Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



All i had to say i said that in my tweets. Except this: this is a strangely short report. XD

How long has it been since the last trending session? Almost 2 months? Wah! No wonder i'm so thrilled!
Who knows if my trending skills are still as good as they used to be. Well, let's find out! XD
You know, it's weird. HJB is one year older than me, yet i feel a sort of motherly feeling toward him.
It must be his irresistible KYUteness, or humor or naivety. 'Cause despite how cool he acts i think he's still a bit naive.
But it's good. He wouldn't make us go KYAAAAAA without his naivety. And spontaneity.
So...if i think of HJB what do i get? *Yo my sister...* Uhm..true. XD
And since it's his bday i keep thinking of his hidden camera in Idol World.
I think that hidden camera was the 1st proof of SS501's bond i had. I had never seen a boy crying before that. XD
When i saw Baby crying thinking the others were mad i thought 'How KYUte&unique is that guy?'
And since i finished to watch the show a month ago or smth, Progamer MUST leap to mind thinking of HJB.
Omg, that show! *_* If i watched the show while it was airing, there would be the chance HJB would become my bias.
And i probably just made u go 'AGAIN??' XD But seriously, i was lucky 'cause i already knew HJB's personality a month ago.
Otherwise seeing how caring he was toward the rest of the team&seeing how the team totally fell for Baby would have struck me.
Everyone says this of their fav group, but our maknae is unique. He's like a 5yo kid in a 24yo body.
It seems like yesterday when he moved his first steps and said Menu ah for the first time...XD What am i saying? XD
Sometimes he gives me the feeling he doesn't know how the world works yet but that's good, i guess.
He trusts every1&gives a chance to every1. He's 1 of those people who see the world as a bright pleasant place.
I wonder what he'd say if he knew my world is bright and pleasant also because of him.
He'd probably smile&teach me Bingeul Bingeul choreography to repay me. XD
Speaking of Bingeul Bingeul...a few days ago i watched a video of HJB surprising his brother at U-Kiss' 1st japanese concert.
It was incredibly touching. *_* &weird, considering that time it wasn't Baby who was crying but Kibum. It must be a family thing.There's so much i'm envious of Baby's bond w his brother. Not that i don't love my brother but our bond is SO different. XD
We'd never do smth like fighting, then sitting in front of our computers&apologize through the internet.
And! When Kibum said 'I honestly think my brother is better than me!' I went 'KIBUMMIE!! How can ur&ur hyung's heart be so huge?'
Btw, have u payed attention to HJB's mom's smile??? It's like someone took HJB's jaw&set it on his mom's face! XD
Last family tweet: when his cousin mentioned he always ran to the escalator when he was a kid. XD And he doesn't remember!
Or maybe he does remember but doesn't want people to know. XD I'd do that.
Now, i didn't wanna touch the 'Tom&Jerry' button 'cause i've mentioned them in every trending session since JM's bday.
But! After watching HJB's bday party fancams my love for them is reborn.
I know 3/4 of people on this planet would say that 2 guys showing their affection to each other must have smth wrong. It's a square world!
But i think it's just amazing to get the chance to see a scene like that. *_* I mean, it just shouts 'FRIENDSHIP!'
And i mean 'FRIENDSHIP' in caps, neon lights&background music 'cause if u can't see the lights u have to hear the music at least.
I stared at their hug pic for about 10 minutes feeling overwhelmed by happiness. As long as they have one another there's nothing to be worried abt.
And it's pretty much the same i felt seeing HJB&Shark together. I still have that 'Shark, u're the best!' in my ears.
And it still makes me collapse in tears every time. *_* I think those two were soulmates. XD
They were both so KYUte and hardworking and supportive and demented at times. XD Who says a soulmate has to be of a diff gender?
I wonder if they're still in touch. Not just the 2 of them, but the whole team. And Papa Bear! XD
I swear, i hated Papa Bear at first 'cause he was so harsh. But on 2nd thought i realised he was just doing that for HJB's sake.
And in the end it was clear he had given in to Baby's charm just like everyone else. ^^

