Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


SAENGIE&MENU: 11 Months Together


Q: The greatest thing I've done for a girl i love is? YS: Got cheated 5 times but turned a blind eye...
MENU: *runs and hides* XDDDDD That's a lie though. There aren't 5 men i'd actually cheat on you with. They're like...3.
YS: So you're lying to the rest of them? And anyway there shouldn't be any guy. 3, 5. It doesn't matter.
MENU: Well, now you're asking for too much.

Q: I am not dating... reason is? YS: Despite me crazily being nice,, but seems like girls prefer bad boys more!!!..
MENU: This again? Not true.
YS: And. I have a crazy fake wife who would kill me and the poor girl she caught me with.
MENU: Well, clearly.

Q: What is your method of dealing with girls? YS: Pretending to be indifferent!!
MENU:.....Too much, Saengie ah.
YS: I'm indifferent. *whistles*

Q: The reason why i don't have a girlfriend now is because?
MENU: YS: I did all that I've done!!
YS:......The cat sleeps in your room.
MENU: The neighbor's cat. >.<

Q: Gift which I want to receive and give for Valentine's Day is? YS: I want to receive a car and give my heart.
MENU:...Give your heart to the car?
YS: What?
MENU: Receive a car and give your heart. To the car?
YS: Those are 2 separate things. =.=
MENU: The heart&the car?
YS: Menu ah. >.<
MENU: Well, i can take your heart but forget about the car. I don't have money.
YS: Reasons why i should dump you.
MENU: What?
YS: Nothing.


MENU: So Saengie ah is a marshmallow. Good to know. XD
YS: So now we’re having meatball kids and marshmallow kids? Does that make them…meatmallow kids? Or marshballs? No, i prefer meatmallow. What do you think?
MENU: =.=

YS: Menu ah.....
YS: I prefered when tumblr kidnapped you. *covers ears w pillow*
GD: Guys, you know that song says "make a love baby"? *giggles*
YS: O.o Menu ah.
MENU: It also says "feeling in my hole". So what? =_=

MENU: So. I had a tiny little almost invisible but real spider in my hair.
YS: Ji Yong ah. *shakes* Switch bed w me. Please.
GD: Eh. You married her. You put up with this.
YS: But it's a spider!
GD: But it's Menu ah!

MENU: Gonna clean my desktop. OTL And then editing an icon for It's a TS thing. Fighting!
YS: HA! You'll give up the moment you see your desktop.
MENU: Ok, 1) you should be more supportive. 2011 resolution. And 2) The moment i see my desktop i'll see Jung Min ah. So i'll totally go on.
YS: Ya. Since when Jung Min's back on your desktop? >.< What happened to Hyunseung ssi?
MENU:......Uhm.....Hey Saengie ah! Look! Flying Kyu! *runs*

MENU: Saengie ah. I have a question. What's more important to you? Birthdays or anniversaries?
YS: Depends. Do i earn something from that?
MENU: Ya..I'm serious.
YS: Wo! Can you do that?
MENU: *hits w book*
YS: Ok ok..why?
MENU: Because i just realised Kyu's bday&our 7th anniversary are on the same day.
YS: Ooooh...You mean KYU's bday vs OUR anniversary. Well, don't you know the answer yourself? ^^
MENU: It's....Kyu. =.=
YS: Good Menu ah! *pats head*
MENU: Why do i even ask, i wonder? *leaves*
YS: So can we have a party for him?
MENU: Kyu has a family. Stop bothering him.
YS: Did Steph prepare anything?
MENU: If she hasn't i'll force her too. And i'll tell her to have our invitation lost.
YS: Eesh...It was better when you didn't talk to me.
MENU: It was better when you weren't on a diet. At least you stuffed your mouth&life was quiet. =.=
YS: What quiet? We have Ji Yong ah?

MENU: Saengie ah, kill me.
YS: Menu ah, andwe. I need you.
MENU: No no. Kill me.
YS: Oh come on. Think about our concert. If you don't tutor you won't go.
MENU: Is that supposed to help me?
YS: Idk. Does it help?
MENU: Not really. It makes me feel hopeless.
YS: Well, if it doesn't help, it's honest at least.

MENU: SAENGIE AH! *pulls shirt* YOU'RE ON ALLKPOP!!!!! :O
YS: Menu ah, you hate allkpop.
MENU: Who cares? You're on allkpop! It's popular! You're popular!
YS: Excuse me. I've always been popular.
MENU: How? You never speak.
YS: Then how do you know me?
MENU: Cal sent you.
YS:.....Go back to tumblr!

