Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



169 tweets! No one will ever read this. But it was my first JungMin's bday! It had to end up on my blog! ^^

Here we are! JungMin's bday! I've been waiting for this day for 5 months!! *_* #501carrotsforMal
I don't know from where i should start to tell you what you mean to me!! #501carrotsforMal
Yeah, i know...recently i said that HJL&Minho are my true soulmates but i lied!! ;_; #501carrotsforMal
I mean, i do have a lot in common with them but i couldn't pick them over you!! #501carrotsforMal
What about Saengie, you say? ':D Well, have you ever realised how scary your fans can be? #501carrotsforMal
I had to save my life one way or another that night. XD But Saengie&I are merely in a platonic relationship. XD #501carrotsforMal
UNBELIEVABLE!! The session just started&i've already reached my highest level of ravings! XD #501carrotsforMal
Once again from the beginning: AUGURISSIMI JUNG MIN!!! ^^ #501carrotsforMal
You know, no matter how you see this...that 'I COMMUNICATE WITH ALIENS' just won't get out of my mind! XD #501carrotsforMal
THAT and the bit when he pretended to hit HJB with the same umbrella shouting 'HYUNGJUN-AH! DIE!' XD #501carrotsforMal
Ah, HyungJoon!! I said this before, didn't i? Tom&Jerry's moments are my favorite! #501carrotsforMal
When JM didn't want HJB to put the food back in the plate after he had tasted it...#501carrotsforMal
...and then he starts bothering him with his foot. #501carrotsforMal
When you say JungMin you say foot, after all. XD #501carrotsforMal
Despite how...uhm...awkward that may be there's a sort of brotherhood feeling in that scene. XD #501carrotsforMal
Or when JungMin kept telling HyungJun 'Don't touch your feet!' #501carrotsforMal
Or again that wonderful ending to HJB's hidden camera: 'If you love us then sing for us!' '...Are you starting over?' #501carrotsforMal
The creepy Coffee Prince parody! The socks war! The whole journey on that train when JM left HJB alone! XD #501carrotsforMal
I think what i love about these moments is that those 2 can be quite mean one moment&hug each other or laugh with each other the moment after. #501carrotsforMal
How awesome must be having JungMin as bestfriend! *_* #501carrotsforMal
Ok, he may be annoying at certain times but when he starts acting crazy it would be the best moment of my life...every time. #501carrotsforMal
Random thought: tomorrow's Easter. Easter's symbol are rabbits. Rabbits eat carrots. #501carrotsforMal
YAY!!!! #501carrotsforMal already in the TT list!!! YATTA!!!! XD
And my cat eats carrots, too. I swear, once i told him 'You've become like JungMin! Let's celebrate!' #501carrotsforMal
Not that you care, but it's unbelievable how many carrots have appeared in my fridge since i've known SS501. #501carrotsforMal
We had never bought so many carrots before. o.O Oh, well...Lucky me! XD #501carrotsforMal
It's like having a little JungMin waving&saying hi everytime i open the fridge. #501carrotsforMal
Jokes apart...i really hope he has fun today, despite how busy he may be. #501carrotsforMal
I'm the kind of person who takes bdays in high consideration. A bday has to be the best day of the year. #501carrotsforMal
So no matter what DSP says, it doesn't even matter if he's supposed to work on SS's new album. JM MUST have a great bday today. #501carrotsforMal
With members, with his parents, sister, brother, nephew...whoever it is! But i want him to have fun. #501carrotsforMal
Not that he doesn't have fun while working. He has fun everywhere, but's work! #501carrotsforMal
I want him to dance&laugh&bully everyone&wave umbrellas&shout '120 Yen' whenever he feels up to. #501carrotsforMal
And i want him to enter rooms singing 'lalalaaaa' 'cause that's the way we like him. ^^ #501carrotsforMal
Now, let's talk about his hair. I hope no one thought 'Hey! Let's give him a haircut as bday gift!' #501carrotsforMal
