Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


SAENGIE&MENU: one year together

Yeah, i suppose the picture is cheesy and all, but it's perfect for the content of this post, so...Allow me. XD

.......*tortures fingers* Why does it feel like the end of We Got Married, here?
YS: Because we're a couple and we're ending?
MENU: We're not ending. Who said we're ending?
YS: Aren't you stopping this?
MENU: How does that mean we're ending?
YS: Aren't you releasing me?
MENU: I haven't the slightest intention. Can you shut up now?
YS: Can i go to unpack?
MENU: .....Did you pack? >.>
YS: Omo...No! I mean...just for fun! If you let me unpack it'll be just like nothing ever happened.
MENU: No, sit here. It's important that you're here, too.
So, let's make this the right way.
If you read my tumblelog you know why i'm doing this very stupid thing. But i'll say it again for those who missed it.
It's not because i don't have fun anymore. It's not because i don't love the brat anymore...
YS:  Ya! At least the last time...can you use my name? =.=
You're right, sorry.
It's not because i love Young Shimi less.
YS: I hate you, Menu ah...=.=
It's not because i don't think of Saengie ah whatever i do.
It's simply because the shortest jokes are the best. And my joke turns one year today, so it's not exactly short.
You know, when i started, everything was witty and entertaining and satisfying for me and original for you and short
In the last few months it wasn't like that anymore.
I can't even start saying how much this roleplaying helped me.
It connected me to almost all of you and it was our jolly when we didn't know what to say. It was my secret card to tell you things i would feel awkward saying myself and you often used it to cheer me up.
I love Young Saeng the way i do because of this roleplaying. Because i thought i was making up my own Saengie, when in the end mine and the real one have so much in common. (I will never forget his tok tok conversation with fans. XD)
I went through the World Cup and my vacation with him.
I kept myself busy with him when i was sick.
I started writing again because of him (in case you read my LJ untitled story, Sam's character was based on Saengie ah).
I felt less lonely by roleplaying, when i was on the train by myself or when i had that absurd family weekend in October.
What's more, when i was "only" a Jungminiac (only as in "i had no other bias"...I know...But believe me, i was faithful and focused on one guy for a brief intense phase of my life) i didn't get how you could be okay with your idol getting engaged. Saengie taught me this, too. Through the whole wedding/meatball kids thing i gave myself a way to see the bright side when he'll be an ahjussi with little Saengies around and a random lucky in-need-to-run-for-her-life woman beside him.
I won't lie. It makes me proud when people write me to ask me what i think about Saengie's latest picture/video/message.
When he wrote that cryptic/pseudo-suicidal message when DSP contract expired, someone asked me what it meant. And i could never forget that innocent soul who asked me if i actually was Saengie's girlfriend. Though she unfollowed me after i answered. Rude. I'm cool even without Saengie ah, you know? XD
People know me as Saengie's Menu. And that is awesome. Whether it's because i made my story enter your heart or because you want to flatter me or second my slightly conceited nature.
I won't allow you to replace me. You can't just go and pick another roleplayer. I'm not leaving, so be careful because if i find out you replaced me you're all dead.
I'm sure i will still feel the actual need to roleplay, when SS501 comes back or when i'm sick or lonely or miserable. I just can't assure you when that will happen.
I don't know if you'll wait for my tweets like you wait for idols' tweets, but that's pretty much it: it will come when it will come.
YS: Cool, are you done?
I have to thank you all though.
YS: I guess not...
Some of you kept my baby going longer than i could have done myself.
YS: You could answer, though...>.>
Cal for sending the brat in the first place; Mai AND Cal for taking him away so often because without their efforts my first chapters wouldn't even have seen the light; Steph for helping them at first and siding with me later, when Kyu became the thief and the booty; Angela for being the most hardcore fan and for shipping this couple as much as she does (Sorry. I won't tell you in details. She knows what i mean, but i should keep this for myself. For my own sake and reputation.)
All the Eternal Smiles who enjoyed the story and also those who wanted to beat the shit out of me because they were too jealous and immature to bear it. You all made me want to roleplay more, so thanks. XD
YS: *cough*
Those who accidentally read and liked it.
YS: *cough*
Min and Shu for trying to turn this into a comic, whether she'll do this or not. But at least they offered.
YS: *cough cough*
Ji Yong ah for cooling the atmosphere down and Jong Hoon ah for letting us all live and for keeping living with us. We would miss you, Jong Hoon ssi!!!
Saengie ah, are you sick?
YS: *stares*
*stares back* What?
YS: *cough*
Ji Yong ah! Bring the cough mixture!!
GD: Get it yourself!
YS: I'm not sick...
Are you sure? It doesn't seem like it...
YS: *points at himself*
What now?
YS: *points at himself with both hands*
Thank you. But why?
YS: Give me the laptop...And last but totally not the least, Young Saeng ssi!!
No, scratch that. I would never call you like that. Not even on paper. You know that.
YS: *sighs* For never running away...uhm...for never running away as less as possible, despite his gnawing wish. For his support, his company, the fun he brought into my life...
Aren't you overdoing?
YS: His patience, his love and the fact i'm still alive.
You write a lot of crap for being an imaginary lazy ass. Give me my computer back.
YS: Well, this is my story, too. I had to make my contribution.
YS: And if you delete that we're done.
YS: What now? o.O *slides sideways*
I'm gonna miss hearing that. ;_;
YS: I'll record it and we'll use it as alarm tone. I'll surely wake up more easily. XD
*stares at screen* I'm not sure i wanna do this anymore.
YS: Ah, no! Be consistent, Menu ah! Hwaiting! \o/'re right...;_;
YS: Yup! And you thanked everyone already. And you made me waste my energy to write my part.
Nobody asked you...But yeah...i get it. ;_;
JH: So are you done breaking up?
YS: We're not breaking up, Jong Hoon ah. Gtfo!
Saengie ah...Come on...
JH: ....You know, roleplaying or not i still don't like you.
YS: Don't make Hong Ki choose.
Oh! It's Hong Ki's birthday btw! \o/
JH: He'd choose me. I have a guitar. Our group is nothing without my guitar. And he's nothing without our group.
YS: Well, i have...i have...Hold on. I have...
YS: YEAH! I have handcufss!...Wait, what? =.=
Well, handcuffs were like a secondary character. We had to mention them.....Nevermind, though. I need to finish this. Can't take care of you brats right now.
YS, JH and GD: So we need to pack? :O
GD:....Hyung, i thought you said we didn't need to.
YS: *narrows eyes*.....*turns to Menu ah* Can i sign, too?
*suspicious stare*
YS: I swear, i'll be good. *sighs*
Uhm...ok...*passes laptop* *grabs sleeve*
YS: What are you doing?
I'll let you go after i checked your signature isn't an insult.
YS: *stares at GD and Jong Hoon*
GD and JH: *stares back*
GD: Yeah, i know. It's good that we're not leaving you alone. 
JH: Despite you wanted to get rid of us in July. U.U
YS: Well, she looked at least partly sane back then. Mian.
GD: She never looked sane to me.
I'm here, you know. =.=
YS: Menu ah, when are you gonna trust me? Let me go.
Oh, i trust you. But i know you. Come on, sign. I'm losing feeling in my fingers.
YS: *writes* *passes laptop back* Done...........What are you doing now? Why are you covering your eyes?
Can i look now?
YS: I never said you couldn't.
Well, you should have. You suck at making events.
YS: This isn't an event. And can you please look at me instead of letting me talk to your hand?
GD: Talk to the hand!
JH: 'Cause face ain't listening! \o/
YS&Menu: '=.=
Ok, sorry. So i'm gonna read.
YS: Yup.
Oh, it's in hangul.
YS: Since you're so lazy that you haven't opened your book for two weeks. 
Ok, then...Uhm...사랑해, 매누 아!..............;___________; Saengie ah...
YS: What?
JH: I'm gonna throw up...*leaves*
It says saranghae Menu ah. ;_____;
YS: No, it doesn't. Does it? *checks laptop* Aish, Menu ah. You really suck at hangul. How are you gonna survive in South Korea?
GD: Hyung, be responsible for your own actions. 
YS: I've learned that being responsible for kind actions to menu ah has more negative sides than bright ones.
SAENGIE AH!!!!! *hugs and cries*
YS: Like this. >.> 
GD: Ya, Menu ssi! Let's see yourself as the Adam Couple. Over but not over.
JH: They're shooting All My Love. Menu ssi and Young Saeng hyung aren't working together.
GD: *stares at Jong Hoon* When are you gonna give up?
JH: I need a girl, hyung.
GD: I'll tell Youngbae. *pats back*
YS: Menu ah...*pushes face* Aish, i should have written in arabic.


