Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


SAENGIE&MENU: 9 Months Together

Not sure i used this pic before. 

MENU: 통통!!! OMG! 통통!!!! THIS IS THE WORD!!!! SAENGIE AH! You're 통통! 생이 아 통통 이에요!! Or smth like that...\o/ 
YS: YA! MENU AH!...Ah, wait. 야! 매누 아!!!

MENU: So. Turns out i cannot stop roleplaying. I've had tons of inspirations in the past 2 days&i tried to reject them&pretend they weren't there. Well. I failed. SAENGIE AH! MIANHE! ;_; 
YS: I'm not talking to you.
YS: I'm still not talking to you. You wanted me gone. Well, here you go.
MENU: Omo, i've never said i wanted you gone. ;_; 
YS: From my point of view, you did. U.U
MENU: But...Saengie ah. *shaking lips* Andwe. 
YS: Can't hear you.
MENU: Fine, then i'll go back to Jong Hoon ssi. 
YS: See? Why is Jong Hoon ssi still here while you wanted me gone? 
MENU: I didn't want you gone. And anyway Jong Hoon was gone when you were gone, too. You're like...bound forever. Ji Yong ah, as well.
MENU: Saengie ah...;_; 
YS: I said i'm not talking to u. 

/I started crying because of a stupidveryawesome video about Saengie's bday/
YS: Oh...omo.
MENU: Shush. *hides under the table* 
YS: *kneels down* Are you seriously crying? For a video? It wasn't even sad.
MENU: Go away. ;_; 
YS: LOL *stares* Aigoo, my Menu ssi is crying. *pinch cheeks* 
MENU: Ya..I'm not crying. ;_; 
YS: Yes, you are. *shows hand* See? My fingers are all wet. So now you cry just seeing my face? I guess you're not the man anymore. In our relationship.
MENU: I can still punch you. ;_; Go away.
YS: I'll just sit here and watch you crying because you love me. *sits down* 
MENU:.....*shaking lips*.....Mean. ;_; 
YS: Can i film you?
MENU: Saengie ah...

“Sea otters hold hands when they sleep, so they don’t drift away from each other.” 
MENU: *_*
YS:....So. Everytime i hold your hand my chances for you to "drift away" from me decrease?...Damn.
MENU:....=.= Well, lucky you never do, then. And btw, you completely ruined the moment. 
YS: Well, welcome to my world. \o/
MENU:....Hands down, Saengie ah. "\o/" is my world. Not yours. =.=

"Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life." /i randomly got this quote as a mention during Saengie's bday trending session. Don't ask./
MENU: See, Saengie ah? You miss love, you miss me. You miss me, you miss love. 
YS: I miss cake.

MENU: Hot chocolate croissant is the best thing god created. *_* 
YS: *stares* 
YS: *keeps staring* 
MENU:.....Ok, what? 
YS: Share! :D
YS: Please! :D
MENU: Go get one&put it in the oven. Why do we always have to share? 
YS: *pokes her* Don't make me do the starry face.

MENU: Aaaaand....i fell for Saengie again. What is it people say? "I choose him every day"? Eesh...he's gonna boast about this. 
YS: 'Bout what?

MENU: Well, change of plan. Hot chocolate and Mary Stayed Out All Night. As a 22yo girl w a free house on a saturday night i suck. But well...XD Oh yeah, i need a chair for my feet. 
YS: Just wondering. Am i included in ur lonely night, or...?
MENU:...Yeah, i'm desperate enough. *cuddles him*

MENU: RUUUUUN! *jumps like a little kid*
YS: What's wrong with your neighbors? New Year's Day is still one month away.
MENU: I don't know, but it's cute. *_* I think someone's celebrating.
YS: Ani, they're probably just covering some gunshot.
MENU: *stares at him* 
YS: Of course they're celebrating. The question is what, though?
MENU: Who cares? It's sweet. 
YS: Back in August you told me fireworks are boring. =.=
MENU: Well, when you expect to see them, they are.
YS: Great. Can i go back inside? My cheeks are freezing.
MENU: What cheeks? You don't have cheeks anymore. *grabs hand&forces him to stay out*

