Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


That trending Sunday of a tiring trending week...

I usually name reports with the trending session tag. But today there was 2 tags and since the brief but relevant ravings about DongWoon was worth this blog i couldn't let it out. And i didn't like the idea of using 2 tags as title.
You may be happy to know this report is shorter than others. You're lucky i didn't have time to prepare tweets earlier 'cause Leader's bday is freaking special to me and Shisus knows how many things i could end up writing.

*types number* DongWoon ssi! I won't wish u happy bday for 3 years 'cause i've done it 3 times today: SAENGIL CHUKA HAMNIDA!
No wait, don't speak so fast. Or don't speak at all. I can't understand korean. Can't you speak english? I saw on tv u can!
Btw, why did u make KiKwang say 'I love u' to the english teacher that time on B2ST Almighty? As maknae U should be bullied.
And you didn't answer last time i called. Are you sure you're korean? 'Cause u have no korean traits on ur face. Ottoke?
Oh, and i have a request. Can you please never change hairstyle? If you do this i'll marry you over Shisus&every1 else.
Btw, u think Shisus as Shisus could actually get married? Anyway, Leader's bday session starts in 4 minutes. I'm hanging up. No, not your Leader. My Leader...I mean *shakes head* SS501's Leader. HyunJoong ssi. So...i'll call u soon, ok?
I'll give you a happy birthday in italian 'cause i'm the coolest fan ever. BUON COMPLEANNO, DONGWOON AH!!! Grow some maknaeism in the next year. Or not. I'm fine teasing u for this, anyway. Wish you all the best!! Annyeong!! ^^

*taking off B2UTY outfit* *wearing TripleS outfit* *adding HJLish accessories* Hat, check. Alien pin, check. Guitar, check.
No, wait. I have to write. *puts down the guitar* *fix pillows* *grabs lappie* SAENGIL CHUKA HAMNIDA, HYUNJOONG AH!!!!!!!!!!
For some reason i'm particularly excited abt this bday. Maybe because HJL's the lowest common denominator of my k-obsession.
I don't even know where to start from. And i know I said this abt JungMin too, but they're special in 2 different ways.
KimHyunJoong is probably the person that i'm most worried abt and proud of among all the korean celebrities i know.
I wish i had his determination in following dreams. His honesty in relationships w people. His careness towards friends&family.
*interrupts serious deep TS moment* FREAKING SHISUS!!! THE EVIL KID, THE ONE FROM EASTER!!! SHE'S BACK!! *runs*
*deep breathe* Don't worry Menu. She won't come&chase you right? Just focus on this session. It'll be ok.
I was saying..worried&proud 'cause he pushes himself WAY too far sometimes. But i guess he's a great inspiration at the same time.
And he's one of the funniest person on earth 'cause he doesn't seem to realize he is. XD
Just thinking of his face while teasing some1 is enough to cheer up. I mean! Doesn't my avatar say 'CHEEESE!!!!'? XD
So yes, for all these reasons i hope he's had the most awesome bday he could wish for&more. Our 4D, caring, hardworking Leader.
And if we want to be honest, while i was watching WGM i think i DID fall in love w him for a couple of weeks.
I loved him to the point i wondered 'Why don't i have a bf like him?' One of the many regrets of my life after falling for kpop.
'Cause seriously...the more i looked at him the more he showed all those traits i'd like my future, blessed, not-born bf to have.
He made me laugh until i cried&he made me cry&smile at the same time by doing all those supersweet things he did. *_*
Idk how much of what we see on screen is real, but even if the tiniest part of it was..God bless the girl who'll steal his heart.
This is my general idea of KimHyunJoong: funny, friendly, humble, simple, perfect-Menu's-bf-material. Now.
But back in the days, he was the nosy, boring, GTFO-despite-ur-smile-kind-of-strikes-YoonJiHoo. XD
Shisus, i hated him for most of Boys Over Flowers. And i remember i called him JiHoo even after i finished watching the show. XD
And when i watched an F4 interview where LeeMinHo said 'When he speaks i can't ever say if he's serious or not' i thought 'Uh?'
Isn't it weird when you look back and realize how much you didn't know some1 who could perfectly be family to you now? XD
But i have to admit when HJL said 'When i saw LeeMinHo i thought "He's the one who gets stabbed in *movie*" i died. XD
Yes, if i have to pick ONE moment when i decided HyunJoong wasn't that bad....the "LeeMinHo stabbed" moment would be the one. XD
UH!!! in 1st position! Sorry Ryeowook! Can't you wait a little while? XD *types Saengie's number* YA! Check Twitter! Now!
Then it came the crazy videos research, even before i knew anything abt SS501. And that was really smth. XD
First the Elmo video. XD That totally 4D stare i didn't even know back then, while looking at this crazy puppet rofling. XD
Then the poor fan who couldn't touch him. HJL's stare was a mix of fun&evilness that time. XD
And then the epic video when JungMin ripped his pants. XD I think a word to describe HJL in that video hasn't been invented yet.
He was just...tactless. Completely tactless. Lying on the floor, rolling, pointing at poor JungMin. Just awesomely tactless. XD
Nothing to add. Just RT! *_* RT: @khj2fIndo i'm proud to be Triple S, because i have Hyun Joong as a Leader. RT if you agree :)
Ok, going to rewatch HJL's MVs just to refresh my memory. XD
Not that i need to. XD When i heard Black Glasses for the 1st time i rewatched the MV like 501.000 times. XD
While it loads i SO need to post his supersweetawesomewonderfulunbelievable WGM speech.
'Honestly, I didn't express it but in my heart you helped me a lot. Before I met you...I used to live a very confined life. I don't know if u'll believe this but besides my friends no1 knows me, what kind of person I am...But I think Buin now knows. A lot of my dark&gloomy ways..This goes on tv but I'm not just saying. I think u really changed me a the right time. In a way I strongly feel like you were someone sent by God. Honestly I just wanted to tell you this.." *collapses&cries*
You have no idea the way i looked when i heard this on the show. ;___; Wet eyes, wet cheeks, my throat was like burning. ;_;
AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! LEADER!!! PLEASE, CLONE YOURSELF!!!!! Or teach some dudes to be like you!!!!!! I can't stand assholes anymore!
Ok...and after this i have to watch Black Glasses. I'm SO gonna cry today. XD It should be a bright day. *facepalm*
I've always thought some1 should make a drama or a movie out of Black Glasses MV plot. And i thought the same abt As A Man.
Saranghaeyo nahdoh oolgoheessuhyo oh nahn bohgohsheepuh suhmahnnah gohsheepuh suhchahrahree jook goh mahn sheep uh yoooo *cries*
I actually know Black Glasses lyrics, you know? XD
Random thought that idk where it comes from..But the 1st time i saw JiHoo's smile i thought 'Freaking God!'&stared for 25 minutes.
Then he became nosy&all those adjectives i said earlier. XD But i've always beena KimHyunJoong's smile's fan. That's true.
Oh oh! One thing HyunJoong&I share: fear of bugs. Someone must listen to us! They're useless&scary! And they'll take over us!
Don't ask me why i was watching his MVs and i remembered his fear of bugs. XD
Just realised...HJL is the only idol who doesn't upset hairstylists. He's never had awful "KimJoon style" hair. XD Thank Shisus!
OMG! The scene when HJL launches himself against the door in the As A Man MV. XD
Or when the girl opens the door and he crashes against it. XD Those are totally my fav moments PLUS the green eye mask scene. XD
Not to mention how...idk...not stupid, but anyway funny he looks when he's walking to the apartment at the beginning of the MV XD
Again. Nothing to add. *_* I feel smth special when i think abt HyunJoong RT @Yen4KHJ Every TripleS has Leader in their hearts...
And btw, As a Man lyrics describe exactly what i said when i asked Leader to clone himself. XD
Oh so basically As A Man MV is abt how stupid men are? So much that they don't see their stupidity until they hit their head? XD
Well, you didn't have to pick Leader to show this. *facepalm* Or maybe no1 korean. XD I know a few people who could do that. XD

