Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



I don't even wanna count all the tweets. XD Just...if you're really gonna read this THANKSS!!! I'll wait for you on the other side with some water....and a cake. XD

Hey! Menu's here! Just in time! XD I'm impressed by my perfect timing. XD
So, let's do this seriously. No stupid things, no roleplaying, nothing. Just what this comeback means to you. Promise!
Though of course, i will never be able to keep that promise but i'll try anyway.
I'm not completely a non orphan TripleS yet. I'll have to wait til the 4th of June for that. But now i experienced the thrill of coming online and finding news about a SS501's new album. That's something.
Btw, THANKYU DSP! It took you guys a month but in the end you gave us back our boySS. Nobody believed that. XD
I'm still wondering why you released a mini-album but i don't want to complain too much. XD
Speaking of new songs, Until Forever..or Forever...or whatever it's supposed to be called...makes me cry.
Really, i start listening to Forever and i immediately have a lump in my throat. *_* That's My Girl's effect. But i love it!
And i want the damn Love Ya MV!!!! That teaser impressed me like no teaser has ever done before. ;_;
The satisfaction to see #501destination in the trending list....and NO EFFING NP HASHTAG AT ALL!!! *dances around* This is a first! It's the beginning of a new era! It's the first TS session w/out np hashtag!!!
I've said this all along: TripleS are gonna rule the world sooner or later! XD We just need to take DSP down. XD
Oh, Saengie. Look! Look at how many people are tweeting about your song! Great job, you brat! I love it too!
And look, since it's just me&you right now. Do you think JungMin ssi will ever forgive me sooner or later? I'm worried!
*If you accept to let me go i can talk to him and make him consider forgiveness.*
But...But i don't want you to go. ;_;
*Well, then we'll share the sadness. You for being rejected, me for being stuck with you&your stubborness.*
Talking to you is pointless. =.= I know deep down you'd miss me. You always come back in the end.
*'Cause you cry a lot.*
I don't cry 'cause you leave...I...I cry....'Cause it's spring. And i have a bad allergy........What's with that grin?
*Oy, your mom says police is outside. They're coming to get you. I guess someone DOES love me&told them abt the handcuffs.*
Oh! #501destination in 2nd position. Who's Lee DeWyze? 'Cause i'd like to ask to step back for a couple of hours. XD
So, Saengie. I wanna give you some messages you should pass to your members. Can you do that? Will you remember?
*If they're short messages, i can. I'm not as dumb as you want every1 to believe, you know?*
Aish, always so harsh. need to tell HJL..
*Do i have to call him HJL? Or can i call him by his name?*
Don't interrupt!
*The hell it means don't interrupt? I have to call him somehow!*
No, just corner him&he'll know you're talking to him.
*Cornering Kim Hyun Joong is almost as hard as running away from your friends who keep tempting me with cakes. U_U*
Well, since you always come back in the end it's not that hard, is it? Let me talk now! I only have an hour!
Tell HJL, or HyunJoong, or HyunJoong ssi or whatever you call him...that i really really hated him in Boys Over Flowers...
*Oh, he'll be happy...*
Shush! There's a but! i'm completely faithful to him. There will be 1000 leaders in my kpop future life but he'll always remain THE leader to me.
*What abt JiYong ah? He's a leader too.*
Are you trying to say i don't love him enough? I guess u never forget ur 1st leader. Then tell him the way he treats his fans is the thing i'm most proud of about him. Doing everything FOR us.
Then then...Tell Kyu (Don't even ask. Just call him Kyu.)
*Wait, me calling him Kyu is kind of gay.*
=.= I'm ignoring you.
*Look, u turned me into a dumb exploited perv in these 3 months. I don't wanna be gay too!*
Omo, it's been 3 months already? Shouldn't we celebrate?
*Celebrate what? The dumb, the exploited, or the perv part?*
Everything! It's us!
*Nevermind...what about Kyu?...Kyu Jong...Kyu Jong ssi.*
Oh, right! Kyu! Kyu is perfect!! Just tell him that!
*Oh, that's easy...*
And tell him that i'm still waiting for him to come&take my brother's place.
*Ur parents will kick u out if you take someone else in.*
But my brother will take Kyu's place in Korea. It doesn't matter....Oh, no. Wait! Poor EunAh! She's so lovely. I can't do this to her. I can't give her my brother as brother. Ok, then JiYong ah will need to stop shopping, JongHoon ssi to stop buying tissues&you to stop touring cake shops. We need money for a new house. Or a flat. We'll see.
*But i like your brother.*
*He yells at you a lot!* =.=
We were saying...JungMin. Omo, i need to choose my words carefully not to upset him even more. Let me think.
*Good luck..*
Wait! XD This is the 2nd time i trend for SS501 while a Big Bang session is also going on. XD
Ok, JiYong ah! Message for you to pass on to your members: i am #waiting4bigbang I'll put the same effort on ur comeback when it'll come!
