Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


SAENGIE&MENU: 7 months together

Omg, i've overdone this month. So sorry. You're gonna need a week to read this (more than usual) so you may want to ask your boss or teacher or whatever to give you a few days off. ':D
Oh, and btw. I was thinking to write something about SuJu coming to Italy. Not that you care about because the entry would be more about fans pretending they don't care, than SUJU IN FREAKING ITALY WHERE I FREAKING LIVE! XD But i'll do that (maybe) once they'll be back in Korea. 

Ok...There you go! The underlined part is the one that cracks me up the most. I wish you could see what that scene looks like in my head. XDD

MENU: SAENGIE AH! #thisrelationshipisover 
YS: Yeah, whatever you say...Stop playing with the tags, Menu ah...

MENU: Hey! What's wrong w Kyu? 
MENU: *hits Saengie with a plastic bottle* Oh, he must have left a message. Saengie ah, translate. 
YS: Ani...Just wait like every1 else. I won't be your shortcut.
MENU: Then what's the point?

MENU: I went to my neighbor to discuss tutoring, i came back&heard my brother saying 'She was taking my clothes off in the middle of the square!' Allow me....WTF! EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! *throws up* 
YS: Can i go hear? He's older. I may learn smth.
MENU: SAENGIE AH!!!!! *throws up again*

YS: Why is brother-in-law feeding you and not me?
MENU: I don't know but i don't mean to ask him. 
YS: Then share ur food.
MENU: I don't mean to do that either.

YS: Menu ah...according to ur u think mom will get mad if i steal a meatball?
MENU: I've never stolen meatballs. Just try&let's see.
YS: Ani...She may get scary.
MENU: Oh, yeah. I have experience of that. 
YS: Steal a meatball for me!
MENU: I don't love u enough to die for u. 
YS: U should.

YS: But i'm Heo Young Saeng. I always say the truth. I'm frank.
MENU: Didn't u just say u're Heo Young Saeng? 
YS: I knew u would say that.

MENU: My mom bought this for Tim. A chubby bowl. Like Saengie ah. XD 
YS: YAA-AA! Am i simply chubby to you?

MENU: Saengie ah.. 
YS: Yep?
MENU: Hit me. 
YS:...For real?
MENU: Yeah. 
YS:..No, i'm not sure.
MENU: Didn't i say i was going to move stuff on my hdd? 
YS: Y..yes?
MENU: I didn't.
YS: There's a reason why u call urself "stupid menu ah".
MENU: Are u trying to be supportive? 
YS: No. Just opening your eyes.
MENU: Oh...thanks. 
YS: Anytime.

MENU: I love when my cat falls asleep on my shoulder. *_* 
YS: ....>.< She never lets me fall asleep on her shoulder.
MENU: ...What if u drool on my shirt?
YS: I...=.= I don't drool while sleeping.
MENU: How do u know? U're sleeping. 
YS: U know, of all the excuses u made up so far, dribble is the worst one.

MENU: ...Er...Saengie ah? 
YS: Yep?
MENU: Why is there a naked-you gif around the web? o.O 
YS: Did u put cctv in the bathroom?
MENU: Ewww...what's wrong w u? >.<
YS: I don't know. U started this. Are you gonna save that?
MENU: No. 
YS: Why not?
MENU: Because you're creepy. Get away from me. 
YS: But Menu ah...
MENU: Go away!
YS: Why are u always like this?
MENU: Because u're a champion in giving awkward answers. o.O 
YS: Then don't ask me weird questions.
MENU:....Go away!

MENU: Saengie ah, i want you to remember me. If you remember me then i don't care if everyone else forgets. 
YS: ...What? o.O
MENU: ......XDDD Sorry. I just really wanted to see your face if i said that. XDD 
YS: =.=
MENU: Shis, you fell for it like yeah! 
YS: Ok, stop it.
MENU: Omg! Priceless! 
MENU: LMAO! You made my day. 
YS: Aish..nevermind. *leaves* 
MENU: Are you mad? Don't be mad! It's ur fault if u fell for it. XD 
YS: Menu ah, go away.
MENU: Oh, come on. It was just a joke. 
YS: Well, stop joking.
MENU: LOL How? I'm Menu ah! \o/ 
YS: Oh for goodness sake.
MENU: Am i forgiven? \o/ 
YS: Not sure.
MENU: \o/
YS: Stop \o/-ing.
MENU: \o/ Sorry. \o/ Am i forgiven? \o/ 
YS: If it makes you stop, yes. Yes. Forgiven.
MENU: \o... 
YS: *grabs arms* Do that&i'm moving out.