NO! NO! NO! Did i say no? NO! I mean, i know he can't end up looking like Tarzan. He's gonna need a haircut soon. #501carrotsforMal
But let him be this perfect a little longer. XD 'Cause honestly...he is perfect in this haircut. #501carrotsforMal
Yeah, yeah...he is always perfect, but especially now. Put out the torches, please. XD #501carrotsforMal
It's not up to me to make wishes today, but PLEASE! Just don't give him a haircut yet. XD #501carrotsforMal
And now let's talk about his original dream: acting! ^^#501carrotsforMal
I'm still pissed 'cause Human Theatre got cancelled. Who's the bird brain behind that decision? -_- #501carrotsforMal
I mean, it was a great show: funny, deep...It made me think a lot about life, morals and stuff. #501carrotsforMal
And JungMin was just perfect. He could make you shed tears or laugh until fainting. #501carrotsforMal
What's more...Human Theatre taught me the secrets for a perfect ramen. XD #501carrotsforMal
Jk...I think he would have made a great actor. But i'm still happy he decided to stay with SS. #501carrotsforMal
Dah...can you imagine SS501 w/out JungMin? There would be no communicating with aliens, no carrots legends...NO PANDA EYEMASK! #501carrotsforMal
I can't live without that panda eyemask. #501carrotsforMal
I mean, every fan thinks the same of their fav group (that they're essential)...but is JungMin's bday! XD #501carrotsforMal
Another image that will be stuck in my mind forever: when JungMin was stuck in a closet and nobody helped him. #501carrotsforMal
I bet members thought 'This is divine justice!' No, ok...poor JungMin! But his face was priceless. XD #501carrotsforMal
He looked like 'Help? Anyone? I'll be good from now on, just help me.' #501carrotsforMal
Or when he ripped his pants! I remember it was one of my first SS videos ever. #501carrotsforMal
My bff showed it to me&it was still because i was looking for videos of HJL. Old old old times. XD #501carrotsforMal
And btw, Leader's laughter when the pants got ripped was just pure nastiness. XD XD #501carrotsforMal
You know what i like about TT sessions? It's like a journey through my memories. I remember things i had forgotten. XD #501carrotsforMal
Like when i watched LLT MV for the 1st time. #501carrotsforMal
I swear, everytime i get to the bit that made me fall for JungMin (2nd chorus) i have this face --> *_* #501carrotsforMal
You wouldn't believe the effect that his smile had on me. Or probably you would.. XD #501carrotsforMal
And you wouldn't believe how it was difficult to figure out whose that smile was. XD Korean people still looked all the same to me at that time. #501carrotsforMal
Is it just me or JungMin really IS JungMin even in his way of walking? XD #501carrotsforMal
Can you picture him while he walks? Can you? Well, say i'm not right! XD #501carrotsforMal
He has this...idk, thing. Like 'Move aside! Sexy Charisma's coming!' XD #501carrotsforMal
Or 'Let me show you how handsome i am!' XD #501carrotsforMal
Waaah! Almost in the top3!!!!!!!!! YATTA!!! #501carrotsforMal
People!!! Everytime i listen to Haruman i'm puzzled by how stunning this song is. I'm listening to it now. #501carrotsforMal
I think JungMin's the only not-so-humble person i like. I usually tend to ignore not-so-humble people. XD #501carrotsforMal
But it's just because he's not-so-humble in a good way. He's self-confident but doesn't look down on people. #501carrotsforMal
And anyway..when he shows his self-confidence he's funny. Some people just make you wanna punch them. XD #501carrotsforMal
To let you get what i mean i'll post some quotes from an interview you have probably already read. #501carrotsforMal
"Most respected person: Myself!!" #501carrotsforMal
"You're most proud of: Myself" (but if you're not proud of yourself you don't go anywhere in this world, so it's ok. XD) #501carrotsforMal
"Briefly describe yourself: The best!" #501carrotsforMal
"Favorite artist: Myself!" #501carrotsforMal
"Favorite performing artist: Myself!" #501carrotsforMal
