Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Jumping, Dancing, Loving Tumbling

This blog is supposed to be about korean stuff. This entry isn't about korean stuff. This means no one's gonna read. Then why am i even writing? 
Ok, sorry.
Why am i apologizing? No one's reading.
No, seriously. I was saying...
Do you even know what Tumbling is? No, don't google. If you google "tumbling" you'll find out it's a sport. Which is true. But i'm talking about the jdrama. Tumbling. Tumbling is a japanese drama.
And this is settled.
I'll be honest. I don't watch a lot of j-dramas. I don't even know why. They're shorter (which, for a slow person like me, should be better). They're hilarious (k-dramas are hilarious, too. But j-dramas are hilarious in a different way.) And they're mostly about loyalty and friendship and teamwork. At least the few ones i watched.
My Boss My Hero (MAKKY! I MISS YOU SFM! WATEEEEEEER!...ahem....), One Pound Gospel. Yamato Nadeshiko was more romantic but that sort of F4 the leading characters formed was so close.
And Tumbling.
Tumbling is ALL COMPLETELY about loyalty and friendship. And dreams. Probably my three favorite themes in movies, books, anything with a plot.
Probably because i've never had a big group of real friends. That kind of clique where you can talk about everything with everyone indistinctly. I have my two bestfriends and i'm glad i have them. But when i was in high school i dreamed to have this bunch of idiots next to me, who could go along with my randomness and support me when i wanted to do something last minute. Planning weekends, trips, parties, without having to worry about their lazyness or nonexistant plans. They always went 'Oh, you know, i have this and that. I'll let you know.' And they never let me know. =.= While i wanted someone who said 'HELL YEAH! GREAT IDEA! LET'S GO!'
I had that kind of clique in middle school but we were in middle school and we couldn't really plan anything without asking our parents first. And in high school they all became supersnob or superstupid and we took separate paths.
So whenever i see this stuff on tv i get inevitably attached.
This is the first thing that leaps to mind if you ask me 'What did you like about Tumbling?'
But it's not the only thing. 
I loved how every character had their own story, their own background, their own personality, their own reactions. You get attached to everyone, even the ones who used to piss you off at the beginning. (I have a specific character in mind at the moment. XD)
I loved the way this brought me to smile at the characters's accomplishments, and cry (literally) at their failures.
I loved having fun with these guys. Feeling part of the group.
And i loved the way they helped dreaming a bit more about my ideals and principles.
Yeah. I take dramas THIS seriously. XD
I don't have a favorite character. I've developed crushes for...i think 3 actors. But i solemnly promise i won't go further. I don't even know their names. Japanese names simply won't get stuck into my stupid brain. 
And i'm obsessed with the ending theme. 
Basically, i could sum up this entry in a simple 'I loved Tumbling'. Period. But well, you know me. I'm wordy. 
Speaking of wordy, i feel like my tweets are very relevant. But you may even skip them. Don't worry. I just need to save them somewhere. XD 

Ok. I think i may kind of possibly not sure but it's Hino. Now that he quit all that 'no' thing. XD [Hino is the guy who pissed me off at the beginning because he was supposed to be part of the group but only cared about himself. For 5 episodes he basically said only 'No.' XD]

Those guys shuld stop ending the episodes while eating rice omelets. I get distracted by hunger&i forget abt being touched. XD [I'm gonna cook rice omelets on tuesday. This is what this drama did to me. XD]

So, i was reading the synopsis of Tumbling on dramacrazy. Who's Higashi Ko? XD [He's supposed to be the protagonist, but his name is actually Azuma Wataru. My bff said his name in japanese can be read in two ways...and dramacrazy wrote the wrong name and never corrected it. Still, it was hilarious i didn't know the name of the protagonist after 8 episodes.]

HELLO??? Haven't you all realised the mess started when that idiot showed up? =.= [Here's when the randomness about the plot starts. You probably won't get a word. XD]

LOL 'Someone's trying to fuck us over.' XDDD [Dude was serious while saying that, but i don't know why it cracked me up. They were all shouting and insulting don't know who. And he just stared at the floor and said 'Someone's trying to fuck us over'. Idk. You probably think i'm nuts. But i'm still laughing. XD]

OMG! GUYS! In 9 episodes i've never realised what a bunch of idiots you are. >.< [They were being completely stupid.]