YS: Menu ah!
MENU: :O Saengie ah! 
YS: Put my alarm tone as alarm tone!
MENU: :O No way! 
YS: Why?!
MENU: :O 'Cause ur tone has trumpets! 
YS: So what?!
MENU: :O Mom kills us.
YS: We're in a different room!
MENU: :O She can still hear! 
YS: How?
MENU: :O Mom's a vampire. 
YS: Omo...AH! Cut the trumpets!
MENU: ....Sorry, I'm not that great.
YS: ...Look, if one day i wake up because Jung Min ah's somewhere in the room yelling but i can't see Jung Min ah in the room we're done.
MENU: =.= U'd dump me for a stupid alarm tone? 
YS: It's not stupid. Ask any1. No man would like to wake up hearing his wife's ex's voice?

MENU: Omo! There's a kid on tv..o.O *pulls YS's shirt* 
YS: What?
MENU: Since when do u have a daughter? Or a younger sister? 
YS: Uh?..*looks at tv* Oh! She looks like me!
YS: I swear, i didn't do that.
MENU: I hope so! 
YS: *gets closer to tv* Omo, look at her cheeks. And eyes.
MENU: It's almost scary.

MENU: Pee! >.< Why do i realise all of a sudden that i have to pee? 
YS: Menu ssi, please.
MENU: Sorry, i know. But it's a fact. 
YS: Yeah, i don't care. o.O

MENU: I think i just ate a sugarfree cupcake. 
MENU: How? 
YS: Idk. Find a way. You're not allowed to eat sugarfree food if you're w me. I mean, it's an insult. What's the point in making sugarfree sweets?
MENU: Uhm..yeah, it makes sense. 
YS: Of course it makes sense!
MENU: Ok, calm down.


WGM /this is hard to get/ 

MENU: Great, if those were me and Saengie we would be screwed. We suck at maths. While i'm sure Jung Min ah is good! 
YS: I'd solve an equation to save ur life.
MENU: How? Maths isn't 1 of those things u get better at when u're in danger. If u suck, u suck for good.
YS: Ok, then no horror houses or stuff, you and i.
MENU: Agree. Stick with green wide fields and rainbows. 
YS: Tweeting birds!
MENU: \o/

MENU: No, changed my mind. If i ever need to tour a ghost house i wanna go w Jokwon. 
YS: Me too..
MENU: o.O What? XD 
YS: No joke, he just made ghosts laugh.



MENU: Wow! My 750words profile today says i'm 75% affectionate. The cake is almost completely green. \o/ I'm sweet. 
YS: Stop praising urself.
MENU: Then u praise me. 
YS: I won't praise you. You weren't talking about me. Why should i praise you?
MENU: 'Cause u think i'm sweet.
YS: ....Ok, but it needs to be spontaneous.
YS: What?
MENU: HA! You said "ok, but"! HA! 
YS: Stop saying HA!
YS: Ok, HA!
YS: =.=
MENU: Time orientation: future. Sense: hearing&sight. Focused on me&us (us being my dad, my bff, my cousin, my brother.) 
YS: Still not me.
MENU: Aigoo...



YS: Menu ah...stop playing with my twitter profile and let's watch this damn dvd.
MENU: Omona, the dvd. You're right. Ok...but i'm hungry. 
YS: Oh, even better.
MENU: Ok, pick one. *opens dvd case* CD 1: the memories. CD 2: the stages. CD 3: the trip. 
YS: You mean to eat? o.O
MENU: =.= No. To watch. *hits head*
YS: Which one do u prefer?
MENU: Idk. The 1st one cracks me up, the 3rd one is nice 'cause u're just hanging out but in the 2nd one there's that Ur Man performance w Leader&Jung Min ah coming down from the ceiling and... 
YS: Ok, let's watch the 3rd one.
MENU: And.. 
YS: The 3rd one, Menu ssi!
MENU: And he's... 
YS: 3rd!
YS: Ah! Shush!
MENU: ....Ok. 
YS: Good.

YS: See why u should be w me? What kind of person shouts 'IT'S SALTY!' while swimming in the sea? Jung Min ah. That's who.
MENU: *cracking up*

MENU: LMAO, Saengie ah. Can't you even stand properly? You almost fell there. XDDDD 
YS: ....Shouldn't u go 'Omona, be careful'?
MENU: We're not like that.



