Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


50 and 1 reasons why i love SS501

I wrote this before reading the news about their comeback. Yet, i feel like i have one more reason to update my blog today. I had tears in my eyes last night. I was going to bed when i found the link to the article. And for once, i honestly deeply loved that band of bashing brats who go by the name of Allkpop.
I was thinking i had to save this for the beginning of December. It'll be my first TripleS birthday, though for some reason the date '26th of November' keeps buzzing in my head. I don't know why my senses tell me that's the exact day when i fell in love with SS501. Like if on that day, last year, my brain automatically recorded that info because it knew i would want to remember that detail in the future.
Well, thanKYU brain! For once you collaborate. \o/
Last January i found myself writing 5 reasons why i loved each SS501 member. It was quite easy because my memories of them were all spreaded over the previous 30 days or something.
Now it's been almost one year of increasing 'lobe' for an unbelievably close group, one year of costant learning and fun and yeah, pain.
They've been right by my side for almost 365 days, 24/7. Through everything. And i mean everything. From journeys in my car until the minutes before falling asleep. I know them a bit better and i've collected many more reasons to love them. 
So i'm gonna write down my 10 reasons why i love each and every one of them.


1. His 4Dness. It's the reason why i fell for him and is still the reason why i love him every day. It's in all his gestures and words. Which makes him unique.

2. His hard work. The way no matter how dorky he can be, he constantly keeps in mind he's the Leader. He bears the whole group burdens and sometimes even his fans's burdens. I'm sorry about that. The least i can do is to love him more than possible.

3. His strength to ignore the bad careless words he's flooded with and turn a possible anger or demoralization into endless gratefulness for his fans.

4. His humbleness. That thing that makes him say "I don't think i'm one in a million. I think we can all achieve something if we fight and work."

5. His voice. Not his singing voice. Just his voice. When i watched the first episode of Playful Kiss and i heard his voice again after months of written messages i felt home somehow.

6. His smile, that trapped me 12 months ago and keeps amazing me with that hidden veil of tease in it.

7. He is everything i want in a guy. When i watched We Got Married I realised he was. Funny, careful, not into sugary things but drop dead romantic at the proper time. Always able to erase sadness and mark the happy moments forever. Without even trying. Open and honest.

8. His courage. Not really sure if i could explain this, but i feel my Leader is brave.

9. His manhood. I'll be blunt: he emanates manhood from every pore.

10. I honestly think there is no other Leader like him, not only because he's SS501's Leader. You know me, you know how many groups i love from the bottom of my heart. If i say it, it's because i mean it. 


1. This

2. will

3. have

4. to

5. wait

6. 'til

7. the

8. 3rd

9. of

10. November

His birthday is too close and i have a pretty clear view of my trending session. So, no. I'm sorry. I won't give you any preview.


1. I've said this a thousand times: Kyu is a perfect boy. A perfect brother. Count the times he's mentioned Eunah in his messages.

2. A perfect son. Remember his mom's letter and the earnest respect he nourishes for his father.

3. A perfect friend. Ask Saengie ah. XD

4. A perfect member. Can't get rid of the memories of all the times he cried for his group, the times he cheered for his group. Most recent memory: the moment when he hugged Jung Min during Green Peas, at Persona in Seoul.

5. *wears helmet* He's damn freaking hot. Ok! God bless countrymen! So glad his choreographies always requires to take the jacket off. *jumps on shuttle and moves to Mars*

6. The way he felt like he didn't fit in. It makes him normal and i feel him so much. I've never really fit in either, until i found my current friends. 

7. The way he pronounces the s.

8. His absolute randomness, that comes right when you just got used to the idea Kyu is the normal one.

9. His ideal girlfriend. The fact he wants to teach something to his girl. The idea he can be so reliable. It makes me wish i was a bit more romantic myself.
You know when people say "Edward Cullen isn't real"? I used to mourn for that truth, but now i could easily reply "Edward Cullen may not be real, but Kyu is."

10. His smile, that never fades away, from his lips and his heart. No matter how many hardships life's thrown his way, he is Kim Kyu Jong. He's made it this far, life can just go and choke on its own shit.
(I know. Shit and Kyu aren't supposed to figure in the same sentence.) 