"An ideal man is: Someone like me!" But he added "I wanna be the kind of man you can say this about" *_* #501carrotsforMal
"Favorite movie: a movie i'll participate in future" #501carrotsforMal
And my favorite: "If there's rebirth, you want to be: Myself" XD #501carrotsforMal
Plus! When he introduces himself as Sexy Charisma he really emphasize the Sexy part. XD #501carrotsforMal
You get it now? He acts like he's full of himself but at least he makes you laugh. XD #501carrotsforMal
Oh! I reached my 7,501st tweet in the meantime! Let's dedicate it to @yolytah @royalavenue & all my TS followers&sisters!! #501carrotsforMal
"Best in cooking: Pasta" (*cough* italian *cough* dish *cough*) XD Ok, don't kill me. Sorry! XD #501carrotsforMal
WAIT!! "Future dream: Actor, mc, PHOTOGRAPHER, pd, entrepreneur, singer, designer" I'm gonna cry!!! *_* #501carrotsforMal
Oh! Oh! Oh! HYUNDERELLA!!! I just remembered Hyunderella!! XD #501carrotsforMal
Oh my, oh my, oh my! I could die in this moment. XD XD When he started dancing at the end of the parody. XD #501carrotsforMal
Talking about stepmothers&mothers in general. HwangBo knows smth about JungMin being picky. XD #501carrotsforMal
When Buin shouted 'WHO ARE YOU? MY MOTHER-IN-LAW? I had to come to Japan to meet my mother-in-law...' XD #501carrotsforMal
Seriously, in that episode of WGM i feared that Buin could decide to wake JungMin up. She wouldn't have survived. XD #501carrotsforMal
Ding dong: the soccer team/english city i can't name or i'll help trending should kindly GET THE HELL OUT!!!! #501carrotsforMal
'This time i'll share my room with just one person. So if you want to share the room with me raise your hand!' '....' XD #501carrotsforMal
'I promise not to bother you. When i wake up i'll be like an angel!' Kyu: 'Should i show you the previous records?' XD #501carrotsforMal
HJL: 'You pulled out all my hair in the few episodes we did. Why do you think i wear hats all the time?' XD #501carrotsforMal
Hoping that i won't reach my tweet limit in the middle of it, i need to switch to serious stuff for a while. #501carrotsforMal
"My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life." #501carrotsforMal
I love JungMin also because of this sentence. Not to mention that it's exactly what i feel for SS501. #501carrotsforMal
Maybe it has nothing to do with JM's bday&i should save this for the 1st of May but they really are a stronghold to me. And JM above all. #501carrotsforMal
The way he erased all my trouble after i met him&the way he keeps doing it when i have bad days...I'll never ever forget! #501carrotsforMal
Hearing that quote, you MUST believe he totally loves his members. #501carrotsforMal
No matter how mean he likes to be, in the end he's just a caring brother. #501carrotsforMal
And i hope he has on his friends the same power he has on me: bad feelings eraser. ^^ #501carrotsforMal
Like 'I'm feeling down. Let's call JungMin!' I'd pay to be able to do that. #501carrotsforMal
I'd say this about every member 'cause they've all been magical to me but i'm 501% sure JungMin is the main reason why i smiled again 5 months ago. #501carrotsforMal
Not that i didn't smile before, but last year it happened seldom&it was rarely an honest smile. Until i came upon this guy. #501carrotsforMal
Again...this counts for every member but i instanlty fell for this guy who lives in his own world. #501carrotsforMal
So he deserves a special mention. THANKSS JUNG MIN!!! It's a stock word, but it's all i can say. #501carrotsforMal
Ok, sorry. I just had to say it. And after all my session couldn't be completely demented, right? XD #501carrotsforMal
Next chapter: JungMin's voice. It's unbelievable he almost didn't become a singer. #501carrotsforMal
I always say Saengie&HJB have the most powerful voices, but JungMin has the most original one. #501carrotsforMal
He has that kind of voice you instantly recognize. #501carrotsforMal
And his voice has a kind of....idk, warmth? that kind of suits his personality. It makes me think 'Yeah, that HAD to be his voice!' #501carrotsforMal