MENU: I prefer Kara's performance to SNSD's.
YS: Yeah, i'm proud of Kara, too. ^^
MENU: Yeah, nobody asked you. You don't get to have an opinion abt Kara in front of me.
YS: I thought that counted only for Seungyeon.
MENU: No. That counts for all of them, ESPECIALLY Seungyeon. 
YS: Even after changing company?
MENU: Sure.
YS: Menu ah, i'm curious. Are you more jealous of Gyuri or Seungyeon?
MENU:...It' a mystical crisis. Why do you ask? 
YS: Because.
MENU: ....Why do you ask? 
YS: Curiosity. *raises shoulders* 
MENU: Well, it's like asking me if i love you or Jung Min ah more. Just don't.
YS: So you love me or Jung Min ah more?
MENU: Right now Jung Min ah. =.= 
YS: Eesh...
MENU: And next week, too. 
YS: ....Seungyeon is back in Korea, you know?
MENU: So what? 
YS: So i can still go back to her if you dump me for Jung Min ah.
MENU: I'm not dumping you for Jung Min ah. 
YS:...Oh...Well, of course not.
MENU: I'm neglecting u for Jung Min ah. 
YS:....You are not. You don't have the courage.
MENU: HA! Why not? 
YS: I'm here. He's over there....And u're broke.
MENU: My love will take me there. 
YS: Is ur love a private jet?
MENU: Not funny. 
YS: Then u can't go to Jung Min ah unless I pay for your trip. And i won't.
MENU: I'll totally neglect u. 
YS: Great. I'll neglect u for Seungyeon.
MENU: Awesome. Glad to have our biases back in town. 
*turn backs to each other*

MENU: Well, Saengie ah. Say goodbye to our privacy. 
YS: Wae?
MENU: Our bedroom door is broken. I can't close it. Dad said he has to change the lock.
YS: Oh, it's okay. We've never had much privacy anyway. We have Ji Yong ah. 
GD: I can hear you, hyung.
YS: See?

MENU: Tell me whyyy...ain't nothin' but a heaartache...Tell me whyyy...ain't nothin' but a miiistake...Tell me whyyy..III never wanna heeear you say...Iii waaaant it thaaaat wayyyy....*stares at Saengie ah* 
YS: *stares back* You&I. Doctor. Tomorrow. 'Night.

MENU: OH! So korean newlyweds dress identically during their honeymoon?....Saengie ah! I WAS RIGHT WHEN I ASKED YOU TO LEND ME YOUR SWEATER! >.<
YS: No, you weren't. If i did, i wouldn't have an identical sweater to wear.
MENU: Then you should have bought me the same sweater. Buy that now!
YS: We're not on our honeymoon anymore. Sorry.
MENU: We didn't even have a honeymoon. 
YS: So you agree with me. ^^
MENU: We went to Tuscany though. And you ran off to Japan with Kyu that week. =.= 
YS: I was scared we had to go around dressed identically if i stayed.
MENU: *sighs* Saengie ah, i like the way you dress. I wouldn't look that cool if i dressed like that but i have a few clothes like yours. 
YS: Oh thanKYU! ^^ Then we'll dress identically next time. \o/
MENU: What next time? We're married already. 
YS: Oh, too bad. We missed the chance. *patpat&leaves*

/I was tweeting from phone despite i had said i was going to bed 'cause it was 4am/
YS: *grabs phone and throws it on the shelf* Cut the Harry Potter crap and go to bed.
MENU: I am in bed. 
YS: Sleep!
MENU: But it's Harry! 
YS: Idgaf.

MENU: Yippy! HyunJoong spending Xmas with Saengie. So i'm spending Xmas with Leader! \o/ 
YS:.....I don't recall you being named Saengie.
MENU: Ahah, funny. You wouldn't spend Xmas without me, right? It's our first Xmas together. 
YS: Exactly. We'll spend the next one together.
MENU: YA! =.=

MENU: SAAAEEEEEEENGIE AH! SINCE WHEN ARE YOU A VENTRILOQUIST?????? Grab a stuffed something and show me! 
YS: Menu ah...
YS: I'm not inspired!
MENU: What inspired? You don't need to be inspired to make a stuffed animal talk! 
YS: That's what bumblers like you think!
MENU: I....What's a blumber?

MENU: ................................I think i have a problem. For real. With Saengie ah. 
YS: You have a problem but it doesn't depend on me.

YS: Menu ah?
MENU: Mm? 
YS: I have a question.
MENU: Sure. What? 
YS: Is ur mom really planning to have meatballs grandkids?
YS: Meatballs in the fridge.
MENU: And how does that mean she wants meatballs grandkids? 
YS: It's the 5th time in a month she makes meatballs. A man gets suspicious.
MENU: Men don't get suspicious over some meatballs in the fridge. YOU get suspicious. 
YS: Well, blame me.

MENU: Ok, it's snowing. But i won't say anything because every time i say smth it stops. 
YS: *comes running* MENU AH! IT'S SNOWING! PALI! COME!
MENU: Shush, Saengie ah. Weather is touchy. 
MENU: Saengie ah....o.O
MENU: Oh my god.

