Min just like AAA are my japanese SS501. He's my angel at least in this moment of my life (and i hope he'll remain like that in the future).
Because the truth is the reason why i've been loving Nissy for 6 months but i'm falling for AAA only now is that i'm having some thoughts and AAA can make me temporarily forget about that.
You should see the way they are on stage. The happiness they spread. The complicity they share. The commitment they pour into every gesture.
It's like they're there to make you have fun, to make you happy. And they don't even need to try too hard to make it.

I have no idea if i'll change my mind as i know them better. Likely. But this is why i love them now and though i don't know if my impression matches reality, that's my first impression. And i'm glad it was this good because i needed it.
I just wanted to make it clear.

This was Menu ah from Japan.
Thanks for reading. \o/ And if you're wondering, no. It's not gonna end any soon. Hopefully you'll endure this because it makes me happy.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

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