'Please, call me Park Hercules!' XD Sorry, but things like this just leap to mind. XD #501carrotsforMal
On second thought...JungMin is mean to his members, but they have learned how to revenge themselves XD #501carrotsforMal
I mean...sending him to the beach to fill a bottle with sea the middle of the night. And pretending to be asleep when he comes back. #501carrotsforMal
YATTA!!!!!!! THIRD AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! #501carrotsforMal
Btw...i confess i often listen to Green Peas just to hear JungMin saying 'set, tul, hana' or 'jalhaesseo' or stuff like that. XD #501carrotsforMal
It's like hearing his recorded voice. Like i met him one day and recorded his voice. Silly, uh? XD #501carrotsforMal
Or maybe it's not silly until i tell you that i even imagine to meet him on the beach... #501carrotsforMal
You know, the fire you hear at the beginning of the song reminds me of summer bonfires. #501carrotsforMal
Another episode that made me laugh so much was in 5M5Y dvd. When SS went fishing and JM caught a fish... #501carrotsforMal
He was all excited about his success...and then went 'Ok, do something with this, please!' XD #501carrotsforMal
I went fishing just once in my life, but i did the same. I couldn't bear to have an alive fish in my hand. o.O #501carrotsforMal
Ding dong: the 3 american brothers should follow the example of the soccer team/english city&MOVE AWAY!! #501carrotsforMal
Please, people!!! Why do you all have to trend something today?? Isn't a lovely day outside? Go buy an ice-cream!! #501carrotsforMal
And can someone explain why JM kept gesturing&nodding while Kyu was talking on A Fine Day? #501carrotsforMal
Hell yes! It's like having sisters all over the world!! RT: Retweet this if you are Proud of Triple S! ^^ #501carrotsforMal
Nick, Joe&Kevin! Believe me! I have nothing against you!! BUT YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!! #501carrotsforMal
Shouldn't there be some kind of simpathy among musicians?? Kids, please!! Move aside just for a couple of hours!! -_- #501carrotsforMal
RT: @JMinniesCarrot #501carrotsformal No matter what happens, I think I'll forever stay a TS!
Never had the chance to say this, but i love the 'saranghae saranghae saranghae' part in You're My Heaven. #501carrotsforMal
I love that part to the point that i shush everyone to hear JungMin saying 'saranghae saranghae saranghae' XD #501carrotsforMal
EASTER IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T MAKE ME CURSE YOU ON JUNGMIN'S BDAY!!! I MEAN IT!!!! #501carrotsforMal
No, now..people...Seriously!! What have TripleS-es ever done to you??? Why does #501carrotsforMal keep falling down??
Do you think JungMin will be happy about this? That his tag can't reach the top of the TT list??? #501carrotsforMal
Believe me! You don't want him to tell YOU 'You wanna die??' #501carrotsforMal
So just stop trending other tags and trend #501carrotsforMal! It's for the whole mankind's sake!!! Don't make Mal get mad! It's unadvisable!
And come i haven't reached my tweet limit yet?? XD I start believing i'm dreaming. #501carrotsforMal
Anyway...i'm listening to A Song Calling For You now and i remembered the MV funny version. #501carrotsforMal XD XD
Speaking of JungMin...when he touched the gun&then got scared and let it go! XD XD #501carrotsforMal
Or when all the members were dancing&Saengie turned&stared like 'What are you doing?' XD #501carrotsforMal
I think A Song Calling For You funny version is my 2nd favorite MV after You're My Heaven. XD #501carrotsforMal
Btw...when i had this pic as avatar on FB people thought that was me. XD #501carrotsforMal
If people can think i look like JungMin, despite how honored i may be, it's clear they've never met me. XD #501carrotsforMal
RT @mrsParkCEO Why I love SS501 #501carrotsformal 7) And their promise to grow old tgt with tripleS!! They truly adore us. You, you and you there.
