Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



On second thought, i don't have much to add. Just that i can't wait to see them again, together or apart. \o/ 
And yeah, i'm sorry. I reached Kyu, too. But don't worry, i'm sure it'll pass. You know, Jung Min is coming back. Sooner or later. XD

- I really hope this Tweet-U-Later thing is working as it should. Or when i come back online i'll kick its virtual ass. \o/
- So...Menu ah from...idk where i am right now. I just know i'm not with my laptop. XD But i'm laughing like an idiot doing this.
- #wemiSS501 SO FREAKING TRUE! Especially after i got my Persona in Seoul DVD. I swear i almost cried when i watched that concert. ;_;
- Not that we should be in pain. Everything turned out way more than fine. But yeah, i miss them for reasons i don't even know.
- I miss Leader despite i can see his face twice a week. I had a lump in my throat when he said his first line in PK. *_*
- I miss Saengie&Kyu despite i can read their tweets. I have a front row seat on their lives (sort of)&i know they're enjoying it.
- I miss Jung Min ah SFM! Even though i know i'll be able to see him again in one month. *pulls hair* I'm so proud of him ydek.
 -I miss Baby 'cause...he's my maknae. I miss his smile, his laugh, his pranks. What man? I'd pinch his cheeks rn if he was here.
- Every night i go to bed&see my 5M5Y DVD, my Rebirth posters, the writing on my wall. And i wonder if it will ever end, u know?
- I don't want it to end but there have been many things i didn't want to end. Passions. And i wonder if they'll be the same.
- When we say 'Once a TS, forever a TS' i believe every single word of it. The idea they may become a memory just makes me laugh.
- Plus (i'll never get tired of pointing it out) they saved me&save me everyday. How should i go on w/out them? *shakes head*
- In Tuscany i realised i need them. Like for real. Always&Forever. When i was sad&couldn't spend a few minutes w them i felt lost.
- It may be bad, but that's it. Once you fall for them you can't grow out of it. Yet again, who would want to, right? \o/
- Enough with the emo tweets. These guys are bright&lively&dorks. Focus on this, Menu ah! \o/
- LEADER! @DammitUShouldHaveATwitterAcc U scared the hell out of us, u know? &reassured us like only the great Leader u r could do.
- SAENGIE AH! @mystyle1103 If i had a cent for every thing reminding me of u. I wish u knew what u mean to me. I'm not that scary.
- KYU JONG SSI! @2kjdream You've been the greatest inspiration of my life in the past 10 months. Abt family, friends, future. Oh, if i can be honest. The shirt u were wearing for Wuss Up, in Persona. Well...let's just say it suits you well. XD
- JUNG MIN AH! @JungMin0403 Go out there, kick some ass, make me proud. & don't ever change. I seriously wouldn't be here w/out u. Smile, laugh, joke, sing, jump, COMMUNICATE WITH ALIENS! We love you this way. No matter what other people say.
- HYUNG JUN SSI! @HyungJun87 YO! I won't call u Baby if u don't want to but i've met u as a Baby. I'm sorry. This will never change. In case u didn't read this on ur birthday: smile always. U smile, TS smile, u smile. It's like maths. Just like that.
- Backtracking my blog. Found this: 'Although it's a cliché still wanna say saranghamnida!' LEADER! ILU SFM! \o/
- "They're a support on bad days&a light brightening our happy days. They're teachers, friends, brothers, dreams." (This was me XD)
- "They have this bond everyone dreams of in life. A friend who feels like a brother. Well, they all got this luck quadruplicated."
- "When i turned on my laptop in November&saw HJL for the first time i had no idea of the esteem&respect i was gonna feel for him."
- "6 months ago i fell for SS501. &until my brain won't be too messed up, no1 else will have the slightest chance to get my heart."
- "The day i hear "SS501 r not splitting up" i'll pack&come visit each&every one of u to shout 'HA!' &leave again." LMAO! Menu ah..