* start talking to JiYong ssi when you were supposed to apologize to JungMin ah? He'll be happy!*
Oh, shoot! JUNG MIN AH!!! Why can't you believe that i love you? Wae???
*'Cause you never mention him since i'm here...*
But that's 'cause you're such a brat that i can't focus on nothing else. Why can't he get mad at you?
*I'm older...*
And since when JungMin ssi cares about the age difference? I thought he didn't even use honorifics...
*So you want me to tell him you think he's rude?*
Omo, no! I want you to tell him all this mess is your fault! Saengie, please. Try to take me seriously this time. Do u think it'll help telling JM i cried seeing him at Dream Concert?
*If u did, it will.*
I DID! I SO DID! I didn't even expect that. It wasn't the first fancam i watched. But that made me cry!
*Ok, then. If you're really that desperate i'll be good&tell him.*
ThankSS!!! *hugs Saengie*
*But i want cake in return!*
You're lucky! This morning i decided since you're gonna dance a lot in the next weeks you can stop your diet for a while. I'll give you a cake! I'll make it for you personally! Now, listen to what i want you to tell HyungJun.
*Ok! I'm listening!*
See? It doesn't have to be a huge fight all the time between you&me.
*If u give me a cake to make peace everytime it won't*
I won't reply just 'cause we just found a deal. So..HyungJun. Oh, btw. I was watching 5M5Y yesterday. Stop treating him bad! When you said he always use foul language. Baby was my 2nd bias before you came. Don't treat him bad!
*But he does use foul language! O.O It's not my fault!*
Nevermind....he's your maknae. You should teach him good manners. And babies learn from their elders. And i know too well how rude you can be.
*I'm rude only to you.*
Oh, thanKYU!
*Ur weird..Anyway...what abt Baby?*
Baby's smile brightens my world! *Menu staring dreamily*
*YS snaps in front of her eyes* *Hello? Is that all?* *YS shakes Menu* *YA! Ok, i get it! He's your precious! Nobody dare to touch KimHyungJun! Wake up!*
*Menu shakes head*
*And what about me?*
What about you?
*Well...i'm a SS501 member too. You have nothing to tell me?*
Oh, Saengie! You're so funny! What should i tell you?
*o.O But...but...*
I gave you a cake already. Isn't that enough?
Oh, ok. I'll take u out at dinner.
*But..TS commandment number 6 "Love Saengie despite his shyness&inflating"!*
Well, i've never said i don't love you. But what do you expect me to say? You gave me so much trouble lately. Now shush. I have to tell something to my dearest TripleS here. We'll settle this later.
No, i won't give the messages to you in this case. Last time i always lost you because of a cake. I'll talk to them directly.
Dearest TripleS! Dearest dearest dearest TripleS! And i mean everyone! Those i know&love and those i don't know! Like i said when Love Ya teaser came out you all mean the world to me! And i'm not just saying.
Just like SS501 you cheer me up when i'm down and you give me one more reason to smile when i'm happy!
I hope in 10 years i'll still be able to count on this. And if there is a Rebirth i hope to get to relive this together.
I guess if Leader believes in a next life, we all must believe in that too. Let's just hope he won't be a lion. XD
Wah! It's 15.48 already? Saengie? We've been talking for 2 hours?
*Yep, you blabber a lot. I'm still wondering if you'll give me some sweet words before the end*
But it'll be awkward later. We live together.
*You'll hurt my feelings and i'll suck on stage. Our comeback will be ruined, JungMin&TS will hate you&we'll split up!*
WE split up, as us or you? You&me or SS501?
*EVERYONE! I won't need to be slim w/out a job!*
Omo! Saengie! Don't ever repeat the words SS501 and split up in front of me! >_<>
*Then say something! >_<*
We can't really stay w/out fighting, you and me, right?
Ok, ok...Well...Uhm..I...I mean! Why do you think i risk my friendship w other TripleS everytime they try to steal you away?
*Because they took JungMin away already. And my fans are the least scary.* no! I'd miss you! ;_; And i couldn't rave like i did in these 2 hours if you weren't here with me.
But Saengie...
*You have 3 minutes left! Say smth nice or i won't pass your messages to the other members!* ;_____________;
Oh, thankSS @yolytah !!! Saengie! Here your sweet words: chocolate, toffee, sugar, candy, lollipop. Happy?
*2 minutes. Your chances to have JungMin back fade away with me. >_<*
And Mai...and Cal...and everyone else.
*1 minute*
Omo! *kneels down* HEO YOUNG SAENG!!!! SARANGHAE!!!! ;_; Not more than the others but as much as the others!!! That's a lot!
*satisfied grin - thanks! I'll blackmail u w those words! - shows recorder*
o.O Ok, It's time to put handcuffs back on you.
*Say what you want. But i caught you!*
Well, it wasn't a secret. If you didn't look like a poser i may have fallen for you.
And erase that grin from your face or i'll let Tim erase it for me.
*'re blushing.*
I'm mad.
*Menu leaves the room*
*Saengie follows jumping&handcuffed - I'll tell JongHoon ssi&JiYong ah! See you at dinner!*

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