1. All together: "He saved Menu ah's life!" Good. You're improving.

2. Always and forever: HE COMMUNICATES WITH ALIENS!

3. He never rests. Almost more than Leader. Which isn't always healthy but makes me want to move my ass and shake off my unbeatable lazyness. And trust me: no one in 22 years has ever achieved this much.

4. He's so flawless it hurts to think that even if he was a schoolmate or anyway not an idol, i wouldn't have the slightest chance to approach him. Not even as a friend. No matter how much i love him.

5. His frankness. He may sound tactless at times, but we know he's simply honest. To the core. And speaking of frankness, if everyone had at least 1/3 of his honesty the world would be a better place.

6. His low warm special voice.

7. That feeling he gives me, like if he's a 6 year old kid in a 23 year old successful gorgeous mature man's body. He knows when to have fun and when to be serious, still without making grown-up matters boring.

8. He's an uncle. The idea he's an uncle makes me want to pinch his cheeks. Which never happens. He's probably one of the few idols i rarely wish to pinch. But why do i feel like his heart skips a beat when he sees his nephew?

9. His absolute cheek. When he pesters Baby and later teams up with him against the hyungs. When he pesters the hyungs all by himself. When he just "jungmins" around. How can you not love him? If i had to fight with him, and we would fight a lot, i could never sulk for too long. I swear.

10. He taught me to dream again, and no matter how many bias Shisus will send my way. Park Jung Min will always have my heart. (Or at least half of it. The other know...Saengie ah...Nevermind. I'll tell you on the 3rd of November.)


1. Smile goes on top this time.

2. On his birthday i said he's like Peter Pan. I'll stress that. He can say he's a man but i will never be able to stop calling him Baby.

3. His deep will to live and laugh and have fun.

4. He's a mood maker. Literally. Whatever his mood is, he makes my mood be the same.

5. I admit, despite he's my Baby always and forever, when he dances to his solos i get a weird feeling i won't explain further.

6. His love for his brother and the team those two make. Pure envy material.

7. His amazing ability to show his feeling to everyone, every time he needs to, no matter what. Whether he's happy or sad, toward men or women, older or younger, childhood friends or strangers. It must be hard for him to keep a secret. He's like the voice of innocence. What did i say? Peter Pan!

8. He makes everyone fall for him despite he can be a pretty hardcore pestering kid. Ask Papa Bear.

9. His "yo sister" is enough to make my day for eternity.

10. The beautiful bond with the other members. And Jung Min. I know they're all brothers, but his birthday bash is imprinted into my heart, soul and mind for good.

SS501 are 501 for one reason. It's something people are having a hard time to understand, apparently. It's not just a name. SS501.
They're like a cards castle: you remove one and the whole thing collapses.
I love FTI, Big Bang, U-Kiss, B2ST, F.Cuz, T-Max. I respect SuJu and DBSK. And you should know when i love something or someone i would never do them wrong. So don't bash me for what i'm gonna say.
But. SS501 are the only group i just can't picture different from the way they are these days. The way they've been for 5 years.
FTI moved on without Won Bin, U-Kiss didn't have Kiseop at the beginning, T-Max renewed themselves completely this year, SuJu confuse me but anyway they're still standing perfectly whether they're 15, 13, 10 or whatever. DBSK seem to be moving on, too.
The others. despite how much the idea hurts me, i can picture them apart or without a member.
But SS501. They're like 5 pillars. One crashes down and the roof won't stand. Not for long at least. The weight, for the other four pillars, gets too overwhelming.
That's my 51st reason: they broke into my life when my hope was about to fade away forever and showed me true friendship, not-blood brotherhood, dreams coming true, strength, success through merit and not second means. All things this messed up world is desperately trying to smash. They can still exist, if you work hard to achieve them.
They make me dream and at the same time they make me grow up and realise i have to be my own destiny. My own change. Good things happen if i go out there and look for them and fight to make them mine.
This is why, no matter how crazy i may sound, SS501 are real to me.

3 commenti:

Miss J ha detto...

menu ah.. this is sso awessome that i wanna cry!

mokona ha detto...

menu ah~ shu here.
yes indeed SS501 are real!
And the last paragraph is so true.
i wanna see the reasons for saengie XD
And its so true that if the world have 1/3 of SS501 frankness,it would so much a better place.

AnaSparrow ha detto...

If you're crazy then I'm too, because I agree with every word you wrote!! doesn't matter what anyone says, SS501 is special!! ♥