Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



And here we go. The last trending report of this crazy green week. XD
There shouldn't be anything else until August now. You'll be happy.
I still pretend to talk to someone. And to someone who doesn't know anything abt SS501 so i'll tell you today it was their 5th anniversary.
I won't repeat what i said 1000 times by telling you what they mean to me. Just find the guts to read this report and i think you'll figure that out anyway. ^^
And the color is green again 'cause it's still abt SS501. I'll try not to use green for a while after this. XD

Menu: WAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *comes running* Where did Saengie go? JIYONG AH! Where is the brat?
GD: Bedroom...
Menu: *runs* SAENGIE AH!!!
YS: Omo, you're back?
Menu: Of course! You thought i'd have miss this?
YS: I kind of hoped so, yeah.....What's with that grin? It's scary! Stop it!
Menu: Put down that manga!
YS: Menu ah, what's going on? I'm scared!
Menu: *jumps&hugs*
Menu: SAENGIE AH!!! Sorry but i'll pour my thrill on you 'cause you're here!!!
YS: YA! What pouring? What thrill? Call the other members&share whatever w them!....YA! MY HAIR!!!
*Menu's on her own planet*
YS: *pushes Menu aside* Come on! It's creepy! Come to your senses!
Menu: *sighs* Someone should kidnap you&clone you all, Saengie ah. All the 5 of you. And get rid of the assholes. Especially the european ones. Every male human being should be korean. And be you.
YS: Yeah, but if they're all like us then we won't be that special anymore.
Menu: *sits up* Omo, that's deep!
YS: I know!
Menu: *hugs*
YS: Aish, why do you always need to hug people?
Menu: You're not people. You're you.
YS: i go back to my manga now?
Menu: Ani...I have to tell you everything i'm thankful and proud of....What are u looking for?
YS: Your iPod.
Menu: HA! It's in the car! HA!
YS: Aish..
Menu: You should just sit down and listen to me. It'll be fast and painless. *pulls Saengie down*
YS: Ah...ok...i'm listening.
Menu: So...the proud list. I'm proud of Leader's determination, Kyu's kindness, JungMin's craziness&Baby's cheerfulness. Then..
YS: Menu ah! Seriously! Do you do that on purpose, leave me out everytime?
Menu: No...then...
YS: Then nothing. Say smth abt me!
Menu: Aish...SO self-centered. I'm proud of Saengie's....Saengie's...SAENGIE AH! YOU'RE SO CUTE! CAN I PINCH YOU??
YS: *sighs* Nevermind..
Menu: No really, when i first saw you i thought 'If i meet him i'll just jump and hug him even if i'll be arrested after that.' You think i've loved you since you got here, but i've always loved you.
GD: Are you proposing?
YS: *throws pillow* Ok, the thankful list... Oh, that's even longer. I think Leader is my inspiration everytime i face hard times. You know, whenever i think 'Whatever, i quit' HJL pops out&reminds me that life's not easy whether you're chasing a dream or what. Kyu taught me the humbleness.
YS: Really?
Menu: What's w the surprised face?
YS: Menu ssi! You're the most self-centered person i've met.
Menu: What? *slaps head* Saengie ah! That's just playing! It's more self-irony than self-centrism. How can you not know? Anyway what i meant was that Kyu taught me to answer to those who'll tell me 'Humbleness won't take u anywhere' w a loud F U.
YS: I'm lost. What's F U?
GD: The swearword.
YS: Oh...Kyu would never say F U to anyone.
Menu: I know...but Kyu's not human in that.
YS: Oh, that's why Leader loves him so much. He must be an alien. 5 years&i realize that only now.
Menu: Then, JungMin...I'm thankful to JungMin for teaching me not to think too much abt what's wrong&focus more on how to make things right. Loneliness, bad days, sadness of every kind....Just flush them all down the toilet. JungMin taught me that. *collapses&cries* WAAAAAA! WHY CAN'T HE FORGIVE ME??? WAE?????
YS: Omo...Is that what u call flushing sadness down the toilet? o.O Menu ssi...And anyway JungMin ah during bad days YA a lot.....Uhm...ok...not only on bad days....anyway, cheer up! What abt Baby?
Menu: :DDDD Baby taught me this: :DDDDDDDDDDDD
YS: Omo, she's gone nuts.
Menu: HyungJun's like Peter Pan.
YS: You mean immature?
Menu: No....=.= I mean that he still holds onto the kid inside him SO tight.
YS: We all kind of do.