MENU:  Oh, btw. A flight to Indonesia costs abt 600€ 
YS: Aaand! Reality called&asked of you, Menu ah!
MENU: F U Saengie ah.

MENU: You know, at times like this i wish i had a HUUUUUGE group of friends who even if they're broke would pay a flight for me. ;_; I mean, come on. Menu ah standing in front of Saengie? In the same room? Sharing the same air? WHO WOULDN'T WANT TO SEE THAT? XDD Ok, sorry. Back to my book. It's just that....IT'S NOT FAIR, SAENGIE AH! 
YS: o.O Why do u get mad at me?

'Do you believe in sex on the first date?'
MENU: If you're a slut. 
YS: Menu ah...=.=
MENU:....You look like you'd have sex on a first date. Right? 
YS: Keep answering.
MENU: You can tell me. 
YS: I don't talk about this with you.
MENU: I bet you do. 
YS: You're sick.


MENU: Saengie ah, i could stare at that gif of you forever. *_* Why are you doing this to me? 
YS: Doing what?
MENU: Well, this. 
YS: I'm not doing anything.
MENU: You don't NEED to do anything. It's...transcendental. 
YS: What does it mean?
MENU: I...can't explain that. 
YS: So you use words you don't know?
MENU: No o.O
YS: Then what does it mean?
MENU: Well, something...not concrete? Is it possible? 
YS: How should i know?
MENU: Ok, you just ruined the moment. As usual.
YS: Well, next time say 'not concrete'. Stop confusing me with words that don't exist.
MENU: Transcendental exists. 
YS: Prove it.
MENU:....Are you serious?
YS: You know, maybe i sucked at school but i'm not stupid.
YS: What what?
MENU: I've never said you're stupid. 
YS: You treat me like if i am.
MENU: Are you mad? 
YS: You should treat me better.
GD: Are you fighting again?
MENU:...Not sure. 
YS: And you ignore me, too! I'm going to bed! Done!
GD: What's wrong w him?
MENU: I...Ok, Ji Yong ah. We're friends, right? 
GD: Wasn't i your superdupermegahyper love?
MENU: Don't JongHoon yourself.
GD: Ok, what?
MENU: I'm a girl, right? 
GD: How should i know?
MENU: =.= 
GD: Ok. Uhm..apparently. Yes.
MENU: Apparently? 
GD: You say that.
MENU: Uhm...true. Ok, so. If i'm a girl...why is Saengie the one acting like if he's in his period? 
GD: *chokes w water*
MENU: I mean, does the whole Young Shimi thing reach this level? 
GD: not checking if he marks the calendar, if that's what you mean.
YS: *walks into the living room* 
MENU: Oh! Saengie ah. 
YS: *death glare* 
MENU: Omo. 
YS: One: you shouldn't discuss why i'm mad with Ji Yong ssi. Two: i'm not in my period. I've never been and never will. And three: for the umpteenth freaking time, my name is HEO YOUNG SAENG! *leaves*

