Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Let me tell you about Secret Garden

Guys, seriously. I can't live knowing some of you have never watched Secret Garden.
For your own sake, you should give up on your precious lives for a couple of days and give you an amazing gift.
Because this drama is officially my favorite after Coffee Prince and Boys Over Flowers. Which are, for those who don't know me well, the only two dramas i've ever recommended in my life.
Though i watched many many other shows, they all disappointed me somehow. Some were awesome and left me speechless or in rage at the end, some were awesome but not enough. Playful Kiss and You're Beautiful are possibly the only two dramas i miss from time to time except Coffee Prince and BOF.
This is how amazing Secret Garden is.
And i started watching it almost accidentally. Because i needed to distract myself while waiting for the new episodes of Dream High. And i even felt sorry because i didn't want to cheat on Sam Dong bb.

Anyway...reasons why i love Secret Garden.

  • It's unexpected. Every character does exactly the last thing you expect them to do. If you've watched dramas for 12 months non-stop, you start believing everyone acts the same way. You know, there's always the bad guy who refuses to fall in love and the simple humble poor troubled girl who stumbles into him. And then there's this other guy who loves her so much that he'll eventually let her go and the bitch who wants the first guy so badly that he'd even sell her butt in order to get what she wants. Secret Garden is different. I swear, i haven't really hated anyone and i didn't get that 'Omg i can't wait for another episode! I need to know if *random character* is gonna screw up!' sort of feeling. Except when Joo Won's mom was in the frame. If you believed Goo Jun Pyo's mother was unbearable..tsk. This is worse. And i'm not just saying.
  • It's surreal. You all know they switch bodies at some point, right? That's the originality of the drama. And though it may just seem like a useless detail, there to make the show different from any other romance..well, it's not just like that.
  • It's real. At the same time it's real. Especially the ending. It's not a complete happy ending and that's what life is like, too. Right?
  • The writer is a genius and must be a long lost relative of J.K. Rowling. You'll get to one point of the show and you'll literally go :O Because everything will suddenly makes sense. What seemed like an irrelevant detail at first, will be the key to the meaning of the whole story. Don't stop watching because you feel like all is confusing. Trust me. That's all part of the game.
  • Uri Joo Wonie. You've never met such a cheeky character. He's the most hilarious leading role ever and probably the sweetest and most stubborn and smartest one. You're gonna miss his screams. I know you are. He believes there's nothing over him and i believe this is partly the reason why he always ends up doing the right thing (from a viewer's point of view). But he's also human. In a heartbreaking heart-melting way. Not to mention the way he handles things at the end, let me tell you...Or better, let me quote myself. It's the highest level of romanticism a human being could ever dream of.
  • Gil Ra Im. The coolest toughest girl in South Korea. She's the classic kdrama female leading role for so many reasons. She's loved and caring. She's tender and hardworking. She has few precious friends and a difficult life, but she shakes it off with a bright smile that mesmerizes all those she meets in the streets. But for once she doesn't give in. She doesn't submit to whatsoever unfairness. And she stands up for herself. 
  • Oska oppa! Omg. The hugest douche ever! XD In a good way. The supposed to be "other guy" who's not really the other guy. A conceited spoilt nice thoughtful hallyu star. I don't know what i'd have done without him around. Even thinking of his smile and care and yell makes me want to laugh. He's probably the one i'm gonna miss the most.
  • Yoon Seul. She's the bitch. And she really is a bitch. But she doesn't bother you. And i ended up loving her as much as i love the others, in the end. More than a bitch she's that woman who knows who she is and what she wants and will get it eventually. But at the same time she's simply a woman. So she holds grudges and she endures a love pain she can't let go. But she's probably the woman all of us want to be deep down.
  • TAE SUN SSI!!! ;_; That amazing stunning sweet cynical young man that will make you want to erase the sadness in his eyes. I swear, my day brightened up when i saw him on the screen. I can't really say anything about him without revealing part of the plot. But you're gonna miss him even before the ending.
  • Director Im. He's another other guy. Let's say Oska is Jeremy and he's Shin Woo. Just better. Almost like Ji Hoo, but less unlucky. Again, he won't bug you. And his scenes with Joo Won are the best ones. You don't notice him much at first, but you'll be proud of him in the end. And he won't make you feel sorry for him when you hear him speaking english.
  • Secretary Kim. Omg, Secretary Kim. One reason to love him: his voice and expressions. He's just a secretary. But he's hilarious as hell. And i'm saying hilarious 'cause there isn't a word to express how much this man made me laugh. I keep searching. In every language i studied. There just isn't a word. He's Secretary Kim. 
  • Ah Young ah. Ra Im's best friend. Enough said. Living in her own world most of the time. Childish and cute. The complete opposite of Ra Im, now that i think about it. But those are the best couples, in my opinion. 
But the reason why i love Secret Garden the most is that the more you watch the more you realise it's all about destiny. If their lives didn't go the way they went, they wouldn't meet. Despite how hard it was, it was all worth it. But if they're soulmates then it means if their lives were different and they didn't meet, then they would never fall in love? Or they had to live a love that's not the best they could aim for?
You'll understand when and if you watch the drama. I can't say anything else or i'll give you spoilers.
But yes. In the end it was fate.
And i'm a huge fan of fate.
Basically, this is just the perfect drama for me. Touching, involving, funny, sweet but not too troublesome. And i'm writing this post for your own good. Because in a few months everyone is gonna talk about Secret Garden, giving for granted that you know what they're talking about. Like we do with BOF. Who doesn't know what's BOF? You seriously don't want to be left behind.

And now i'm gonna watch the specials and then i'll sit in a corner and cry my heart out.

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