JH: Menu ssi! Phone!!!
M: Oh...Who is it?
JH: Don't know, i didn't pick up. But it's ringing.
M: =.= *picks up* Hello?
M: o.O Omo...
JM: Ya! You think it's polite saying omo when you pick up?
M: Ju...Ju...JungMin ah? Is that you?
JM: You can't even recognize my voice?
M: But but but...why are you calling?
JM: Your chubby prince here is out of control. Come and pick him up! *hangs up*
M: *shakes head*
GD: Who was that?
M: Jung...JungMin ssi.
GD: LOL Sure! You wish! Who was that?
M: *types number*
*hangs up*
GD: Who was that freak who answered?
M: I'm quite sure it was Baby. *types number again*
KJ: Hello?
M: Oh! A normal person!
KJ: What did u say?
M: Oh! Kyu! It's Menu ah! Please don't hang up! What's going on?
KJ: Oh! Menu! Hi! Nothing, Leader&Saengie celebrate.
KJ: Yes, uhm...JungMin's mad abt this.
M: But what happened?
KJ: Oh, they drank too much. We're binding HJL rn 'cause he could start seeing suicidal people anytime.
M: What abt Saengie?
KJ: That's why we called. We don't know what to do.
M: Oh...well, give him cake. Easy!
KJ: Omo, Manu. I have to go. Or we'll become SS401 by the end of the day. Thankss for the tip!

Ok..sorry...i guess i can't stay away from my ravings. XD Ignore me. XD Let's try to give this session his original sense. XD
HyunJoong ssi!!! Whatever you're doing rn...whether you're drinking soju w your friends, or playing guitar, or sleeping...I hope you had an awesome bday! It's been a tough year so far for you, starting from that mess in January until your accident.
And as a TS i can only bow&thanKYU for your hardwork and determination. But please, take care! o.O
We need you healthy&strong...otherwise who else could look after those 4 dorky brats who are your members? XD
Uhm...wait...smth's wrong here...You're the dorkiest of them all most of the time. XD
Just know that everytime you laugh, or cry, or sing, or move your head sidelong, or just walk i just LOVE you.
Though i've been a TS only for 6 months, everytime you've done smth, whatever it was i've felt proud to call you MY Leader. ;_;
And don't ever say smth like 'If you want me to quit i have the courage!' 'cause i almost died that day. >_<
ThankSS for taking so much care of your group, your friends, your family, your fans, your dog, your...stuff.
You were my 1st Leader, you're the most important one&you'll always be irreplaceable. Just stand w us&we'll stand w you! ^^
And i agree w HwangBo: in another life i want to meet you again. And we're all blessed 'cause we have u in our lives. ;_;
You'd probably hate all these sweet words but that's the way it is. Wish you the best bday ever this year for 501 more.
Like you said, rize up!!! Saranghae!!!!!!! *crawls back to her crypt&cries 'cause he's korean&famous* XD

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