Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Random entry, Pensieve style.

Even the gif is random. But Alvin is totally the U-Kiss couple i ship the most. And this is funny. And U-Kiss just came back so it kind of fits.
And yellow is the color of crazyness. And FTI and Big Bang. That's why this is all yellow. I couldn't WRITE in yellow or you couldn't read a word over my background, so i had to highlight the entry. Cool, uh?I don't have a specific reason to write. I just feel like i have a mess in my mind and i need to pour it out, just to tidy up. I literally wrote what i had in mind, without paying attention to grammar and stuff. It's literally an open window on my mind these days.

Jung Min's sick. Damn, i knew this was gonna happen. No, actually when he said he was on a diet i tried to calm everyone down and said we shouldn't be worried until he collapsed or something. Well, he did collapse so what am i supposed to say? I'm so worried but at the same time i can't scold anyone 'cause i was the first one who said not to worry too much. Anyway he's recovering now. I hope he enjoys this short time off and i'll start to count down the days until the 25th of November. I'm totally gonna buy his album. And a dvd, if he's gonna release his personal dvd. Though i've planned to buy Saitama Concert and Persona Encore at Xmas, already. In the meantime Saengie and Kyu finally signed a contract or are about to do so. I'm thrilled about them being in the same company, though it doesn't come totally out of the blue. I wanna see this as one more trace of their friendship. A hint that they really don't give a damn about desbanding, despite someone seems still very convinced of it. I can't wait to know their future plans. I wonder if they're gonna sign as a duo or as solo singers. It would be cool if they stick together. Somehow seeing two members together on stage would make me miss them a bit less, but at the same time they may want to dive into the real world on their own, to test themselves. I don't know. In any case, Baby wants to invite the whole group to his musical. Proof that they're still 501 wherever they are. Who knows if they found time to visit Jung Min? But i'm sure they called him at least. Is it even right to imagine their reactions to this kind of issues? It's probably not my right. I don't know them. Yet i feel like i do. And Saengie's birthday is approaching. I don't think i need to explain why i'm looking forward to that day. I don't care what you're gonna think. I do feel like i'm bound to Young Saeng somehow. The more i read his tweets the more i realise we do have some traits in common. And i'd really love to be the one who picked his birthday tag but my mind sucks so i guess i'll just do my best in trending, as usual. And i'll keep dreaming God will give me a chance to show him and the other four how much they mean to me, in a more concrete way. Am i selfish? Ok, nevermind. Today i read when you love something it's okay to have obsessed thoughts. LOL 'Today i read' sounds like i'm...Wait, you don't care, i guess. What else?...I'm gonna skip my rage about Playful Kiss spoilers. Because when i think about that scene and the overwhelming need to spazz and jump and shout and shake things (alive or not) that i could have felt, i feel like jump, shout, shake things (alive or not) but out of rage, not thrill. So yeah. Let's skip. And the drama's gonna end next week. I know i'm gonna miss it so much. Despite i've watched like 10 dramas in one year, i haven't loved one this much since Yamato Nadeshiko. And i'm gonna miss Leader's face and Leader's voice. Yes, i miss their voices too. I hope he comes back soon so i won't need to miss him too much. And it's B2ST and MBLAQ anniversary today. I dreamed of B2ST last night. Only detail worth to be written down is the fact i hugged Dongwoon. I think we were something like close friends in my dream. Not necessarily something more. I don't know. I woke up right after the hug so i couldn't figure that out. And i wish you could see the way we were jumping in celebration. I think i laughed in my sleep. So sorry i don't like their new album much. And U-Kiss's album either. I love those guys so much and i support them. I was really anticipating, but maybe i should start doing like i do with the Harry Potter movies and ignore any news until they come back. You don't expect anything, you don't get disappointed. What if i won't like SS501's new songs either? I'd feel so left out if everyone was spazzing over them and i was just here staring. SHISUS! Please! Let them be daebak! But maybe the fact it's SS501 will make me automatically love their albums? I don't know. I really hope so.
And FTI! Shisus's sake! FTI! People, you're sick. Believing they got a girl pregnant IN THAILAND? And that Jong Hoon wants to leave? YA! It's Jong Hoon you're messing with! MY Choi Jong Hoon! Leave him alone! I swear, you're all dead when i find you. When i read 'Believe me 'cause most of them don't believe me' i felt like choking and torturing and killing whoever spreaded these rumors. 

*breathes* My head feels lighter already. I have a few stressful thoughts to let out about my private life too, something probably more important. I swear i'm trying not to look at my mom because the expression she has makes me want to cry. ;_;  But this isn't the right place and i don't wanna annoy you. My LJ looks like the diary of a suicidal these days, already. Though i didn't mean to make my last entries sound emo. And if i sound like i only care about idols and stuff it's simply because it makes me temporarily forget chaos. But i don't want you to think i'm down so i'll just shut the hell up and move on. I'm the one who fixes people, not the other way round.
And i should study korean. I haven't touched the book this week. At all. I really couldn't find the time. 
Ok, sorry. I said i didn't want to tell about my private life here. Let's stick to kpop.

Speaking of which, i'll leave you with my newest TripleS tumblelog you probably have visited already. But just in case. 

Love Ya. Sorry about the randomness.
Menu ah

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