MENU: OMG! LEADER'S VOICE!!! ;_____; SAENGIE AH!!! *hugs&cries* 
YS: =.=...I may seriously get pissed w this drama.
MENU: You don't understand! I haven't heard his voice was ur last fanmeeting??? *cries harder* 
YS: *tries to get rid of her* Fine, i'll give you a tape with his voice for your birthday. Now let me go.
MENU: *cries harderer* 
YS: =.= I miss Kyu.
MENU: ...................YA!
STEPH: OMOOO.....BUT U JUST WENT TO LA TOGETHER!! That's it..Kyu's not meeting u till u 2 break up.
YS: At least Kyu doesn't hug me&yell when he hears Hyun Joong's voice.
MENU: Well...i hope he doesn't hug you. Ever. U.U

MENU: Wah! Seung Jo was an asshole just now.
YS: Seung Jo is still Leader.
MENU: No, he's not. 
YS: Then how come they look the same?
MENU: ...Shut up!

MENU: Oh! That line! So Yi Jeong had almost the same line! *_* 
YS: Oh, for goodness' sake. Even So Yi Jeong now?? I'm leaving.
MENU: *pushes him down*

MENU: OMG! SHE'S SO CUTE!!! *_* That little female Harry Potter is the sweetest thing ever. *_*
YS: She won't be sweet anymore after hearing u calling her 'that little female Harry Potter'.
MENU:  Look, if u wanna stay ok. If not, go. 
YS: K...
YS: You said i could go.
MENU: No. I said u could go if u wanted to. 
YS: Indeed. Bye.
MENU: SAENGIE AH! SIGNALS! U don't want to! 
YS: Yes, i do.
MENU: No, u don't!

YS: STOP YELLING!!!!!!!!!!

MENU: Aish...bitch, STFU! >.< Have u ever tried having an eye pencil stuck up your...
MENU: ...nose! I was about to say nose!

MENU: Saengie ah, apparently Leader copied our 'YA!' 
YS:....Menu ah...YA isn't our YA. YA is YA!
MENU: Stop YA-ing at me! What did i do? 
YS: I...nevermind.



MENU: Freaking Shisus, Jung Min ah has the straightest teeth i've ever seen! *_* WAE? STOP IT!! 
YS: Now it's his teeth...
MENU: I tend to forget Jung Min ah's an uncle. Family meetings would be supercool if i had an uncle like Jung Min ah. 
YS: Menu ah...what r u saying?
MENU: Why? Isn't it cute? It makes me think of Jung Min ah pushing kids on a swing. 
YS: Or off a swing...
MENU: I'd love to be 1 of those kids for 1 day.
YS: Menu ah...Don't u realise it doesn't make sense?
MENU: Why not? 
YS :'Cause assuming that kid on the swing is his kid...half of the female creatures who know Jung Min ah would like to be the mom of that kid. Not the kid.
MENU: Well...shouldn't u be happy?
YS: I am..but i'm worried. 'Cause since you'll never be the mom of his kid, it makes me think i'm stuck w a goofy for good.
YS: You are. I'm gonna call you Goofy Menu from now on.
MENU: Do that&i'm gonna explain to my family what Young Shimi means. YS:....Dammit!

MENU: 'I will feel happiness just doing that, seeing how everyone's mood is happy as well, I will be happy myself!" *death glare at Saengie*
YS: What?
MENU: Don't u know how many times i've said that? 
YS: So?
MENU: So it proves Jung Min ah&I COULD have been. But then u freaking inflated!!!
YS: What a great couple you would be. Smiling at everyone&at each other like two insane plastic dolls.
MENU: *hits Saengie's head w a fist* Shut up!

MENU: Speaking of Montagues&Capulets....*sighs* O Jung Min ah, Jung Min ah...wherefore art thou Jung Min ah? 
YS: She said that once already...
MENU: Deny thy father and refuse thy name... 
YS: Uh?
MENU: Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love... 
MENU: And I'll no longer be Menu ah. 
MENU: were here. 
YS: Of course i'm here! Where am i supposed to be?
MENU: Weren't you on the phone w Kyu? 
YS: No.
MENU: Oh... 
YS: What was that?
MENU: Nothing.
YS: Since when do u know Shakespeare by heart?
MENU: I don't. Not in english. 
YS: Of course. Shakespeare wrote abt Romeo. Not Jung Min ah.
MENU: Oh...
YS: Aigoo....
MENU: ......Are u mad? 
MENU: Oh, he's mad.....Uhm....Do u want some cake?
YS: Cake won't save u.
MENU: That's a good one! XD
YS: ..........
MENU: ....Oh, u were serious..... 
YS: *turns his back to her* 
MENU: Omo....Uhm....Saengie ah, Saengie ah, wherefore art thou Saengie ah? 
YS: =.=


YOLY'S BDAY GIFT /i was raving about how cool and unexpected the whole thing was/

MENU: Saengie rule: you touch this cd, this photobook, these posters, this letter&u die. 
YS: *puts finger on the sheet* 
MENU: YA!!!!