YS: Menu ah, if i let u call Baby will you forgive me for not taking u to his party?
Menu: O.O Really?
YS: How many times do i have to tell u? Don't answer a question w a question.
Menu: Saengie ah, give me ur phone! No, wait...Last time i called Baby it ended w Leader on the kitchen cabinet. R u sure it's a good idea?
YS: Well, that was 'cause Jung Min ah was mad at u.
Menu: Omg, what if Jung Min ah answers?
YS: Say hi?
Menu: It'll be awkward.
YS: Ya, do u wanna wish Baby happy bday or not? I can do that myself if u don't want to. =.=
Menu: Ani ani him. I can take it.
YS: Are we sure?
Menu: Yes, we're sure.
YS: Ok...*dials number* Btw, our phone bill is astronomical! All these bdays&overseas calls.
Menu: Shut up, it's your maknae. Are u saying we should ignore him?
YS: No...just that we should share the bill.
Menu: Deal is..
YS: I provide money. I know, i know...=.= I tried.
HJB: Whoever u are, thankSS for wishing me happy bday!
YS: o.O Hyung Jun ah?
HJB: Oh! Saengie ah!! ThankSS for calling!!
YS: What was that...greeting Jung Min style? Don't become like Jung Min ah! One is enough!
Menu: Apparently not...i ran out of Jung Min ah&had to take u...
YS: Wait a sec, Hyung Jun ssi...What did u just say?
Menu: Oh...nothing. So can i talk to Baby?
YS: Not after that statement.
Menu: SAENGIE AAAA-AAAH! You called him for me! Let me talk to him!
YS: I didn't call him for you. I asked u if u wanted to talk to him.
HJB: Is Menu ssi there?
YS: No, she isn't.
Menu: YES, SHE IS!!! Give me the phone!!!
HJB: I wanna talk to her!
Menu: He wants to talk to me! Give me the phone!
YS: Aish...ok, but this is just to prove u i'm a better partner than u.
Menu: Yeah yeah, whatever... *takes phone* HYUNG JUN AH!!!
HJB: SISTER!!! So, how's marriage life??
Menu:...Uhm...troublesome atm. How's ur bday?
HJB: Fun! I feel wiser already!
Menu: Good for you! I feel stupider&stupider every year.
YS: Every day...
Menu: *throws pillow at Saengie ah*

It must be a sort of Tom&Jerry common fate. JungMin's bday tag didn't make it to the top either. Uhm...Sucks big time!
And Winnie! Winnie must be the mascotte of the day! Poor Winnie...What a pitiful life God chose for him...XD
Well, not so pitiful 'cause he gets to be in SS501's rooms every day...But still...I'd be scared. XD
Omfg, i left Baby on the phone! XD Omg, Saengie ah's gonna kill me when the bill comes XD *grabs phone* HYUNG JUN AH! R U THERE??

HJB: Menu ssi, just because i like u no matter how many people u love it doesn't mean u can play w me.
Menu: Omo, mianhe!!! ;_; Well, Hyung Jun ssi, u should know by now that my brain constantly dances the conga&makes me stupid.
YS: Don't blame the conga!
Menu: And would u mind if i killed Saengie ah? 'Cause today he's particularly upsetting.
HJB: If u kill him we're not family anymore.
Menu: Not true...i'll be a widow. Not a divorced woman. XD
YS: Ok, stop talking abt my afterlife.
HJB: Yeah, don't kill him
Menu: Oh...ok. But i do this only because Baby asked me&it's his bday.
YS: And i'm not taking u to other members' bday parties.
Menu: O.O ANDWE! >_<
I should hang up or the bill WILL get astronomical. And now that i think abt it, Baby almost became my husband. XD
You know, the night i became Saengie's deflater. If Saengie didn't need to be deflated i'd have picked Baby. XD
*imagines her life w Baby instead of Saengie* *looks at Saengie*
*sighs* *shakes head* It'd be easier.
YS: It wouldn't be easier. Baby is a baby. U should teach him everything&answers to a lot of questions. &bear his childishness.
Menu: I love Baby's childishness.
YS: Yeah..what abt JM's reaction if u got married to Baby?
Menu: Like if he wasn't a problem when i married u.
YS: So u're basically saying u would have married ANYONE before marrying me.
Menu: Oh! Who said we can't communicate, Saengie ah? XD

Who's Roberto? Why is Roberto trending when can't reach the top of the list? =.=
Should i say smth wise and deep now? After all the menu-ish tweets? 'Cause honestly, i love this kid like a little brother.
A little brother who was born 1 year before me. But hey! We're in 2010! We can make that happen too! XD
They say it's not easy to find someone you wish the very best to, in life. Well, this year it happened to me 5 times.
And Hyung Jun...i mean, how can u wish smth bad to Hyung Jun? Look at him!
His smile, his voice, his eyes. If u can find some bad impulses coming from him, well then congratSS! *_*
I don't understand you, but congratSS 'cause the more i look at him the more all i can think of is goodness!
Yes! Goodness! Goodness is probably the best word to describe Hyung Jun ssi. And i hope this side of him never changes.
In a world of cynic cold people it's nice to know there's still some1 who REALLY can look at the bright side no matter what.
Life must be easier around Baby. 'Cause no matter what u're going through i'm sure he can find the best way to cheer u up.
And when u're having a normal day, there he goes w his nonsense english words or random dancing. XD
If i met the Genius of the Lamp i'd ask him to let me spend one day w Kim Hyung Jun, just to know what it feels like.
My stomach would probably hurt like hell at the end of the day, because of laughter. XD &maybe 1 day won't feel like it's enough.
These are the moments when u realise that "once a TS forever a TS" is totally true. Think abt it...
How do u grow out of this love after meeting someone like him? U must be crazy to let go such a happyness maker like Hyung Jun.
Well...session's ending. As usual i hope Baby had the best bday ever! 'Cause he deserves that, for his love, his care, his heart.
I hope that no matter what difficulties he's going through he'll cheer up! &he'll be the same Baby we saw at his party!
What else can i say? Just that 24/7 from Monday to Sunday night he'll be in my prayers&heart.
He brightens my life. The least i can do is wish him the best this world can give him! SARANGHAE @HyungJun87 !! Buon compleanno!!

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