- "I had no idea that JiHoo was gonna be the hardworking, spontaneous, caring Leader who would make his whole group win my heart."
- "Saengie ah will always be an important brick of my life. In 20 years the 1st thing that will leap to mind MUST be 'SAENGIE AH!!"
- "Kyu Jong just makes me want to be better." Ok. This is the basic point. I've written 10 lines abt him but won't fit in 1 tweet.
- "Whatever happens, Jung Min's the only 1 among all my biases who can erase every bad feeling just by being there." *grabs tissue*
- "HJB has this thing, to make me go along w his feelings. He cries, i cry. He laughs, i laugh. He smiles, i smile." Lame, uh? XD
- So, those were all quotes from my blog entries. I'm awesome, right? \o/ *avoids shoe* But it was the best way to express my love.
- Hey, u know what? I miss SS501. But i kind of miss DSP, too. Those brats...i wonder if they're doing ok. Should give 'em a call.
- MENU: Saengie ah, when do u think to go back to work btw? We need money.
YS: Menu ah, u can't do this on tweet-u-later.
MENU: Why not?
YS: Because u can only post a tweet every minute. It sounds like we've stared at each other for 1 minute. Like u just did.
MENU:  Well, we love each other. It's just normal we stare at each other.
YS: It's not normal. It's dumb. And who said we love each other?
MENU: I'm saying it myself just now.
YS: So u decide if we love each other or not?
MENU: It's worse if i decide we don't, right?
YS: I..guess?
MENU: Fine, then since i miss you all i declare we love each other. Today.
YS: Oh, there was the trick. Today.
MENU: Today's yours.
MENU: Why are you laughing?
YS: I'm picturing all my fans kick-U-later after reading that YOU decided I love you. *cracks up*
MENU: ....=.=
- I'm wondering if it's possible to get tweet limit or get suspended from tweet-U-later. XDD
- Hey Girl! Oneul ttara deo yeppeo boyeo. Nae mamui Key juin, baro neon girl...I'm thinking of smth smart to say in the meantime.
- Wae neon moreuni, neon nal moreuni. Neol wonhaneun nae mam modu da gajyeogajwoooooo...*dances like an idiot*
- Ok, can i grab the chance to tell you i may be developing a slight crush on our...wait...YOUR Kyu? I'm having my Kyu phase. XD
- I gave you one minute to insult me. Flooding Menu's mentions page ends...NOW! STOP! STOP THERE! HA! I SAW YOU WERE MOVING!
- Don't worry. I'm not planning to dump Saengie or ignore Jung Min. It's Kyu's fault actually. So..
YS: Menu ah. Shush. For ur sake.
- If it helps i admit i should have realised Kyu's heych oh! tee before. But see, there was Jung Min. And then HJL. And Saengie. XD
YS: I'm not sure the 'heych oh! tee' went unnoticed.
MENU: Then don't bring it up again. Just in case. Maybe they're all busy trending.
- But seriously, u can't ask me to ignore Kyu's coolness in that dvd. He jumped everywhere. &the black shirt! OMG! THE BLACK SHIRT!
- Ok...better if i change the subject. HEY! It's gonna be Saengie's bday in less than a month! \o/ (Am i good at distracting u?)
- Let's talk abt Saengie! I realised why i've never noticed he inflated. I met him AFTER the inflating phase. XD So, u see. He was already inflated&when i watched the old videos i mistook inflation as 'Omo! He was so young!' XDD
- Well, #wemiSS501 should be trending by now, right? So @mystyle1103 @2kjdream @JungMin0403 @HyungJun87 Check the trending topics list! XD
- Wait. @mystyle1103 The list on tweetcaster is...oh damn. Uhm...Click on ur username&then "trending list". XD *rave-U-later*
- Since i've got a lot of new followers in the past 3 months i'll repost my TS commandments. Ignore them if you know them already.
- [TS Commandments] 1 - Do not have any other groups before SS501.