Son of a bitch. (Sorry. This drama is making me rude. Ignore me.) [You don't need me to explain this, right?]

I hope you fall off the stairs and hit your head so hard that your brain will come out of your nose and no one will care about it. >.< [Ahem...]

You do that and i'm kicking your big effing evil crook ass. >.< [The dude who was fucking them over. XD]

Well, that's very sweet. But i think you would care if he crashed into you. XD [This is Hino. Being all cool about a friend risking to fall on his leg from a 5 meters height. XD]

So. I can't speak japanese. I can answer the phone in japanese. And thank in japanese. Yet, i'm pretty sure that word doesn't mean 'dammit'. [I think that word means shit or something. XD]

OMG! HINO! JUST NOD, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Why are you like this? XD [I told you he always says no. And in that scene everyone was nodding and i was expecting him to nod, too. But he just stared ahead and everyone assumed he was agreeing. XD]

I think i prefer that asshole w his old Dragon Ball hairstyle. It won't change his bitchiness, but he looked less like a crippled hamster. [He used to have this very high forelock, half blonde and half black. Then he disappeared for a few episodes and came back with a fringe, completely black. Still an asshole inside, though.]

Oh my god, Kiyama, why? *facepalm* [He decided to go and have his ass kicked while everyone else was jumping somewhere else. Literally. You know, the drama is about tumbling after all. XD]

What pisses me off the most about this whole thing is that Akabane isn't even a good name for an asshole of his kind. >.< [Akabane is the dude with the Dragon Ball hairstyle. XD]

Well, what a great atmosphere to compete in a championship. *thumbs up* [Two guys having their ass kicked and everyone else getting ready to compete. They were all superemo. XD]

I guess if someone looked at me from the outside right now would laugh so hard. XD I'm sitting like L, w a cup of coffee in my hand, staring at the screen like a psychiatry patient. ALL BECAUSE OF A VILLAIN W A SUCKY NAME!

U know when u were a kid&u played outside&suddenly needed a little branch for god knows what. U were surrounded by trees&couldn't find it? Well, it's amazing how quickly and easily these dudes can find iron bars wherever they are, like if it's raining iron bars. Literally. XD

Omg. Yuta. You look so wrong right there. XD And why am i laughing? This is supposed to be the climax of the whole drama. I suck. [Yuta is my other crush. So the scene was in a sort of abandoned building. They were all there, staring at each other, like 'I'm gonna cut you nao!' and right when the protagonist was about to have his head crashed in pieces, this guy in a pink tee appeared out of nowhere and pushed the Dragon Ball dude to the floor. XD]

NO! LEAVE HIM ALONE! Oh my god...;_; He can't fight. He's not a fighting person. Don't you see? He looks like a puppy. LET HIM GO! ;_; [Dragon Ball was punching Yuta. ;_;]

OH MY GOD, YUTA! SHUT THE FUCK UP! ;_; [And Yuta had no intention to beg him to stop. >.<]

YOU! FREAKING BITCH WHO GOT A HAIRCUT AND NOW LOOKS LIKE GERARD WAY, WHICH PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH BUT ANYWAY! THAT KID HAS A BAD HEART! >.< [One of the other guys couldn't do gymnastics anymore because he risked a heart attack. Yet he was there, being punched by Dragon Ball's friends.]

Omo. The final part. I just realised that i'm about to end this drama. It took me 2 months to watch 4 eps&i watched the other 7 in one day.

'Hino. Hino, run.' 'Eh?' XDDDDDDD OMFG! NO! [This will always be my favorite scene ever. So the protagonist, Wataru or Higashi Ko (XD), had a crush on a girl. Who in the end liked Hino. And Hino was bragging about it, apparently unaware of the consequences. And my third crush (so i introduced them all \o/) told him to run if he didn't want to be hit by Wataru. XD You should have seen his face when he said 'Eh?' XDDD]

End of the report. And of the entry. \o/
I actually try to keep things short but i can't. XD Sorry. 

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