You know how stupid i am? I keep tweeting 502 instead of #501carrotsforMal XD XD
Oh, i saw someone mentioned JungMin's body wave. I have something to say! #501carrotsforMal
A few days ago i heard a Brian's song on the radio&i kept thinking of when he was helping JM to improve his Sexy Charisma. #501carrotsforMal
If things won't change in the next 20 minutes i'll officially hate JBros, england and tomorrow's feast. U_U #501carrotsforMal
Still no tweets limits. Yeah, there's totally something wrong with today. #501carrotsforMal

Oh..i seemed to have invoked the limit somehow. XD #501carrotsforMal least i'll inaugurate my new account on this brightful day! #501carrotsforMal
Not so brightful if #501carrotsforMal doesn't come up, but still...somewhere on earth JungMin is celebrating. #501carrotsforMal
I was really curious about what my bff had to say about me&JungMin today. But her line isn't working. I'll keep the doubt #501carrotsforMal
U know what? Do whatever u want! Whether #501carrotsforMal becomes 1st or not, TripleS will conquer the world one day&you'll be screwed! U_U
Yes, i become mean&menace people when i don't get what i want! #501carrotsforMal
And i'm not referring to people who are trending #501carrotsforMal. I know you're doing your best. :(
I'm mad at those people who are trending other stuff. Except DBSK's fans, no one else is allowed to trend anything except #501carrotsforMal
And what the....heck is Drogba, now??? #501carrotsforMal
Since we still have 5 minutes before ending i should start posting my final tweets. #501carrotsforMal
Like Muse once said 'Time is running out'. The session is almost over&thinking about it, this day is coming to an end in Korea. #501carrotsforMal
JungMin-ah! Don't worry! I'll keep celebrating for you. It's still early here. XD #501carrotsforMal
Just don't get mad at how the session is going. You still got much much much much much love today!! ^^ #501carrotsforMal
But let me make this clear before ending: you (and SS501 all, but you in the first place) saved my life. And keep saving it every day. #501carrotsforMal
Coming to know you will always be one of those things i'll always be thankful for in my life. #501carrotsforMal
You keep me happy and you made me remember that facing days with a smile helps yourself&people around you. #501carrotsforMal
And if i had the chance to talk to you for 30 seconds i'd probably tell you that your smile&craziness help me a lot. #501carrotsforMal
People who make people happy deserve luck, so i hope your life keeps getting brighter&brighter. #501carrotsforMal
And sorry if i cheated on you with Saengie!! But he needed to be deflated!! *runs away in tears* #501carrotsforMal
Please, don't be mad! These #501carrotsforMal...i actually bought them and sent them to you as forgiveness present. *keeps running* XD
Once again...BUON COMPLEANNO!!! (See? I even taught you a word in italian...You still like foreign languages, right? Uhm...) #501carrotsforMal
Wish you all the best!! And good luck with your new album!! Can't wait to hear your voice again!! ^^ #501carrotsforMal
And to those who helped us "failing"'ll face ParkJungMin's wrath!! And building an ark won't help this time. #501carrotsforMal
I mean..we should be modest&say we're still in the TT list..but HELL NO!!! You could have minded your business!! U_U #501carrotsforMal
Ahem...Dear JungMin, i'll tell you what i said on Kyu's bday: thankSS for being in my life!! And once again HAPPY BDAY!! #501carrotsforMal
So one more hour to trend??? O.O GREAT!!! I had already "ended" but never mind. #501carrotsforMal
No, wait a #501carrotsforMal even DISAPPEARED??? ;___________;
Picture me with TaeKyung's smirk on my face, 'cause that's how i look like now. #501carrotsforMal
And my earphones broke just now!!!!!!!! XD XD I should just laugh at the bad luck of this day. #501carrotsforMal
Nowplaying, Happy Easter&Chelsea: NEOTTAEMUNE!!! NEOTTAEMUNE!!! WE DIDN'T MAKE IT TO THE TOP!!! #501carrotsforMal

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