MENU: Now seriously, Saengie ah. What's wrong with you? You're more annoying than my mom when she meets my aunt. 
YS: *turns his back to her* 
MENU: Aish...Talk to me! 
JH: Baby talk talk talk to meeeee oh oh oh oh...
MENU: Jong Hoon AH! 
JH: Baby TALK! Oh oh..Let me LOVE! Oh Oh...
MENU: *throws pillow*
GD: Seriously. It's okay to bother them when they get along. But not when they fight.
JH: They'll never make peace this way.
GD: Uhm..No? No matter what they're fighting over. They'll always agree abt how annoying you can be. I agree w them, too.
JH: Hyung. ;_;
GD: Just for a second! We all love you inside.
MENU: =.=....Nevermind. Saengie ah? 
YS: Saengie ah...*mocking her* 
MENU: YA! *hits head* What is it? Tension for the solo activities? Sickness? Mid-life crisis?...You miss Kyu? 
YS:.....You're not helping.
MENU: Well, you don't talk. U.U
YS: It's just...*stares at her* Nevermind. 
MENU: Saengie ah! I can whisper in your ears all night long. Talk now or give up on your sleep. >.<
GD: That's kind of sweet, actually. 
JH: No. That's kind of sick. 
MENU:....Are you two still here? 
GD: What is it u say? Always&forever? \o/
YS: You'll regret treating me like you do when i'll be gone.
MENU: Omo, are you going somewhere? 
MENU: Oh, then no problem. ^^ 
YS: Menu ah. You're tiring.
MENU: But. *_* 
YS:...Ah no! Don't give me that face!
MENU: What face? *_* 
YS: That face.
MENU: The starry face? *_* 
YS: Yeah.
MENU: Why not? *_*
YS: 'Cause... 
GD: 'Cause he's a namby-pamby&gives into guilt when you do the starry face. HA!
MENU: Omo. *_* 
JH: HYUNG! STOP HELP.....Wait...You go on. I'm gonna call Hong Ki ah and tell him to stop tweeting in english 'cause that makes no sense. [He tweeted 'the cold takes care' and i read it while i was roleplaying. XD]
GD: I'll go with him before someone hits me.
GD: Eeesh...all Ji Yong ah, Ji Yong ah&then they kick me out...=.=
MENU: So. Saengie ah. 
YS: I'm going to bed.
MENU: Aaaah! No! *grabs sleeve* Remember the whispering threaten. Don't make me do the starry face again!
YS: You need to stop bullying me&teasing me. ;_;
MENU: Omo.....Are you seriously crying? 
MENU: But...Saengie ah. We're like that. 
YS: Says who?
MENU: I guess if i say 'me' you'll get mad. Uhm...nobody. We started like that&we stay like that. 
YS: Well, i'm not okay with that anymore.
YS: I'm serious.
MENU: Saengie ah, stop. XD 
YS: I'm still serious.
MENU: But u'd miss me if i became boring. You'd have picked a random girl otherwise.
YS: I didn't pick you. =.=
MENU:.......Oh.....well, that was bitchy. U.U 
YS: That's the truth.
MENU: Then why are you here? 
YS: ' made me?
MENU: Then go. What do i care? 
YS: Don't say it twice...
MENU: Tsk. Goodnight, Saengie ah. 
YS: 'Night....Ah, wait! I'm the angry one tonight. Come back!
MENU: Change of plot! 
YS: I wasn't prepared to be a doormat husband. Please. Postpone.
MENU: You can't postpone anger. U.U
YS: I'll...whisper in your ear all night long if you don't postpone?...Omg, what crap am i saying?
MENU:...*_* Would you do that?
GD: *whispering from the back* Say yes, hyung... 
YS: *whispers back* What are you doing here?
GD: Jong Hoon's call was boring..Say yes, hyung.
YS: Uhm..yes! I'd do that! Why doubting, Menu ah!
MENU: *_* 
YS: Ok, you're overreacting now.
MENU: *_* So you're not mad anymore? 
YS: I...
GD: *whispering* Say no, hyung.. 
YS: Aish! Ji Yong ah! Gtfo! 
GD: Ah! I have the feeling nobody would care if i left! Tsk.
Menu&YS: Tsk is Jung Min ah's! 
GD: *from the hall* WHATEVER! 
MENU:....So...we're okay? 
YS:...Do i have a choice?
MENU: *_* 
YS: Ok, we're okay.
MENU: \o/ I don't even know why you get mad. I always find a way to keep you here anyway. It's just a waste of time and energy. 
YS: Ok ok, go to bed.


MENU: Wo! Saengie ah, you used to be so agile. 
YS: Well, i was much younger there. =.=
MENU: Don't blame it on the age.

MENU: Kyu, you should thank god you were sitting the furthest from Baby. 'Cause even the dust could see your grin. XDD And Saengie ah, too. You guys are unbelievable. XD 
YS: Come on! You're laughing too!
MENU: Well, have you seen your face? Of course i'm laughing! XD

MENU: What's w punching the wall, Saengie ah? 
YS: I don't know. It seemed cool at the moment.
MENU: How is punching a wall cool? 
YS: I said at the moment.


