Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Bday Ravings

OMG! Leader!! XDD
Anyway...this post is so long. o.O It was a wrong idea to include all the members in these ravings, because they're not in the same place anymore. ':D But it was too late when i realised that.
If you're planning to go 'til the end, just two notes: there's one character who doesn't talk because i don't know what they'd say. XDD And don't expect epic ravings. This isn't my best. You'll notice.
Last thing: since this one is so long i won't mention my feelings about this day. Once again, check my LJ if you wanna know.
I hope you'll read both. Sorry for being so wordy. ':D

GD: *enters bedroom* Hyung.
SAENGIE: Not so loud.
GD: I just said hyung.
SAENGIE: What do you want?
GD: It's Menu ah's birthday.
SAENGIE: I know, that's why i'm here.
GD: What are you doing?
SAENGIE: Waiting for her to wake up.
GD: Oh...i suppose you won't tell me why you can't wake her up yourself.
SAENGIE: I'm not sure of the consequences.
GD: Do you want me to wake her up for you?
SAENGIE: Will you take the risk?
GD: ....Should i call Jong Hoon ah to wake her up? He will take the risk.
SAENGIE: I don't want him to be the first person she sees on her birthday.
GD: Is it okay if she sees me first?
SAENGIE: No. Why do you think have i been sitting here like an idiot since i woke up?
GD: Then i suggest you to either turn her toward you or move to this side of the bed.
GD: 'Cause if she opens her eyes now, first thing she sees is my knees.
SAENGIE: Move, then.
GD: I don't need to. I don't care if she sees my knees.
GD: Exactly. That's why YOU should move her.
SAENGIE:...I...Oh, fine. *goes sitting on the floor near the bed*
MENU: *turns toward the wall*
SAENGIE: Are you freaking kidding me? =.=
GD: *pats Saengie's back* You're cute even when one of you is sleeping.
SAENGIE: Well, i suppose she'll have to turn this way sooner or later. I'll wait here.
GD: *sits on the floor*
SAENGIE: What are you doing?
GD: Keeping you company.
SAENGIE: Not here.
GD: Why not?
SAENGIE: She sees you.
GD: That sounds scary.
SAENGIE: She is scary.
GD: Yeah, but she has the power to turn you into a spineless dummy.
SAENGIE: She does not.
GD: *pats back* Truth is painful.
SAENGIE: Shut up.
MENU: Both of you. *turns to them again* Shut up. Both of you. Ruining a girl's sleep on her birthday is like telling her she's fat when she's having her period.
SAENGIE: Menu ah!
GD: Don't say period!
SAENGIE: In front of other men.
MENU: *looks straight at Saengie* PERIOD!
GD: Hyung, make her stop!
SAENGIE: Scientists are working on it.
MENU: Why are you both on the floor like two homeless dudes?
GD: ^^
SAENGIE: =.=.....>.<.....KWON JI YONG!
GD: o.O Omo.
SAENGIE: Take that back!
GD: *looks at Menu* What?
MENU: *raises shoulders* Idk.
SAENGIE: I had to be the first one!
GD: I didn't know.
SAENGIE: What does it mean i didn't know? I told you 3 seconds ago.
GD: No. You told me you didn't want her to see someone else first. You never mentioned wishing her happy birthday.
MENU: What did he say?
GD: That he didn't want you to see someone else before him. ^^
MENU: Omo...*_*
GD: Yeah, and he's been sitting next to you since he woke up.
MENU: Omo omo...*_*
SAENGIE: You weren't supposed to tell her!
GD: How am i supposed to know? Make a list or something, man.
SAENGIE: Here's the list. One: STFU. End. That's the list.
GD: See? Always yelling. I helped you getting what you wanted.
SAENGIE: You and i are not done.
GD: Wait until she kisses you.
MENU: *grabs first thing she can find on the bedside table and throws that at GD* OMONA! THAT'S MY PHONE! *runs to get it back* Please, don't be dead! Please, don't be dead!
SAENGIE: Menu ah, it's just a phone.
MENU: Andwe! It's a HTC!
GD: What is it? A code language?
SAENGIE: HTC phones have...
MENU: ANDROID!!! *stares at phone*
SAENGIE: Exactly.
GD: Oh...what's with the satisfied grin?
SAENGIE: Android allows her to have...
MENU: TWEETCASTER! *stares at phone*
GD: OOOH! WHY DIDN'T I GET IT MYSELF?....=.= Seriously, hyung. What the hell?
SAENGIE: Tweetcaster is...
GD: Menu ssi, Saengie will get you a new HTC if that's dead.
SAENGIE: Ya! Stop verbally spending my money!
MENU: Especially because lately he's been wasting his days on Starcraft, baseball and Twitter.
SAENGIE: Same with you. But your triad is Twitter, Tumblr and dramas.
JONG HOON: She's not supposed to provide money for her family.
GD: Where the hell are you coming from?
SAENGIE: *jumps to his feet* YA YA YA!!!
MENU: Saengie ah, let him go. It's my birthday.
GD: Yeah, how can you say no to those puppy eyes you're married to? *giggles*
MENU: Ya! Are you done already? =.=
GD: *stands up* Let's go, Jong Hoon ssi. Let's make breakfast for our landlady.
JONG HOON: Why can't you go make breakfast with Young Saeng?
MENU: Young Saeng?
SAENGIE: ....I'm Young Saeng, Menu ah.
MENU: I know, but. No one calls you Young Saeng in this house. o.O
SAENGIE: Jong Hoon ssi is mutinying.
JONG HOON: But why can't you go make her breakfast? She's your wife.
GD: That's exactly why he gets to stay here while you and i go slaving away in the kitchen. Come on! *grabs JONG HOON's shirt&gets out*
GD: Shush, Jong Hoon ah. What is it you say these days? Sarang sarang sarang? Well, sarang, Jong Hoon ssi!
JONG HOON: You don't make any sense. Ever.
GD: I'm G-Dragon. People like me because i don't make sense.

