Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Goodbye, Playful Kiss

[According to me this post is spoiler-free. In case our idea of spoiler is different and you don't want to risk ruining your final episode don't read. I don't mention any specific scene, anyway. Just a quote you can easily skip.]

I'll be quick.
I'm feeling something weird right now.
I've loved this drama to an extent and in a way that's different from how i loved every other drama.
I'm attached to very few characters in my respectably long list of dramas: basically the F4, Ga Eul, Jeremy and the whole Coffee Prince cast.
But i can't think of one character of Playful Kiss that i'm not gonna miss.
I've loved everyone: Seung Jo, Ha Ni, their fathers, Seung Jo's mom (that crazy awesome woman!), Eun Jo (smart funny kid *pats head*), MIN AH!!! (Little cute female Harry Potter, i'm gonna miss you!!!), Ju Ri, even Hae Ra (once she dropped the evil mask, i loved her too), and Bong Joon Gu, my one and only Lock Dude! Tell me there's a guy like him somewhere out there.
I wish they all had a spin-off.
The final episode made me smile and cry so much: smile because they all get their happy ending. Cry...well, more like a lump in my throat..One of the good ones. Those that makes you suffer in a positive way. Because it's over.
I know, i can always rewatch the whole show, but it won't be the same. The smiles, laughter and tears a drama can give you, you really live them just once. The other times are like a dejà vu. It's still good to feel, but it's nothing new. And Playful Kiss gave me SO MANY good feelings.
That's why i was so mad when Allkpop first and all of my followers later told me about the kiss in the rain. I tripped over it. I didn't mean to see it, but i ran into the screencap and takes less than a second to see a picture. I didn't have time to keep myself from looking. In one second the greatest feeling the drama was supposed to make me feel was gone. Puff. And i had no chance to go back and change that. I didn't have the chance to feel what most of you got to feel. I hate you all for that! >.<
I may have overreacted, but i was really really mad after watching the thirteenth episode.
Anyway...I hate when a drama ends. And i hate when a kdrama ends because though it lasts only one season, less than 20 episodes, it makes me feel things it takes 7 years to an american tv-show to make me feel.
*sighs* I guess all i have left to say is: JJANG! Everyone, just JJANG!
And LEADER JJANG! Because i'm not sure i would have watched this show if it wasn't for him. And i would have missed 2 awesome funny full months.
Whatever reviews said, i loved every second of his acting. I've rewatched a few episodes of Boys Over Flowers recently and i did notice he's improved. So, JJANG! 
And while everyone is busy posting Seung Jo's words everywhere, i'll leave you with the quote that made me start weeping during the last episode:

"If it wasn't for Ha Ni i wouldn't be here now. Whether that's loyalty, friendship or love, Ha Ni is nailed inside me." 

LOCK DUDE! *grabs sleeve* DON'T LEAVE ME!!!!!!!

I think i need to spend the night listening to G.NA's Kiss Me. I cried the most while that song started playing in the episode. When the theme song plays it means it's really over. Waaaaaaaaaah.....;_;
I'm so sad ydek. I'm not pretending. I swear. Ottoke?

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