Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



Ok, so. I have NO idea what i'm supposed to say here. Like, no clue. Not even the slightest. I haven't prepared anything.
I can tell you it's #501PJMDay's fault. Not inspiring at all. So....I'm going to figure something out.
So...Uhm...Jung Min. Jung Min Jung Min Jung Min. Jung Min. Guess what? It's his birthday. Did you know? Yes, it is. Chuka patty!! 
Look, i wrote 300 tweets last year. And my idea of Jung Min hasn't changed so whatever i say, it's gonna be lame. 
Like, that i love his courage. That he helped me more than any other idol. That HE COMMUNICATES WITH ALIENS!!! 
Note to self: schedule a spam on Tumblr for the next birthday. I don't need to say anything if i do that. OTL 
Oh yeah. Last year i was obsessed with Minho around this time. Why am i always obsessed with someone who's not him on his bday? 
First one who says i'm a slut is gonna die. *judging you* 
Oh and i wrote "Saengie and i are merely in a platonic relationship"....Uhm....

YS: Do you want me to help you with the session? 
MENU:............What do i risk if i say yes? 
YS:.....Whatever. =.= 
MENU: Ani ani...okay. I mean, i don't have much choice. It's u or the void. 
YS: I'm touched. 
MENU: You're welcome. 
YS: So can i start?
MENU: Start what? 
YS: Contributing.
MENU: Now i'm scared. 
YS: You should be. 
MENU:.....I'll call Ji Yong ah. Brb.....Oh look! Simoncelli is trending! I know him! 
YS: I am disappointed. Jung Min gets so much attention that you even "paused" him. And i'm just sitting here like...nothing. 
MENU: So now you're mad 'cause i was mad at him? 
YS: You should pause me, too! 
MENU: Been trying to do that for one year. =.= 
YS: What? How dare you trying to pause me? 
MENU:......No, Saengie ah. Keep this about Jung Min. I'm tired. 
YS: How dare you? 
MENU: Look! You said i should pause you! 
YS: That's different! I was giving you permission! 
MENU: *facepalm* Saengie ah! Say it with me. Park Jung Min. Focus. This is about him. Don't be such a diva. 
YS: Well, then. Park Jung Min is a family ruiner. 
MENU: Whose family?
YS: .......Don't make me hit you. 
MENU: We're not a family. 
YS: :O 
MENU: We're not!
YS: :O 
MENU: No kids. No family. Technically we're not a family. We're just...accidentally married.
YS: FU! 
MENU: YA! >.< I wonder how people still consider you Professor Heo and all that bunch of crap! 
YS: Because i am! 
MENU: Doesn't seem like it! 
YS: I'm like this only to you because you're a pain in the ass! You and Jung Thing and Shishi and everyone else! 
YS: Don't talk about Shishi! It's Jung Min's birthday! >.< 
YS: No wonder we're married! 
JH: I bet Jung Min hyung wouldn't be happy to see you fighting over someone he doesn't even know, while you should talk abt him. 
YS: Jong Hoon ah, go play w Barbies. 
JH: Ya! I'm one year older now! I deserve some respect! 
YS: Then go play with Barbies, please. 

Ok, what was i saying? Mom started talking to me and i lost it. XD 
Oh oh oh! Is it me or #501PJMDay  isn't trending??? XDDD Ok, sorry. But this proves that you should listen to me more often.
"When you say JungMin you say foot, after all. XD" LOL Last year's session made no sense. XDD 
My mom just informed me we're at my aunt's on Easter. Excuse me while i go and die in a corner. Happy bday, Jung Min ah. =.= 
I remember i was so pissed last year when the tag didn't make it to the top. XD And now i'm here like 'told you!' 
And i wanna grab the chance to say that i'm sorry if i upset you while i was grudging against Jung Min. 
But well, trust me. It's better that i got mad at him instead of you. And if you took it personally then sucks for you. 
I have a reason why i'm being so mean. So, for you. 

