Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


The 10 TripleS commandments ravings is getting worse by the day. XD Positive side about this is: you finally have a good chance to insult me!! XD

1. Do not have any other groups before SS501
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol. What are SS501 there for? (The 1st part of this is actually the true 3rd commandment XD)
3. You shall not make wrongful use of the names KimHyunJoong&KimHyungJoon. Learn who is who!
4. Remember the Sexy Charisma and keep it holy.
5. Honor your members and your fellow TripleS-es.
6. Love Saengie despite his shyness&inflating.
7. Double your s in every word you write down.
8. Always remember to mispell the word 'you'.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your idols.
10. You shall not take your neighbor's favorite member.


12 commenti:

Menu ah ha detto...

Dah...i forgot an s in 'misspell' XD

NovKyu ha detto...

what a truthfully 10 commandments...
nice job Menu... ^-^b

I like best 3th commandment

oohh yes it's so damn right...
thou they have similar name but u're not gonna missed spell their name,
kim hyun joong the leader and kim hyung joon the magnae

NovKyu ha detto...

it's 3rd not 3th
sorry, my brain can't work properly after I hear kyu's voice tonite...haha

hiromi ha detto...

Yesss.... agreeee!!!

"1.Do not have any other groups before SS501"

ok, I alreaady threw away CNBLUE XD
(Just love their music now)

my fav is always JungMin...and SS boys!!!

hahahaha XD

(but I often type misspell...orz)

Anonimo ha detto...

ommoo 0___0 !! this is so true XDD
esp. 1st,3rd and the 7th..
good job menu^^

cath ha detto...

ROFL XD 501% Agree!!! XD
"Love Saengie despite his shyness & inflating" ---> coz he's very cuteeee with his chubby cheek *no one can deny that* :D

Luchi ha detto...

Rofl, "Love Saengie despite his shyness & inflating" OMG!!! xD

Me and Cal do love him despite it! You know that, right???? xD
I love this, it's wonderful!^^

Love, Mai!

noy ha detto...

huahahaha....TripleS 10 commandment?? ommoo.. nice work manu.. nyahaha,, b^_^d

deehh.. ab501utely agree wth d 3rd point!!
how come ppl sstill ssplit between HJL n HJB, n ssay she/he is a TripleS?! geezzzz.. r u kidding me.. haha

#4 yeah.. u better keep it good in ur mind! LOLs..

ngg.. guess we can add 1 more point.. "u may have fav member, but u must Love them all 5" wht do u think??

btw,, I love ur blog.. ^_^

Anonimo ha detto...

I like the 4th and 6th point the best^^
yea..agree always remember our Mal and keep in our heart but still love 5 of them^^

and young saeng is so cute with his shyness and chubbby cheek.LOL

love it Manu..^^

NonnaLonny ha detto...

I like the 4th and 6th point the best^^
yea..agree always remember our Mal and keep in our heart but still love 5 of them^^

and young saeng is so cute with his shyness and chubbby cheek.LOL

love it Manu..^^

violettacal unnie ha detto...

SSorry for coming in late! I knew I forgotten to do ssomething~

Aww~ You're sstill on the topic of SSaengie'ss "inflation" Hahahah.

"10. You shall not take your neighbor's favorite member." - too difficult thou' we tried our best and lived in peace. *lookss at fellow Mal'ss buin and ssmile* Afterall, there'ss one only 1 favourite and 378,965,200 fangirlss vying over that 1. Lol.

Ab501utely brilliant 10 commandments you've got here Manu! Love it. ^^

Unknown ha detto...

I'm late, ssorry!

AgreeX501, LOL!!!

My fav iss 6th point: "Love SSaengie desspite hiss sshyness&inflating." Why not? I love hiss chubby bad boi image~

And the 3rd, dont ssay abt Triple S, sso annoying when ppl keepss calling Leader 'Hyung Jun', 'Hyung Joong' blah blah... & the ssimilars to Baby.

Love your 10 commandmentss & will keep it in my heart <3.