SAENGIE: the phone dead?
MENU: Not for now. *still staring at phone*
SAENGIE: Ok, just wondering. Are you gonna spend the whole day giving more attention to your phone than me? 'Cause in that case i'm going out and have fun.
MENU: Oh...omo.
MENU: Aigoooo! *pinches cheeks*
MENU: Just admit it once and for all. You can't live without me anymore.
SAENGIE: Tsk...I'm not gonna say that. *leaves the room*
MENU: *follows* It's okay. I know you can't.
SAENGIE: What makes you think i can't?
MENU: Well, you say you're moving out when i'm annoying but you never do.
SAENGIE: That's because you'd hadncuff me somewhere to let me stay.
MENU: You comfort me when i get sad over stuff.
SAENGIE: That's because you'd yell if i didn't.
MENU: Then how about the "she doesn't have to see someone else first" thing? Huh?
SAENGIE: That's...
MENU: *dumb smile*
SAENGIE: Fine! I don't have an excuse for that. But it doesn't mean i can't live without you.
MENU: Is it like 'i can but i don't want to', right?
SAENGIE: Will you scream if i say no?
MENU: Loudly.
SAENGIE: I can live without you, but i don't want to, then.
MENU: =.=...Can't you be nice at least on my bday?
SAENGIE: Is there anything nicer than that sentence?
MENU: Yeah.
SAENGIE: Like what?
MENU: Truth.
MENU: You're mean.
SAENGIE:....Aigoo, stop sulking.
MENU:....I'm gonna call Jung Min ah! *dials number*
SAENGIE: What? Wait, no! Don't call Jung Min ah! *grabs phone*
MENU: It's my phone. I'm gonna call Jung Min ah! *holds phone*
SAENGIE: Oh, come on! You can't be this mad! Don't call Jung Min ah!
MENU: I'm a woman. I exaggerate feelings. I'm gonna call Jung Min ah!
SAENGIE: Jung Min ah is in Japan!
MENU: Korea, Japan. No difference in phone bills.
SAENGIE: You're mad at Jung Min ah.
MENU: I can get over it for ten minutes.
SAENGIE: .........Fine! *lets phone go*
MENU: HA! I won! *dials number*
SAENGIE: You didn't. I let you win.
MENU: Whatever...
JUNG MIN: Hello?
MENU: *hears voice - remembers why she was mad - nervous breakdown* Jung Min ah...
SAENGIE: What's wrong with you now?
JUNG MIN: Oh, Menu ssi! Saengil chuka hamnida! ^^
MENU:.....Omo....*_*.....;_; I CAN'T DO THIS! ANDWEEE!!!
SAENGIE: Menu ah?
JUNG MIN: YA! I'm working, you know? Did you really miss the upset me so much? Why did you call?
MENU: Jung Min ah.
JUNG MIN: Omg, the 'jung min ah' thing again. Just like when she got married.
MENU: Will you make my bday wish come true?
SAENGIE: Mind what you're gonna wish!
JUNG MIN: ....Let's see. What is it?
SAENGIE: Oh, freaking god. Give me the phone! *grabs phone* Jung Minnie!
JUNG MIN: Saengie ah, have you ever thought of taking her to a doctor or something? How can u survive there?
SAENGIE: You...get used to it after a while.
JUNG MIN: If you say so. Why did she call me?
SAENGIE: She was mad at me.
JUNG MIN: ......
SAENGIE: Please, don't get mad at her or my life is over.
JUNG MIN: ...I'm too busy to get mad. I have to go, actually. Tell her to get a hold of herself before calling next time.
SAENGIE: I will!
JUNG MIN: And you should start taking your ass to work, you know?
SAENGIE: Bye, Jung Minnie!
JUNG MIN. I'm serious.
SAENGIE: Love you, too!
JUNG MIN: Ah, damn brat.