MENU: *stares at the void*
YS: *pokes* *pokes pokes*
GD: Should we be worried? 
YS: Are you kidding? For once she's shutting up. 
MENU: I'm lame. Not deaf. *looks at them*
GD: Hyung, look at those eyes! 
YS: Run at the count of three... 
MENU: Oh, shut up! =.= I'm trying to be witty here... 
JH: You can say something about Jung Min's naked pics. 
MENU: Thanks but i think i made my point clear. 
YS: And what do you think you're doing, making her talk about naked Jung Min? Ya! 
JH: *merong* 
YS: Damn brat... 
GD: He got worse... 
MENU: *kicks air* You're completely useless. All of you. 
*puzzled stares*
YS: Look, just because you suck you don't have to blame us. 
MENU: Every word you say makes my lameness lamer. *stands up and leaves*
YS&GD: *blink blink* 
*guitar sound*
GD: Jong Hoon ah, why aren't you blinking? 
JH: I didn't say anything. I don't feel myself involved. And Menu loves me. 
YS: What happened to "Young Saeng hyung is an asshole"? 
JH: Well, that's a fact. Menu ssi or not. 
YS: You, jinja... 
GD: Hyung! 
YS: What? 
GD: Menu ah left and didn't log out. 
GD: Exactly! :O 
YS: Let's embarrass her!..No, wait. Too late for that. Let's tweet to Jung Min ah and say bad things!! 
GD: But he probably won't read fans' mentions.. 
YS: Ah, right...Damn...Let's use my account, then!!!! 
GD: .....But then he'll think it's you and not Menu. 
YS: Aish...You're a smart kid.
GD: I know.
YS: Then tweet him from Menu's account and retweet from mine!!!
GD: :O Hyung, my respect for you just reached the outer space! 
JH: You know what it would be smarter? 
YS: You shutting up? 
JH: You stopping leaving evidence in her account. 
GD: *looks at YS* 
YS: *looks at GD* 
GD: Told u he's smart. 
YS: Shoot, delete delete delete!!!!! Omg why do we speak so much? 
GD: It's because you're all squishy with Menu ah! She infected you! *shakes YS* GIVE ME BACK MY HYUNG!!!! 
YS: Menu ah made me more violent too, so stop shaking me and delete this stuff!!! 
MENU: Delete what? 
YS: Bad stuff we said about Menu! Menu, shut up and let us work! 
MENU: *taps foot on the ground*
*guitar sound* 
YS: Uh oh. 
GD: Run at the count of 3?
YS: Is she behind us? 
GD: Probably, but so what? She's not a fast runner. 
YS: Neither am i. 
GD: Well, then you're screwed. 
YS: What about brotherhood? 
GD: You're not big bang. I ain't SS. 
YS: Since when? 
GD: Our debut. 
MENU: Are you gonna keeping this going for long? 
YS: Depends on how hard you're gonna hit us. 
MENU: What did you write? 
YS: Menu ah, i love you. 
MENU: Jong Hoon ssi, what did they say? 
JH: They wanted to... 
GD: HYUNG! GET HIM NOW!! *jumps on bed&buries JH* 
JH: ....tweet Jung Min. 
GD: *from over JH* How can you still speak? 
JH: Hyung, you're thinner than me. You ain't enough to bury me. 
GD: What abt Saengie? 
YS: Saengie is in trouble....ouch, Menu ah! Let my ear go! 
MENU: Thank Shisus it's not your hair. 
GD: Hyung, wae didn't you jump? 
YS: I'm not scheduled to do physical exercise without a  weeks notice. 
MENU: You are all a bunch of brats. 
JH: What did i do? 
MENU: Ok, minus Jong Hoon ssi. 
YS: WHY MINUS JONG HOON SSI??...Ouchouchouchouch..Ok, minus Jong Hoon ssi. 
GD: You're biased, Menu ah. 
YS: And you know that now?...Ouchouchouchouch. 
GD: Jong Hoon ah, you should side with us. After one year, you should. 
JH: You just tried to make smashed potatoes out of me. Side what? And u've been scaring my guitar lately. My vision of u changed. 
YS: Well, at least he can pour out his frustration. 
MENU:....Frustration for what? 
YS:.....For.......loving you so much it hurts. 
MENU: *lets ears go* Well, thank you very much. Now the session is almost over&i've wasted time with you. 
YS: It's not our fault you left in frustration. 
MENU: *glares* 
YS: *covers ears* 
GD: So we're all frustrated in this house? 
JH: I know i am. 
YS: Yeah, we noticed when you started acting like a jealous bitch. 
GD: But it's something we have in common. 
MENU: Since when are you so positive, Ji Yong ah? 
GD: Since hyung's ears are the same color of Mars' ground. 
YS: *covers ears* 
MENU: Mian, Saengie ah. *stretches hand*
YS: Get away from me..and my ears. 
MENU: I...wanted to ruffle your hair. 
YS: Or pull it. 
MENU: can never appreciate when i want to be good. Nevermind. Get out. Let me finish this nonexistent session. Ka! 
YS: Menu ah.. 
MENU: KA! You missed the chance. Now i'm back to be mean, again. KA! 
YS: Eesh.. 
GD: I'll call you the eesh couple. 
MENU: Nodo ka! 
GD: Nodo smell!!! 
JH: *waits for them to be gone* Menu ah, that was fun though. 
MENU: As long as they don't know. *high five*  

@JungMin0403 Jung Min ssi! Me again! XD No idea how good your english is, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you had a blast! I'll keep saying it until the day you read: i'll be forever thankful for all the amazing things you've done for me! 화이팅 화이팅 야 야 야!!! 생일축하합니다! Love ya, love ya love ya!!!! 

[And if you allow me: I TOLD YOU!!!! The tag didn't trend. I TOLD YOU!!!!!]

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