Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Persona in Seoul Encore - Pre and post thoughts

This is a diary and i've been waiting for this dvd for one year. And though most of you might have read all of this on Tumblr last night, i want to gather all my thoughts and put them in the same place. Because finally watching this concert was hella awesome.
Therefore...if you backtracked my Tumblelog already, you don't need to read this.
If you haven't, this was me watching Persona in Seoul about 20 hours ago.

THIS WAS LIKE THE BEST DAY OF 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was there, watching Koizora with my bff. When my mom threw me a grey package from across the living room.
I strangely caught it in midair!!! Like a ninja! \o/
I ran to cut it open! There were THREE sheets of plastic!! My mom stared at me the whole time like
But i wasn’t sure it was the dvd or the calendar so i was all OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!
Then i finally unwrapped it and i jumped like 7 times!!!!!!
I wanted to hug my mom but that would have been weird. ;_;
Then i turned to my bff and asked her ‘Can we watch this?….After the movie!’
And she agreed but i bet she wished she was somewhere else in that moment.
And anyway we didn’t have time so we only watched a few performances. Imma watch it after dinner.
Everything else was awesome but suddenly not relevant.
  • Koizora. ;_; I don’t know how i didn’t cry. I had a lump in my throat, as huge as my bedroom. Such an awesome movie. So glad i finally watched it. But not even 6 years of Nicholas Sparks could prepare me for this.
  • A whole day with my bff. We discussed why Jung Min and Saengie ah are both my biases. \o/ And i updated her about my brother’s gf and friend. We had our tea. We always drink tea when we’re together. Well, it was a day with my bff. Enough said.
  • And nothing else. Just
My chin is bleeding right now but i don’t care. ‘Cause i finally have my Persona in Seoul Encore!!!!!!!!!!! Been waiting for this day since they held that concert almost one year ago!!!!!!!! I’ll spam while watching it, probably. You just need to know that
Even if you made me pay 15€ more.
Sorry about my face but this awesomeness is worth it.
Persona in Seoul Encore Introductions
Kyu: Annyeonghaseyo! I’m Kyu Jong, SS501’s Center! Nice to meet you!
Hyun Joong: Annyeonghaseyo! I’m SS501’s Leader, Hyun Joong! Nice to meet you!
Saengie: Annyeonghaseyo! I’m known as SS501’s bad boy, Heo Young Saeng! Nice to meet you!
Voice in the background: I have to get one, too…
Hyung Jun: Annyeonghaseyo! I’m Hyung Jun, who doesn’t have a nickname yet! Nice to meet you!
Jung Min: I slightly changed my name. Annyeonghaseyo! I’m SS501’s Sexy Charisma, Director Park, Park Jung Min!
But still. Poor baby. XD
What is that called?
It’s so rare i don’t even know.
I’d screencap that but it’s like….0.0000000000001 sec.
Ok, so you won’t believe this.
But my right ear was burning.
Idk if it’s common, but when this happens we pick a number and count which letter that number corresponds to. And a person whose name starts with that number was supposedly thinking of you when your ear was burning.
So i asked my parents to tell me a number.
And that number was 25.
And the 25th letter of the alphabet is Y.
That awkward moment when you’re watching your bias on screen and your bias is thinking of you.
One thing i love about my fandom.
SS501 isn’t perfect.
They all have great voices and are all quite good dancers, but if we compare them to a few other groups their vocal control is not as perfect.
Probably the reason why they’re underrated. A lot of people don’t even give them a chance.
But we like them that way.
I read a lot of secrets (or comments in general) about how a certain idol isn’t talented because their voice isn’t good enough.
When i see SS501 on stage, no matter if Hyun Joong can’t reach the highest notes or if Young Saeng messed up in almost every single LLT performance during 2009 promotions.
I know they try harder than what should be normal and this makes me hear the feeling before the sound.
Hyun Joong correcting Young Saeng. What a day! - Jung Min
JM: Kyu Jong ah, will you take the birthday drop? The fans want it so badly.
KYU (to the fans): I'll see you on your birthday!
Birthday drop basically means throwing him into a tank full of water. For those who don't know.
I have a headache after all that crying.
It started with the all water thing and i was crying ‘cause i was happy to see them that cheerful, all together.
Then i switched to the ‘special talk time’ when Leader cried. I can’t even explain how hard he was crying. And i remembered that concert happened right after the whole ex-President’s birthday issue. So my tears became sad tears.
And then they all cried. And that bloody cameraman focused on Baby and
And then Saengie ah talked and i had my usual ‘OMG! WHY AREN’T YOU REAL?’ depressing moment.
And then Jung Min ah talked and i switched from depression to unclassifiable esteem. And i remember all the things he’s done for me. (Dammit. I’m crying even now, writing that sentence.)
And then they sang Green Peas and i heard all the TripleS there singing with them. And i envied them and felt so proud of them for having the chance to actually show them what we all feel every day.
And then Kyu cried again. And Kyu should never cry. Kyu….just…Kyu should never cry.
And when they mentioned the 5/01 date and the album thing i realised back then the whole mess still had to come.
And i suddenly felt so proud of sticking with them that i don’t even know how i’ll be able to move on with my life. I’m too much into this. Ide…


Well. This is all. I have nothing else to add, except that my favorite moment was when Kyu ran away to avoid the 'birthday drop' thing and Jung Min ran after him.
I can't explain WHAT made that moment awesome.
I just know that when i saw Kyu looking at Jung Min, realising if he didn't start running Jung Min would totally catch him and then bursting into laughter and running away...and Jung Min ran faster and caught him in the end....It's my new favorite SS501 moment.
I wish they could be like that forever. I wish they didn't have to know the hardships last summer brought. I wish i'll see that kind of moments again. Soon. I wish somehow the hardest part was already behind them, because if you saw their smiles during the last part of the concert you would probably realise the world can't give them any more hardships.

As for me, i realised i love, honestly love, deeply, purely, inequivocably love all of them too much for my heart to bear it.
It was one of those moments when i realised i will never ever get the chance to get out of this awesome dream, journey, or whatever you wanna call it. One of those moments that remind me WHY i kept walking with them when everyone else gave up. And above all one of those moments when i look back and realise it was all worth it. And probably will always be.

Now excuse me. I'm gonna cry in a corner.

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