MENU: Peanut butter. I miss peanut butter. I want peanut butter. That awkward moment when u want peanut butter. Saengie ah! Y U NO peanut butter?

/after getting some lyrics wrong/
MENU:'s hope. Not one. *facepalm* Why did i write one?
YS: Because you're stupid?
MENU: -.- Judging you, Saengie ah. And omg. I need to eat.

MENU: So, let's count. People say counting helps falling asleep. Never worked for me, but anyway...One idol....two idols....three idols.........Shoot. That's all i have. Uhm....One Menu ah.....
YS: Menu ah, fall asleep or see what happens.
MENU: I'm sorry. I'm trying.
YS: Do you want me to hit you? That might work.
MENU: Go back to sleep.
YS: I would if you stopped counting us.
MENU: Then i'll hit you so you can sleep.
GD: How abt i hit you both?

MENU: So. Suju. Let's see what i've learned from tumbr. Shisus...Leeteuk...Heenim *insert fluffy blue jacket gif* Ryeowook...Kyu...
YS: Where????
MENU: =_=

MENU: Imma re-read my blog as usual and see if i can find something with a sense.
YS: Menu ah, sense&u can't coexist.
MENU: Uhm...true.
YS: Wah, she must be in a good mood if she's not insulting me.
MENU: Douche, check Ji Yong ah's temperature while i finish this.

MENU: How am i one of the oldest but i get no respect? =.=
YS: You're a slut.
MENU: Well, guess whose?

MENU: So...y..yah...Tumblr is dead. Twitter is dead. Uhm...Saengie ah?
YS: *pretends to be dead*
MENU: *kicks* Ya! =.= You were moving until 3 seconds ago.
YS: Optical illusion. *shrinks eyes*
MENU: How can you speak if you're dead?
YS: Uhm...ear illusion. Or you're crazy.
MENU:.....I'm bored.
YS: Watch a movie.
MENU: Don't have enough time.
YS: Have breakfast?
MENU: Done already.
YS: Then study.
MENU: Eeeh...
YS: It's not that you're bored. You're useless.
MENU: Ah, btw. Don't ever ever wear those pants again. I mean seriously. Dots? /Japan fanmeeting outfit i think/
YS: Leave my dots alone. What do you have against dots?
MENU: They're hideous?
YS: They're not!
MENU: Under that beige jacket, yes. They were.
YS: Then blame the jacket. Not the dots.
MENU: I don't blame the jacket or the dots. I blame you for dressing like that.
YS: I don't pick my clothes when i have to appear in public.
MENU: But you could say 'i'm not wearing that crap'.
YS: Don't say crap, Menu ah...
MENU: And do you know what happens today?
YS: Yep, of course. \o/
MENU: *_* For real?
YS: Sure. Kyu's bday in a month!!!! \o/
YS:...Menu ah?...Menu ah, odi? What did i do this time?
JH: Same thing you do every month. Or week. Or day. Or whenever you open your eyes and mouth.
YS: Stfu, Jong Hoon ah. Don't wear yourself out.

MENU: HA! A pic of HongKi&Kyu!
YS: YA! JONG HOON AH! Get your mate away from mine! >.<
MENU: *takes JH's guitar and hits Saengie ah*
YS:...o.O Menu ah.

MENU: You know, the smell of coffee in the morning makes my days seem better. ^^
YS: Uh! Sweet!
MENU: Shut up. I'm mad at you. >.<
YS: Well, when aren't u?
JH:......*looks away from guitar* Why does that make sense?
MENU: *glare*
JH: I mean...ANNYEONG NAE saaarang saaarang saaarang...

MENU: Saengie ah, we're celebrating 11 months together in 2 days. I demand a gift.
YS: You always demand a gift.
MENU: But my brother got a phone for his first month...sary?!!
YS: Not from me.
MENU: But he's been with that...person for barely a month and he told me he wants to dump her already.
YS: Let me dump you, then.
MENU: What?
YS: Let me dump you, i'll buy you a phone. And a laptop. Since yours has one foot in the grave.
MENU: Ya...=.= If it dies i'll kill you.
YS: That's my deal.
MENU: I don't want you to dump me. Let's hit one year together at least. At this point it's worth it.
YS: Ok, then 'til March.
MENU: You can't dump me later, either.
YS:...Then i'm confused.
MENU: Nevermind. It's just...not fair. He's w an insane girl for one month. Gets a phone. I've been trying not to strangle you for 11 months and succeeded. I get nothing.
YS: Well, me neither....and no, ur love doesn't count as reward.

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