MENU: *still stuck to the wall*
SAENGIE: "Don't hug them"? Seriously? In front of your husband?
MENU: That wasn't about you.
SAENGIE: Everything that's about you is about me.
MENU: So you have your period too?
SAENGIE: .....You're sick.
[phone rings]
SAENGIE: Who is that?
MENU: It's Kyu.
SAENGIE: Well, are you gonna answer?
MENU: .....I suppose he wants to be nice. I'll answer. *picks up* Kyu Jong ssi!
KYU: Menu ah! Saengil chuka hamnida! *weird noise*
SAENGIE: What was that? o.O
MENU: Idk. Kyu, what's that noise?
KYU: Party poppers!
MENU: *to Saengie* Party poppers...
SAENGIE: For who?
MENU: *to Kyu* For who?
KYU: For you. Who else?
MENU: *to Saengie* For me.
SAENGIE: But you're not there.
MENU: *to Kyu* But i'm not there.
KYU: I know but you don't want me to go to your place so i had to do this on the phone.
MENU: Oh...omo, you're so kind. I feel guilty.
SAENGIE: I told you he's kind.
MENU: Shut up, you!
KYU: Is Saengie ah there?
MENU: Yeah, but you're not gonna talk to him.
KYU:...Not even for a quick hi?
MENU: ....Wait...*speakerphone on* Ok, Kyu Jong ah. He can hear you.
SAENGIE: What? =.=
KYU: Oh...uhm...hyung?
KYU: I guess...hi?
KYU: Ok, this feels stupid.
SAENGIE: Better use twitter.
KYU: Yeah. Sorry.
SAENGIE: It's not your fault.
MENU: Happy you shared this sweet moment! ^^ Now we have to go, Kyu Jong ssi.
KYU: Oh, ok. Then...have a great day, Menu ssi! Bye, Saengie ah!