Menu: True...but i mean, look at him! *points at 5M5Y poster* Doesn't he say 'I'm 5 no matter what'?...Except in I Am performances...*stares at Saengie*
YS: *stares back* Oyoyo, the creepy grin again.
Menu: SAENGIE AH!!!!!!! *hugs*
YS: Aish...I thought i told you not to hug me. When did we turn back time?
Menu: Oh, like in your short movie!
YS: Uhm...well, yeah. :)
*Menu falls back*
YS: Omo, are you ok?
Menu: Saengie you just smile?
YS: Uh?
Menu: You never smiled in front of me!!! O.O *collapses&cries*
YS: Are you trying to avoid the 'i'm thankful to Saengie' part?
YS: Are u kidding me? U're thankful 'cause i "inflated"?
Menu: U're looking at this from the wrong point of view. I'm thankful u're here.
YS: Oh...
Menu: I mean, think abt it. The ravings nights, my blog posts, my whole Twitter life wouldn't be the same w/out you. And then you're too cute!!!
YS: *grabs Menu's arm* You flicker or pinch me&i'm out of here!
Menu: *flickers w the other hand*
YS: =.=
Menu: And then there's one more thing i'm thankful for. And this is because all of you. Not just one of you. MY SUPERAWESOME TRIPLES SIS!!!! Despite they try to steal you away, or they mutiny against me, or call me menuperv. XD I think only the fact of BEING a TS would be different if i didn't share this w all of them. And we met because of u, so THANKSS!
YS: Yes, TS are pretty awesome... *stares dreamily*
Menu: Cut it!
YS: What?
Menu: I know you're thinking of their cakes. Don't ruin the moment. =.=
YS: So...can i go now?.....Ah, what are you doing?
Menu: Smile! *idiot face*
YS: Then ask me to smile! Don't put your fingers on my cheeks.
YS: *stands up* But you're leaving. I said smile!
YS: I said you should ask, not treating me like a puppy.
Menu: What abt a puppet? *runs after him* So, should we call the others?
YS: Should we?
Menu: I asked you.
YS: And i'm asking back. Should we? Do you miss JungMin's screaming voice that much?
Menu: Uhm...kind of.
YS:Ok, then... *types number* It's ringing *passes phone*
Menu: Omo, no! *runs away*
YS: *runs after her* You said you wanted to talk to him!
Menu: NO! I said i missed his voice! You talk!
*singing choir from the phone: young shimi..*
YS: *stares at phone - at Menu - at phone* YA! STOP SINGING!!!
*Menu rofling*
YS: Ya! JungMin ah! Someone wants to talk to you! *puts phone in Menu's hand*
Menu: *whispers* Saengie ah...Sae..ngie.
JM: Who is this?
YS: Answer...
Menu: I hate you...
JM: Excuse me?
Menu: Omo not you!! I was talking to Saengie!
JM: Oh, it's you...
Menu: JungMin's your day?
JM: Busy. What is it?
Menu: Aish, JungMin ah. Stop being so harsh.
JM: YA! Don't aish me...! I was going to forgive you until you said what you said abt my hair. So no, i'm not forgiving u yet.
Menu: Yet? *_* You said yet? Yet means you will in the end. Omo! YATTA!!! JUNG MIN AH!! SARANGHAE!!!! *_* *drops phone, collapses&cries*
YS: AISH! MY PHONE!!! BE CAREFUL!!! And why is it still on? Hello?
Menu: Oh wait!! I need to say smth to all of them! The 1st of u who even thinks to leave or go solo or whatever is gonna pay for that, ok? The 1st one who considers screwing the 501.
JM: *yells from distance* WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
Menu: I'm the craziest fan you'll ever have so i can afford to say this. That 501 means smth to me, to you, to every single TS out there. I know you care abt it too, but just a reminder: make it count. And this is not just abt the future. It's a reminder for your next life. And the next one. I said this already but not to you.
HJB: Omo, YoungSaeng, Can i go there? I like this girl.
YS: Gain weight then call Cal&Mai. They'll send you here.
HJL: Ya! If you all leave then what abt the 501?
KJ: Leader's right.
HJL: ThanKYU Kyu!
KJ: No problem!
HJL: What?
YS: Ignore her. I'm hanging up. SSee you!
JM: Whatever...
YS: Happy?
Menu: Saengie ah... *hugs* JungMin said yet!!
YS: Yeah, owe me a new phone cover btw. I'm going back to my manga.
Menu: Saengie ah...Even if he comes back i won't kick you out.
YS: What makes u think i don't want to be kicked out? U_U
Menu: You smiled! :3
YS: went *_* over my pic.
Menu: I know. We're so meant to be! *runs&....crashes against the door Saengie just shut*

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