STEPH: I officialy declare war to my sister starting today
MENU: HWAITING STEPH! But you're gonna scare Kyu like that. XD
STEPH: THANKS MENU! ~ ..i'll make sure Kyu is out of the firing line XD
YS: U don't want Kyu here?
MENU: .... 
YS: Huh?
MENU: Omo... 
YS: If u say no Kyu's not gonna like u anymore.
MENU: *nervous breakdown*
YS: Kyu called. He asks why u don't love him anymore.
MENU:'s not...Why would Kyu call anyway? 
YS: KyuJong ah, u can't even call now.
MENU: I didn't say he can't call. I asked why did he call? Couldn't he ask Steph to ask me? 
YS: Ani...u're like Montagues&Capulets to us


MENU: OMG! THE PICS SHE POSTED ARE AWESOME!!! I'm gonna stalk her. Now. 
YS: Tomorrow.
MENU: Now. 
YS: Tomorrow.
MENU: Saengie ah, now. 
YS: No. Tomorrow. >.<
MENU: Is it because she has the edit of u looking like a girl, which actually makes u look like a girl? 
YS: No.
MENU: I don't believe you. 
YS: Shut up!
MENU: Stop playing Starcraft, then. 

/posting a list of movies i've seen/
MENU: HA! Harry Potter! TOTALLY SEEN THEM ALL! XDDD And same goes for LOTR and Narnia! THIS IS NARNIAAAA!!!
YS: That was Sparta...Shisus her..And help me...
MENU: Yeah yeah...shush.

MENU: I think i'm falling for tumblr. 
YS: Omg, now she falls for virtual things too.
MENU: In 1 week it'll be you, me, tumblr&starcraft. 
YS: And Twitter.
MENU: And Kyu.



YS: Mai!
MAI: What Saengie?O_ô 
YS: Menu ah is scaring me! She's crying and won't tell me why, ottokae?O_ô
MAI: Aish, have u told her u love her? 
YS:....... Saranghae...???*backs off* Mai, I'm scared!O_ô
MAI: XDD U're such a whimp Saengie! xD Menu-ah are you still crying? xD
MENU :OMG! Don't remind me! Last time he said i love you was when SS501 won MuBank! *crying forever* 
YS:...How can u remember the date?
MENU:  I'm a girl. ;_; 
YS: So ur brain works better?
MENU: Well, yes...;_; But i mean we care abt this stuff.
YS: So i'm the villain. 
MENU: Yes. ;_;



MENU: I'm sorry. But seeing Baby, Kyu and Saengie in BOF and ACTUALLY KNOWING they're Baby, Kyu and Saengie is just weird. XDDD I mean, if one year ago someone told me 'That's gonna be your husband' i wouldn't believe them. XDDDD 
YS: Ya, Menu ssi...=.=
MENU: Look at how slim you were, Saengie ah. 
YS: Stop it...
JH: He wasn't slim. He was wearing black.
YS: OK! Cut it! All of you!

MENU: Omo, Hyun Joong ah...Ji Hoo ssi...Ani, LEADER! DON'T CRY! ;___; I can't not cry if you cry. Come on! ;______; 
YS: Oh for goodness' sake...=.=

MENU: *clicks pause&looks at Saengie* Seriously, why did i hate Ji Hoo? 
YS: What? Idk. I don't care. *clicks play* 
MENU: Ah..*clicks pause* He's so cute.
YS: Fine, he's cute. Let me see the episode. *clicks play* 
MENU: But i need a reason. *clicks pause* 
YS: Menu ah, u hated him because he wasn't Leader.
MENU: No, i can still hate Seung Jo at times. &i don't really get why i hated him so much. 
YS: It's because u know he won't win in the end *play*
MENU: *pause* I'm not that mean. 
YS: Yes, you are. &anyway i wasn't here in December. How should i know? Now shush. *play* 
MENU: Aigoo.. 
YS: Shush, Menu ah.



MENU: 'To those who didn't come: you'll regret that.' =.= Kyu Jong ssi. Jugule? 
YS: You're the worst. You didn't even know us in August.
MENU: Yeah, how was i supposed to come to the concert if i didn't know you? 
YS: Your problem. You missed a great show.
MENU: Shut up. 
YS: You did.
MENU: Shut up!

MENU: Aw, Saengie ah. U missed Leader? 
YS: Ok, skip that bit.
MENU: It's sweet. Did u hug him after that? 
YS: I said skip that bit.
MENU: You're so a namby pamby.

*passes water&towels and counts the victims*

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