Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Dream High: another emotional (spoiler-free) entry

I honestly think i should stop writing entries about tv-shows, because explaining why you like a program when your readers don't know what that is about is like trying to explain why water is water.
Nevertheless, i'm gonna try anyway.

Dream High is the most carefree k-drama i've ever seen. You know, your heart aches at least once during an asian show. Like, really aches. Looking back now, this never happened during Dream High.
Oh, i cried. 
Buckets of buckets.
But it was more because of satisfaction, happiness, sympathy.
Dream High is inspiring. Every character is.
Hye Mi, the cold girl who becomes everyone's friend and aware of her selfish past.
Jin Gook and his strength to let go or to put others' sake before his own.
Baek Hee. That bitch! Like, a real one. More than anyone. I really wanted to strangle or drop a pot on her head. >.< But through it all she's just the girl who went to hell and came back by herself.
Jason, the guy who learns what it means being part of a team and not always dancing alone.
Pil Sukie!!! Who's more inspiring than Sushi Girl? The girl who puts herself through something she wouldn't need, if not for the sake to reach something that makes her even happier.
SONG.SAM.DONG.BB! ;_________; (Give me a minute because i still need to realise he's not in my life anymore. *sobs*) Sam Dong ah is the personification of inspiration. The country boy who gets to live the dream and taught people to face no matter what challenge and unfairness with a smile and a determined heart. We're all that country boy. No matter what we dream. We need to believe we all get the same chances in life.
And finally my beloved admired sure missed Kang sonsaeng-nim! \o/ A funnier and korean version of Mr Keats in Dead Poets Society. Who has never wished for a teacher like him? Someone who will push you, despite or just because of your will to give up or your hopelessness. Someone who believes there's always a way as long as you deserve it. And above all someone who doesn't make you pay for his dissatisfaction or his missed goals. Because i suppose he still loves the life he's living.
But apart from this, Dream High is hilarious, too. Yang sonsaeng-nim. You only need this name.
This show is about growing up and fighting. It's about loyalty and the inevitabileness of life, that sometimes breaks you down or breaks you up. And putting yourself back together is exclusively up to you.
It's about believing life isn't still, but it won't move without your shake.
It's about youth and of course dreams.
I got attached to this world much more than i realised, because the ending actually touched me more than i was expecting.
And yet it was perfect. Until the last second.
And there's probably no better way for me to end this entry, if not by quoting my loved and hated and then loved again Jin Gook ah:

"In this world there's no such thing as a foolish dream."

Because as lame and cheesy as it may sound, i'm cynical enough to believe this world nowadays kills dreams. And that is just wrong.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

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