Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


SS501&Shinhwa: Overlap of the Everlasting Friendship

[I won't even pretend to make this post short. It won't be short. So, beware. XD]

I was reading this thing last night, something you probably know about. "The Chronicle of the Everlasting Friendship". One of my followers sent me the link after i said i wanted to know more about Shinhwa.
You know, i've always had this idea of Shinhwa: the tough, cool, unbothered legend of k-pop. Then i watched Star Golden Bell and realised they're pretty normal. And hilarious. Besides, they were mentioned a lot when SS501 changed their companies. So i got curious and i decided to find out more about their story.
Well. I was expecting some similarities between them and SS501, but the truth is i was struck by the resemblance.
I can't really say it with my words, so i'll just use theirs. If you know Shinhwa more than me this entry will sound pretty lame to you. If you're newbies like me i hope you'll agree with me in the end.

They share this incredible strong bond that can't really be expressed in words:

"6 is just a number without any special meaning but to us 6 represents Shinhwa...all the waiting...all the wasn't a waste."
I've always loved the way SS501 don't consider their name just as a name but as a sort of rule. How they cherish the meaning of '5 forever as 1'. And though Shinhwa are 6 and not 5 it was nice to see they don't give their number for granted either.

"Although we are not related by blood, we thank God for letting us meet." - Dongwan
"We don't share the same blood but it feels like we do." - Kim Hyung Jun

"Just because we're busy doing our own things, doesn't mean that we're not friends. There is still a strong relationship that continues to grow in our group everyday. We've come a long way and we're more than friends. We're mentors and brothers to each other. Don't doubt that." - Hyesung

"At certain points we hit, beat, fought each other and even with other members helping, 
but the most important thing was that whatever the conflict, it would never last a day." - Eric
Jung Min&Leader beated this. They haven't talked to each other for months. XD

They started solo activities by promising Shinhwa would never die:

"When busy with Shinhwa activities, no matter how busy the schedules are, members will still play around with each other. However during solo activities you will have to bear it alone and solve your own problem."  - Eric
This reminds me of Saengie, during their last fanmeeting. When he said he realised the importance of being a group when he was in Japan alone.

"I felt colorless when I was doing my solo activities without other members around." 
"Although we are a group, we are also each active personally.. doing the work we want to do each day..However when we are united together we are the strongest force there is!" - Hyesung
A lot of people say SS501 looks "colorless" these days. I guess i can't deny that after spending more than 5 years constantly together with someone, finding yourself on your own in the real world makes you feel a bit lonely despite the excitement. I'm sure our boys are thrilled about their new activities, but of course they must miss each other a lot.

"These days Dongwan must not be able to sleep every night. Every day he calls me late at night and asks 'Can't you sleep over at my place tonight?'" - Hyesung
This reminds me of Baby. Though Dongwan isn't the maknae. *_*

And of course their fans felt lost. And i know too well what it feels to be unable to find peace in nothing else but your idols' words and your faith for them.

"To Shinhwa, there's no word like Disbandment. I want to continue singing in the name of Shinhwa till the end of my life." - Hyesung

"Shinhwa breaking up? I think you should worry about things that really need worrying about." - Junjin

"If any of the members wants to leave the group, I will disclose his weird photos in the net." - Dongwan

["There will be rumors spreading around these days, but no matter what you hear, trust us. SS501 isn't going anywhere." - Kim Hyun Joong]

My favorite part: the love and thankfulness they feel toward their fans:

"It is because the fans exist that Shinhwa exists." - Dongwan

"There are 2 faces I am never tired to look. One is Shinhwa members' faces and the other is the fans'  faces." - Minwoo

You don't need me to tell you. S.T.01

Fans see the 5th year anniversary as a threaten 'cause a lot of groups break up after 5 years. Well. Shinhwa's been around for twice that scary time.

"In these 9 years, there's been a lot of difficulties and sadness as well as happiness and joy. If I was to spend this period of time with other people and not with you all, I guess I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." - Dongwan
"On one hand you can say that the 10 years has been a long time. On the other hand it hasn't exactly been that long. To me it feels like a very short period of time." - Hyesung
Was it Kyu who said something similar during the last fanmeeting? Or Baby? Or Leader? I can't remember. The thing about 5 years being a long time but at the same time being just a start. Anyway you get the point.

So, Eric's the leader, right? It's amazing how similar he sounds to our Leader.