Well, this is ass long. Literally. And it's not even over. Because i still have a few cuts i collected during the month. Just a few though. So endure this.

MENU: Saengie ah, can't you speak? 
MENU: Oy? 
MENU: *hits with book* 
MENU: Sorry, i was worried.

YS: What...did i do?
YS:.....Ok, tell me if i need to run. I need to stand up first.
YS: Why do you think i didn't tell you i liked it?
MENU: *hits him w book*

MENU: Saengie ah. *collapses on couch&leans head on his shoulder* 
YS: What do you need?
MENU: I need to die. 
YS: Are you hungry?
MENU: I'm upset. I'm tired of stupid people. 
YS: I asked you to kick Ji Yong and Jong Hoon out a long time ago. 
MENU:......Not them. =.= 
YS: Then who?....Me?
MENU: Ani. *straightens up* I mean, why does everyone assume i'm a sort of factotum? Wae? >.< I'm not a factotum. 
YS: Right. You're a facnotum.
MENU: Ya, i came with the best intentions.I'm looking for some support here. Don't make me hit you. 
YS: Sorry.
MENU: Can we postpone this thing? 
YS: No.
MENU: You call this support? 
YS: I call this reminding you that friend will be gone for a long time. And you'll regret it if you don't go.
MENU: Gnegne. Always being reasonable when i'm not asking you to be. 
YS: If you want my support, i can stay home and you can pretend you stayed home too.
MENU: That's....the stupidest thing you've ever said in one year. How is that supportive? 
YS: Your heart is where i am, right?
MENU: *hits w book&leaves*

YS: *walks in*
MENU: Such a useless day.
YS:....*looks around* Here, Jong Hoon ah! Chocolate. *leaves*


Well, through it all i'm glad it ends like this.
Now excuse me while i go and die for the third time in less than a month.

Love Ya,
Menu ah

1 commento:

Steph ha detto...

I wanna cry..

and to imagine this all started with a handcuffed guy in a basement. XD

but like you said, it's not the end *right? right?! ;___;* ..I'm not gonna turn this into a cheesy comment..=,=

your artery will come back, if not then I'll send Saengie to go and fetch it since he'll be lonely not fighting with you..

and since you made all those thankyus and sad goodbye-like sentences... Imma hug Saengie ah *hugs* *Why me? o.O ..hug her..she's the one saying goodbye* but..but..I don't wanna cause she's making me sad rn..=,= *then hug Kyu* he's not here. *stop hugging, you're choking me!* I...I... asdfghjkl@#$$^#!!! ;;__________;; *what the... Menu-ssi, take care of your insane friend here!* I love you both ;_________; *o.O ..sigh*