Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Ok, let's just name it 'Untitled'

I tried to find a title but i couldn't think of anything that wasn't too lame. XD
And it didn't turn out exactly like i expected it to be, but i'm satisfied nevertheless.
It's more a simple conversation than a real story, but i've always had this feeling that Jeremy was kind of put aside after a while. kind to me. XD

'So! It's my turn to catch up with her!'
Jeremy appeared all of a sudden and forced my brother and Shin Woo to leave us alone.
I smiled while looking at them: judging by their annoyed and resigned looks, they had already silently agreed not to quarrel. They simply disappeared into the dorm.
Jeremy turned to face me, his sturdy smile printed on his face.
'GO MI NAM!!' He shouted and hugged me.
'I...You shouldn't call me Go Mi Nam anymore,' i told him while hugging him back.
He let me go and sat next to me. He raised his shoulders and replied:
'As long as your brother isn't around, you'll always be Go Mi Nam to me.'
It didn't make sense, but yet...It was Jeremy. A lot of things that made sense to him were nonsense to anyone else.
' was your trip?' he asked me still smiling like a child at the funfair.
'Great, thanks. But it's nice to be home...'
I thought about that for a while, then realized there was nothing to think about and simply nodded. Of course i had been homesick.
He put his arm around my shoulders and leaned his head on mine. I heard Tae Kyung's voice in my mind saying 'Jeremy tends to hug everyone 'cause he's scottish'.
Nevertheless, that "bad scottish habit" of his always made me feel better.
'Who did you miss the most?' he asked.
'None...i missed you all..' i told him honestly.
He straightened up and scolded me:
'Go Mi Nam, you shouldn't tell lies. Tae Kyung won't get mad if you say you missed me the most!'
I laughed, though i wasn't sure of how much he actually meant what he had just said.
All of a sudden Jeremy's smile weakened. That worried me, because the very one time i had seen his smile fading, it had been fully and inequivocably my fault. And in that moment there was only him and me sitting there. If he had stopped smiling it had to be because of me.
Then he stared at the sky and his face brightened again. After all that time i should have got used to Jeremy's sudden change of mood...still, i hadn't.
'Go Mi Nam! We're friends, right?' and he turned to look at me in the eyes.
It wasn't clear to me if i was feeling ill at ease because of Jeremy's unpredictability or because of the question itself. Why did he need to ask?
'Of course we are. Aren't you my bestfriend?'
And the veil of gloominess came back in his eyes. Though it wasn't exactly gloominess. It felt more like...disappointment and resignation. I was starting to be scared by that conversation. For a moment i even took into account the possibility of standing up and walking into the dorm myself. Yet, i wanted to know what was going on. If something was actually going on.
'I haven't behaved like a bestfriend, though. I've been kind of selfish.' He was staring at his right foot which was drawing a half circle on the ground. He looked like an embarassed teenage girl.
Selfish? What had i done to make him think that? I had been away for months. We had barely talked on the phone. If he had to feel anything, that anything was supposed to be anger.
''re probably the least selfish person i've ever met.' I tried to smile hoping to make him smile, too. But he wasn't looking at me.
'Uhm...probably. But since you left i've been thinking...A bestfriend is supposed to always be there. It's that kind of person you want to share everything with,' he looked at me again and concluded 'I didn't let you do that.'
In my mind it was like something just unjammed. I knew exactly what he was talking about. Therefore i was praying he would stop.
I was desperately searching for something to say. Anything. Just a word or a sentence that could forbid him to say more. But i failed and he went on:
'I don't want you to think i'm not happy for you. That's not the reason why i've never asked you about Tae Kyung.'
I had no choice. I had been silent for too long. I had to answer:
'Then why?'
A voice in my head immediately asked me if i was in my right mind. I didn't care why. I didn't care at all. I didn't want Jeremy to feel guilty.
'I guess...because i felt so overwhelmed when i realized you loved him more than you loved me...that i wasn't sure if i could handle the uncut version of your story,' he smiled at the last part.
'I didn't expect you to come and ask me about that, anyway. I can imagine how you feel about this. I'm not mad.'
Finally i could say something reasonable.
'But that's just the point! While you were gone, i kept hearing about Go Mi Nam and Hwang Tae Kyung's legendary happy ending. And one day i realized that since i consider you my bestfriend i should have been the one who told everyone about your story...yet i was just the stubborn unloved kid who had missed the tale because i made you feel like you couldn't share that with me.'
He had spoken with such passion that i just felt the rush to stop him.
'It's not a big deal...I mean...You live with Tae Kyung. It would be weird knowing the "uncut version" of our tale, right?'
He laughed. An honest laugh that lightened my heart and made me want to laugh with him.
I took advantage of his good mood to talk:
'It's true i've never come to you to tell you that story. But it wasn't because you made me feel i couldn't. I don't consider you my bestfriend because i need you to know everything about me. I mean...yes, but that just comes with the packet. I consider you my bestfriend because i can't feel down when i'm around you,' I looked at him with the brightest smile i could show him 'You're my magic bus, Jeremy.'
According to his expression, that could just have been the best thing i could tell him. Still, acting like the curious kid who was hiding inside him, he asked:
'What do you mean?'
'Well...what does the magic bus mean to you?'
'It erases every bad feeling,' he replied without even weighing his words...and as soon as he finished talking, he seemed to grab the meaning of my words.
He smiled even more brightly and straightened up.
'I erase all of your bad feelings?'
I nodded.
'Every single one?'
I burst into laughter: 'Totally!'
'GO MI NAM!!!'
He opened his arms and hugged me again.
While we were holding each other, Jolie came closer. Jeremy let me go, went down on his knees and hugged his dog, too.
'Jolie!! Go Mi Nam missed us!!'
I just sat there, staring at that scene.
That was Jeremy. The boy who was in front of me in that moment. That irreplaceable happy-go-lucky kind of person who, i had learned, wasn't always unbothered by his own feelings, but somehow had taught himself how to handle them.
I needed Jeremy in my life. It didn't matter if i couldn't tell him some things. That didn't matter. I had my brother and Tae Kyung for that.
The first part of Jeremy's speech had scared me because i was probably the only person on earth who had seen Jeremy crying. And i hadn't stopped to feel guilty about that yet. I hoped not to see him sad ever again.
On that night he had asked me to forget everything i had heard on the magic bus because he couldn't go back to be Jeremy if i couldn't delete that episode from my memory. When he had stepped out of the bus and asked me if i wanted an ice-cream, like nothing had truly happened, i wondered if anyone could understand Jeremy's true feelings.
And i had never quit wondering that. Every time he smiled or laughed i asked myself if he was pretending.
That was the reason why i had never bothered him with my story. I was too afraid he could just smile at me not to hurt me, while inside he was actually hurt himself.
'Oh! Jolie! We should throw a party now that Go Mi Nam is back!'
He jumped to his feet, looked at me one more time, said "I'm late! I have to go!' and ran toward the door. Before stepping into the dorm he turned one last time and added:
'It's really nice to have you home!' and disappeared.
I smiled and felt Jolie's paw touching my leg.
I stroked her, but after a while i just felt the need to kneel down as well and hold her like Jeremy had done earlier.
That conversation with Jeremy made me light-hearted and hyper. To a girl who had never really had friends, realizing that behind that door there were at least four people who loved her with all their heart and soul was just the warmest feeling ever.
Yes, it was nice to be home.

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