YS: So. Menu ah.
MENU: So. Saengie ah. 
YS: Can i have my gift now? 
MENU: What gift? 
YS: My bday gift. U have a bday gift, right?
MENU: You didn't have a bday gift.
YS: Ok, very funny. Give me my gift.
MENU: I'm not being funny. I don't have a gift. 
MENU: SAENGIE AH! My love is my gift! 
MENU: Well, then. Why should i give you a gift? 
YS: I'm freaking 24 today! Or 25! I DESERVE A GIFT! I DEMAND A GIFT!
MENU: Well...sorry? 
YS: Are u serious?
MENU: Never been this serious. 
YS: But.
MENU: We're not gifts people. Are we? 
YS: Maybe you're not. I am.
MENU: I am a gift person but u didn't buy me a gift.
YS: The fact i still live here with you day after day without throwing stuff at you is my gift. Now move your ass and give me my gift.
MENU: Well. You're not very mature to be 24. Or 25. And anyway it's not your bday here yet. 
YS:....So i'll have my gift tomorrow.
MENU: No. 
MENU: I'm cooking rice omelette tonight. Is that good as a gift? 
YS: It will suck. It's not good.
MENU: Well, then. You'll starve on your bday.
YS: Menu ah, it's our anniversary today. And my bday tomorrow. ;_; How could you forget?
MENU: I didn't. I purposely didn't buy you a gift.
YS: *shaking lips* Is this because i never say that i love you?
MENU: Well. I guess...partly. 
YS: *watery eyes&shaking lips* *runs in tears* 
MENU:...Omo. Ya, Saengie ah. 
YS: You're mean and insensitive and...and...and...
MENU: That's not the way to get a gift, you know? 
YS: LEAVE ME ALONE! ;_; I mean, i've resisted the urge to strangle u for 8 freaking months. I signed a freaking paper saying i can't dump you. Forever. For what?
MENU: 'Cause i make your life brighter. \o/ 
YS: Brighter my ass! >.<
YS: I'm gonna cheat on you. One day. Watch me!
MENU: You wouldn't do that. 
YS: Yes, i would.
MENU: You cheat on me&i'll kill the girl and make it look like it was your doing. Cheater&murderer in once.
YS: *fist on his waist* 
MENU: *merong* 
GD: cute. *pinches their cheeks* 
MENU: Ji Yong ah.
YS: Get the hell out of my bday roleplaying.

YS: Ah, Menu ah. Don't cry. I was joking when i said i'll cheat on you and dump you. *patpat* 
MENU: I'm not crying for you, idiot. It's the onion...Saengie ah. Cut that for me. Please? 
YS: Ani. I'm on strike. No gift. And it's my bday. U have to work for me.
MENU: Like if he moves his ass normally.
YS: What did you say?
MENU: Nothing.


ANGIE: Staring at Menu ah 's avatar..Feeling like I know that cute creature..XD
MENU: Then tell me. He's a complete stranger to me. :O (XD) 
ANGIE: Eonni!! He's a boy that often hangs out with my Joongie..
MENU: FOR REAL? :O Where does he live? 
YS: Right here, Menu ah. =.=
MENU: Eesh...Heo Young Saeng. Spoiling Menu ah's fun since the 2nd of March 2010. XD
ANGIE: He lives with you, Menu Eonni? XD
MENU: Must be a beggar or smth. He sneaks into other people's houses. 
YS: Imma go to bed.
MENU: *waves*
ANGIE: Beggar? But...that beggar's voice sounds like HJL's bestfriend.. XD
MENU: Well, no wonder he always hangs out w HJL, then. If he's a beggar he'll take advantage of a rich friend. XDD
ANGIE: Ask him to join some trainee.. LOL
MENU: He's a lazy ass. No point. 
YS: How do u know, if i'm just a beggar?
MENU:....You should be in bed.
ANGIE:  *staring at Eonnie and that HJL's bestfriend beggar* you two look really....close?
MENU: We're both sitting on the couch. Yes. XD
ANGIE: No, not in that way. You seem to understand each other.. XD XD
YS: Great. You gave us away, Menu ah.
MENU: Ani! He's korean! I don't understand him. XD
ANGIE:  Then does he understand English?? How did you talk? XD
YS: The more u talk the more u get us into trouble.
MENU: Sign language. 
YS: =.=
ANGIE: *looking carefully at HJL's bestfriend face* eumm.. Menu Eonni.. Didn't you tell me you're married?
MENU: You....uhm....have no evidence of that. XDDD Ok, fine. Busted. I am. I'm married to a beggar. 
YS: I'm not a beggar. =.=
MENU: Not yet.

BONUS /Macro Menu FB comments/

MEGA: We should start the let's-inflate-Saengie missi0n a.s.a.p! Mmm..shall we spam your house with food, Menu ssi? XDD
YS: She's saying yes 'cause she's planning to eat all the food herself. =.= I really care about you getting too slim. I don't like you too slim.
YS: You like food more.
MENU: does he know me so well already? It's barely 6 months we've been together.
MEGA: Maybe 'cause he's a really good observer, that's why he rarely talks. And maybe 'cause he's really concerned abt you, that's why he gets slimmer. He thinks abt u a lot..aaah, how sweeeet! XD
MENU: So he deflates by thinking about me? I wonder if it works the other way round. Saengie ah, don't take this wrong. I'm gonna think about you a lot and see if i can deflate too. 

YS: Menu ah, what's wrong with you tonight?
MENU: I don't know! I'm smad. I wanna cry&hit someone. And i suspect it's your fault. 
YS: No wonder.

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