- [TS Commandments] 2 - You shall not make for yourself an idol. What are SS501 there for? (The 1st part is the actual commandment)
- [TS Commandments] 3 - U shall not make wrongful use of the names KimHyunJoong&KimHyungJoon. Learn who is who! (Like Allkpop. XD)
- [TS Commandments] 4 - Remember the Sexy Charisma and keep it holy. (THIS! SFM! XD)
- [TS Commandments] 5 - Honor your members and your fellow TripleS. (Ok, honor me. XD)
- [TS Commandments] 6 - Love Saengie despite his shyness&inflating. (After all i'm the one who has to bear him everyday. XD)
- [TS Commandments] 7 - Double your s in every word you write down. (No need to remind you. XD)
- [TS Commandments] 8 - Always remember to mispell the word 'you'. (Forever the Center! \o/ Sorry, u probably won't get this. XD)
- [TS Commandments] 9 - You shall not bear false witness against your idols. (Or bash Leader. Or lose trust. U.U Or GTFO, please!)
- [TS Commandments] 10 - U shall not take ur neighbor's fav member. (Jack Sparrow'd say "This is more what u'd call guidelines" XD)
- Ok, guys. It's 2am right now (last night). I can't schedule my tweets for the next hour. So sorry. ;_;
- I hope 1 hour was enough to help you though. I've missed so many sessions since June. I had to be here today somehow. ^^
- @mystyle1103 @JungMin0403 @2kjdream @HyungJun87 's mentions must be increasing every minute. Should have waited to tweet them. XD I'll say it once again:  I miss u! SO MUCH! ThankSS! Hwaiting! And LOVE YA! \o/ S.T.01 always&forever. Wherever u are, whatever u're doing. Oh, yeah. No point in getting personal fandom's names. We like being TS. XD Just telling u. We'll never be fans of only one of you. But it's ok. Love Ya! \o/
- DAMMIT! So many things i wanna say! But it's too late! ;_; Nevermind. I'll blog my trending session&add smth in the entry later.
- Hwaiting, sis! \o/ Menu ah needs to run now. XD Love Ya! @mystyle1103 @JungMin0403 @HyungJun87 @2kjdream Love Ya too! And  \o/
- Oh, yeah. Of course i'll reply ur mentions (in case there are any) when i come back home. Trending Menu's ghost flees now. \o/
- Raise your hands if you can't wait for Jung Min's comeback so Menu will stop spazzing about your bias! \o/
- I have the feelings u all stopped tweeting to raise your hands. Well, you can put them down now. =.= I'll count u later. Bye! XD
- WAIT! Yes, i'm here again. XD I've just been granted permission to spazz abt Kyu. \o/....But idk where i should start from. XD
- Well, let's start w saying my Kyu phase started when i got Rebirth SE. U know the jacket pic? Ok, then u get my point, right? XD Nevertheless i tried to hold myself. THEN i got Persona in Seoul. And...idk what happened. I'm so sorry i'm this hopeless. XD
I think Kyu shouldn't wear black AND tight clothes. He gives me the 'OMFG! WANT!' effect!
MENU: *avoids shoe* XDD Too much? No, seriously. I can stop. I can get over Kyu anytime! U.U *sees Rebirth poster* *_*
YS: Don't u even think of drooling! You know, u always say u want Kyu as brother. Well, spazzing over ur brother is sick.
MENU:....U're just jealous 'cause it's ur Kyu...Ok, i'm done. I swear i'll keep my Kyu phase for myself.
YS: Too many Kyu's buins among her followers.
MENU: Yeah, one is you. =.=
- I won't say bye this time 'cause i may think of smth else to say&i'll schedule that in case. So, u may see me again or not. \o/
- AH! THE HANDS! KYU'S HANDS! OMFG! I love hands! When i told my bff 'Kyu's hands r amazing! I'm screwed!' she went facepalm. XD

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