SAENGIE: You're so mean.
MENU: Wrong perspective. I just love you too much.
SAENGIE: Stop flattering me. It won't work.
MENU: *dials number*
SAENGIE: Who are you calling?
MENU: Baby.
SAENGIE: Oh, true. He tends to forget to send wishes to people.
MENU: I'm sure he didn't mean to leave you out of his Chuseok greetings. Stop holding grudges....You're probably just jealous because he did remember Kyu. Well, for what it counts and despite how annoying it's to me, Kyu would never replace you.
MENU: =.= It takes so little to cheer him up.
SAENGIE: I mean, we went to wherever, Kyu&I. We have something.
MENU: Ok, stop. I don't care about what you and Kyu have....And damn, Baby's not picking up.
SAENGIE: Oh. *takes phone out of his pocket - burst into laughter*
MENU: What?
SAENGIE: Omo, pick up.
MENU. Why?
SAENGIE: Just trust me, please.
MENU: Is it someone i know?
SAENGIE: Yes, yes.
MENU: Saengie ah! If it's not someone i know you're dead.
SAENGIE: You know..them. Come on!
MENU: Oh, okay...Uhm...hello?...O.O....Eo...eomoni!
MENU: Ah, thanks...Yes, my day's been great so far...
SAENGIE: *cracking up during the whole conversation*
MENU: Sure, then. Take care, too. And thanks for calling!...Oh! And happy Chuseok day, too!...Bye!...*hangs up*....=.=
SAENGIE: I should have taped that!
MENU: Come on, your mom?
SAENGIE: I told you she's not scary.
MENU: But i probably sounded stupid.
SAENGIE: There's nothing we can do about that.
MENU: You're unbelievable. Look at the idiot grin you have on your face!
SAENGIE: Oh, and i got a text from Hyun Joong ssi telling me to wish you a happy birthday. He said 'Menu ssi, saengil chuka hamnida. Sorry i can't be there to celebrate with you but i'm sure Young Saengie will take great care of you and make your day unforgettable...'
MENU: I don't believe you.
SAENGIE: ...Ah...ok...he didn't say unforgettable. And then he said 'Take care, have fun, thanks for your support and share half of the cake with Saengie ah.'
MENU: I still don't believe you.
SAENGIE: Why not?
MENU: He doesn't call you Saengie ah. You're not getting half of my cake. I'm sorry.
SAENGIE: Oh, well...i tried.
MENU: Yeah, i'll give you credit for that. But why didn't he call?
SAENGIE: He doesn't have your number.
MENU: Why didn't he call you to talk to me?
SAENGIE: He's busy with his drama.
MENU: But i want to talk to Leader.
SAENGIE: ...Uhm...sorry.
MENU: What time does he get off work?
SAENGIE: Depends.
MENU: Well, can't you find out?
SAENGIE: But why do you need to know?
MENU: I'll call him tonight. Or when he's free.
SAENGIE: Fine, then i'll find out. What about Baby?
MENU: I'll try to call him again. *dials number...* Hyung Jun ssi!
HJB: Sis!! What's up?
MENU: Uhm...can't you imagine that?
HJB: ...Should i?
SAENGIE: Omg, that guy is hopeless.
MENU: Hyung Jun ssi. How can you not remember? I thought you loved me.
HJB: Omo, what did i do?
MENU: It's my birthday. *_*
HJB: Oh! For real? I forgot!
SAENGIE: Noticed.
HJB: Give me a sec.
MENU: What...?
SAENGIE: What's going on?
MENU: He left.
SAENGIE: On the phone?
MENU: Yes.
SAENGIE: That's the worst way to dump someone. Now you see why i'm better than anyone else?
MENU: Stop boasting.
HJB: Menu ssi!
HJB: *plays the Happy Bday song*
SAENGIE: Oh my god, what a chancer. =.=
MENU: Omo...*_* This guy's so sweet.
SAENGIE: Ya! He forgot your birthday!
MENU: But he made up for that. Hear, listen to this! *runs toward him with phone*
SAENGIE: Ya! Why can't you let me win for once? There's always someone before me. >.< *leaves*
MENU: Omo, Saengie ah.
SAENGIE: Nevermind, have fun with who loves you more than me.
HJB: What's going on?
MENU: Saengie got mad.
HJB: Again? I think he's getting too self-centered lately.
MENU: Yeah, but ottoke? I need to go and check on him. Talk to you later, Hyung Jun ssi!
HJB: Oook! Happy birthday, then!
MENU: Thanks! Bye! *hangs up* SAENGIE AAAAH! *runs*
SAENGIE: No no, don't worry about me. I'm just doing my best to be a great hubby, i'm just the only one who pays attention to you even when you're at your worst. It's not much. Don't bother.
GD: Why are you fighting?
MENU: We're not fighting.
JONG HOON: *comes running* Are they fighting?
SAENGIE: We're not fighting.
MENU: You didn't sound like we're not fighting.
GD: Yeah!
JONG HOON: So they're fighting? Are you gonna break up?
MENU: Aigoo...Look at that sulking face!
SAENGIE:.....I'm trying to be serious here.
MENU: With that face you can't.
SAENGIE:....I mean, i woke up 2 hours earlier, i waited for you to wake up, i wished you happy birthday, i get to the end of the day without losing my patience since 7 months ago. Why are you so mean? :(
JONG HOON: Look at that brat, playing the guilt card.
GD: Jong Hoon ah, stop being a peeping tom and help me here!
MENU: It's fun when you get mad. ^^
SAENGIE: Not to me.
MENU: But aren't you here to make my life cheerful?
SAENGIE: Do i make your life cheerful?
MENU: Totally.
JONG HOON: No...don't say totally.
GD: *grabs JONG HOON's shirt* You're not watching a drama. Go back to work and leave them handle this themselves.
JONG HOON: But hyung..
GD: She's gone, Jong Hoon ssi! Face it!
JONG HOON: .....;_;
GD: Omo...ok, sorry. I didn't mean to be so rude. *pats back*
JONG HOON: *hugs GD* I'll be fine one day.
GD: o.O Uhm...Well...Menu ssi loves you still. *pats back*

SAENGIE: Ok, so if i make your life cheerful i'd expect you to thank me at least.
MENU: I thank you.
MENU: Everytime i feed you. I'm very thankful.
MENU: Btw, how's the growing cheek operation going? *pinches cheeks*
MENU: Aigoo!! *hugs* Someone should make a stuffed version of you. It would be a hit.
SAENGIE: Is that a compliment?
MENU: I'd buy a stuffed you.
SAENGIE: I guess it's a compliment.
MENU: Now do me a favor and stop sulking on my birthday.
MENU: Or i'll spend the day with Ji Yong ah.

GD: What did she say?
JONG HOON: Even Ji Yong ah, now. *runs away screaming* I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!

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