Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Christmas Ravings

No time to say anything. Or to read. Or to check this is good. It's an instantaneous roleplay. Take it or leave it. Merry Christmas and blabblabla.

JH: Young Saeng hyung! Bobo!
YS: Uh? o.O
JH: Mistletoe! Bobo!
GD: Are you drunk?
YS: *steps back* Get the hell away from me...
JH: Come on! We're all good at Xmas. How about we make peace?
GD: Or sick...Are you sick?
YS: How about strangling you with the butcher's broom? Is that considered good at Xmas?
JH:...Not sure.
GD: Ya, Jong Hoon ssi. Saengie ah is straight. How can you doubt that? Especially after his fanmeeting. *giggle*
YS: *hits with shoe*
JH: Then what about Young Shimi?
YS: YA! Is this your idea of making peace?
JH: Ani. My idea of making peace is a kiss under the mistletoe but you rejected me.
GD: *elbowing YS* LOL He said you rejected him. Like a couple.
YS: Ji Yong ah. Stop.
GD: K. Sorry, hyung. Anyhow, Jong Hoon ah. Saengie ah is straight. Ask Menu ah!
YS: Yeah!....Wait, what?
MENU: Ask me about what?
JH: Saengie's sexual taste.
MENU:......Ok. Do i wanna know why you're discussing Saengie ah's sexual taste?
ALL: Probably not.
MENU: Good....
YS: So we're ready to leave?
MENU: In a second. I wanted to open my gifts first. *stretched arms with a childish face*
ALL: *uncertain looks*
MENU: Your gifts. You did buy me a gift, didn't you?
GD: *pushes YS* Deal with this for us. You're the husband. 
MENU: Saengie ah.
YS: said we're not gifts people. On my birthday. You said that.
MENU: :O Can't believe it. It's Xmas!
YS: Technically not yet.
GD&JH: *nod*
MENU: I feed you and give you a roof. And you don't even have a gift.
GD: We tolerate you. Don't you always say our peaceful life together is each other's gift to each other?
MENU: .........*looks at Saengie ah* It's our anniversary! We've been married for 5 months! FIVE! And you don't have a gift! :O
GD: Thank god this doesn't concern us.
YS: Well, do you have a gift? Uh?
YS: Thought so.
MENU: Ya! You're the man! 
YS: Thankyu. :3 So shall we go?
GD&JH: *run outside*
JH: I'll get your coat!
GD: I'll be in the car!
YS: *pushes her outside* Come on, we're gonna be late. Pali, yeobo.
MENU: Don't start the yeobo thing. You're at fault....Santa won't get you any gifts.
YS: Oh, so you're Santa? How cool! Why have you waited all this while to tell me? *wears coat*
MENU: =.=
JH: Menu ah. 
MENU: *takes coat* What, Jong Hoon ssi.
JH: Merry Christmas, by the way. :3
GD: Oh, right. *thumbs up*
MENU: Oh, thanks. At least you're well-mannered. Merry Christmas, guys! ^^
YS: K. I'll wait in the car. *head out*
MENU:...........Heo Young Saeng.
YS: *stops* *turns* *looks at GD* What did i do? She's using the full name.
GD: I think she wants you to kiss her.
MENU: *kicks on the knee*
MENU: Get in the car and shut the hell up!
JH: *kisses Menu's cheek* There. There's no point in waiting for him. 
YS: YA YA YA! Get in the car if you don't want me to leave you here! How dare you? 
MENU: Let him go. At least he wished me Merry Xmas. You're such a waste as a hubby.
YS: But...we're not kiss&hugs people. I held your hand once when you were sick and you got mad. I'm confused about my role here.
MENU: *Tae Kyung's smirk* 
GD *from the car*: SIGNALS, HYUNG! ^^
YS: Shut up!
GD: Ugh...What a Scrooge. *gets in the car*
YS: So we're fighting at Xmas?
MENU: It's not Xmas.
YS: I apologize. Let me ask again. So we're fighting at Xmas Eve?
MENU: And our anniversary.
YS: And our anniversary. 
MENU: Are we?
YS: I asked first.
MENU: Well, i don't know.
YS: Oh my god, Menu ah.
MENU: I don't wanna be fighting at Xmas. ;_;
YS: You're saying that like if we can't do anything else but fighting.
MENU: Well, can you say i'm wrong?
YS: But Menu ah. That's us. :3 You go ya and i get dizzy and then we make peace and the morning after we start all over again. New day, new adventure. \o/
MENU: Uhm...i guess. *sighs*
YS: Come on. I can't face your aunt without you by my side. It's scary enough when we get along.
MENU: And i'm hungry.
YS: See? You're coming back to me. ^^
MENU: Eh. Don't get overexcited. It's just 'cause my brother didn't buy me lunch.

YS: Oh. Bad brother.
MENU: And stop flattering me. =.=
YS: K. It felt weird, actually. *scratches head*
MENU: *raises shoulders* Fine. Then let's go.
YS: Yep....And btw, Merry Christmas, Menu ah! ^^ Through it all...i think i kinda sort of may love you.
MENU: *_* Saengie ah.
YS: Yeah yeah....Just...don't make me say it again.
MENU: I should have recorded that.
YS: Oh come on. My sweet words aren't that rare.
MENU: Yes, they are.
YS: Hey. We just stopped arguing. =.=
MENU: *_*..............*hugs* MERRY CHRISTMAS, YEOBO!!!! ;_;
YS:.....Ok ok...Just. Next time Jong Hoon ah kisses you i'm gonna cut him.
MENU: I'll tell him. XD
YS: That intrusive brat.
MENU: Saengie ah, be good. It's Christmas. :3 Jong Hoon ah loves you. Deep down. Very deep.
YS: South Pacific.
MENU: More like South Pole.....God, i'm starving.
YS: .....Yeah. It's when you say stuff like that that i remember why we're together.
MENU: Christmas is gonna make me fat.
YS: And i won't be able to strip anymore. o.O
MENU: Well, you'd better not, if you care about your life.
YS: Aigoo...Xmas jealousy. *pinches cheeks*
GD: *rolls window down* When you're done cooing we'll be glad to welcome you aboard. Come on! Save this for New Year's Eve!
YS: *throws snowball* 2011 resolution for you: SHUT THE HELL UP!
GD: Eesh...just because i speak the truth. *rolls window up* *rolls window down again* Let's go, tho! Seriously!
MENU: o.O Well. *heart sign* Merry Christmas, guys.
JH: *heart sign back* Merry Christmas, Menu ssi. ^^

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