"I hope that you ll buy more of my solo album. Each of you must buy 10,000 copies of the album." 

"Eric was offered several solo contracts from 2-3 places that were worth four times larger than the other members . At that time, he was the most popular member and was given the highest deal but he refused it to continue to be part of Shinhwa."

"In the future, if there comes a time where no company wants us, we might just form our own company and carry on."
I don't know about you, but i feel Leader would say the same things. Especially the thing about his solo album. XD

One last thing: they're such dorks. Like, ancestors of dorks. XD

Thai reporter: Which type of girls do you like?
Minwoo: You!
Please, tell me you're seeing Baby now. XD

Q: What's the criteria for choosing the male leads for this MV?
Dongwan: People who've never played lead characters before!

Radio host: Who is the weirdest member in shinhwa?
Dongwan: I think Junjin and Eric do a lot of weird things. They're unbelievable. When they wake up, they fold their blanket into an origami airplane..
Hyesung: And they're walking down the street when they suddenly turn to each other and start fighting in Chinese!
Dongwan: They sing about Bap (rice) in vietnamese..
Eric: No, Jin is the really weird one. How can a person do that to a doll that doesn't even speak..A bumblebee doll.. It was about 3-4 in the morning, and he was beating up that bumblebee doll in the night.. If i didn't stop him, he would have kept beating it up all night.
JunJin: Eric is the even weirder one. When i was beating up the bumblebee, he came up beside me and scolded the bumblebee, asking what it did that was so wrong..
Eric: But the bumblebee must have done something wrong in order to get hit, right?
JunJin: Of course!!!!

"The reason that we can stay together for so long is the contract!!!" - Dongwan 
Why does he remind me so much of Jung Min ah? XD

"Once, Andy came in while I was taking a shower and sprayed ketchup over my head as a joke. 
I thought my head was bleeding and was so shocked. I almost fainted!" - Minwoo

So, you get my point, right?
It may be lame. And i'm probably impressed by something you've been knowing all along. But reading this quotes and so many other episodes regarding Shinhwa, since debut until nowadays, i feel an even stronger and bigger hope and faith for SS501.
If there is still someone out there who thinks SS501 will disband, they should read this and realise that forever is possible. And to these people i feel the duty to dedicate them this quote:

"Now that all the "temporary" fans have gone and only the real fans that have been with us through thick and thin remain, it strikes me that all we have are our fans." - Dongwan
I guess Dongwan is the dork of the group. XD But what matters is the first part: the real fans that have been with us through thick and thin..

Even if this can apply to every single group out there, i personally don't feel such a sturdy bond in a group that's not SS501 or Shinhwa. It's the reason why i stick with SS501 day after day, "through thick and thin". And it's the reason why this article about Shinhwa impressed me this much.
Of course when you debut together and follow the same dream together and live together for years you create a bond. It's inevitable. Unless you're not human. But what i feel looking at these two groups goes beyond a simple unavoidable close relationship.
Like they said, it's fate. And it's amazing.
It makes me want to stick with my boys even more because i want to feel part of that and i want to feel hope by looking at them. 
Though i may never meet them in person, despite at some point i won't have much time to fangirl like these days, now more than ever i feel the meaning of forever. 

It's upsetting because as usual i couldn't express even one quarter of my amazement. I'll never become a writer if i don't fix this flaw of mine.
Or maybe there are simply some feelings that can't be told. And i can't do anything else but let these guys talk by themselves.
So, to sum up:

"The members all want to come together (to Andy's musical) so I've been doing all kinds of things to make them not come. I wish they would sit in the back row seats but they stubbornly refuse to come at all if it's not front row seats, so I'm telling them that all the seats are sold out so there are no seats. If I laugh during the musical it'll be a big trouble." - Andy

"I may not be old enough to say this, I can say I've experienced the best and worst times 
of my life with Shinhwa members. That's why we can keep our relationship going 
even though we have Dongwan. So even without the contract, and even with Dongwan, 
Shinhwa will always be together till the end. - Eric 
This made me think of Leader&JungMin so much. XD The way he kept saying 'Dongwan' Like, he's the real bother in the group. XD

"To me, Shinhwa is like home. Shinhwa is like a place where I can return to anytime, a place that exists to welcome me back at any moment.." - Junjin 
"My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life." - Park Jung Min

"If I had the chance to go back in time, I'd still choose Shinhwa." - Minwoo

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