Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



Don't ask why but i feel the urge to laugh right now. XD And how cool is it #501day is such a short tag? I can rave as much as i want!!! XD
Ok, fine. SS501 aren't exactly back yet, but when i saw the pics yesterday...or earlier...i cried. XD #501day
I've been waiting for their comeback since i've known them. Rebirth promotion had already ended. I'm an orphan TripleS. XD #501day
OMG! Did i just say orphan? XD XD Jeez...these sessions are not good for my brain at all. Everytime i become more and more stupid. #501day
Ok...focus! #501day! Comeback or not, it is the 1st of May anyway. We should celebrate it every year.
I mean, 5 forever as 1. #501day forever...for 501 years. XD Ok, ravings again. Ottoke? XD
I've been thinking about their new concept the whole night. XD When i saw the pics i didn't know if laughing or crying. #501day
And why the hell JungMin couldn't be seen???? I'm an orphan JungMiniac too!!! #501day
And YoungSaeng in handcuffs! Jeez, i miss Saengie!! I had imagined having him sitting next to me&blabbering nonsense while trending #501day.
We had our share of HyunJoong thanks to the Gummy MV, but whenever i hear the word 'Leader' i realize i miss MY Leader, too. #501day
And Kyu! Kyu rocks because he always writes on the DSP site! When you don't expect it, there you go! A KYUte message from Kyu! #501day
And finally HyungJun. Still pissed 'cause i can't listen to MusicHigh. But he twits a lot so it's just like a far friend u can't see #501day
Btw, i'm listening to SS501 while trending but i haven't realized Find has started 4 times already. I should move on w the playlist. #501day
I'm currently imagining what i'd be doing rn if i didn't know SS501. Probably looking at the TT list thinking #501day stands for 1st of May.
Then i'd have probably clicked out of boredom&found all these SS501 messages and wonder 'What?' #501day
I really can't imagine my life w/out SS501 anymore. Eating carrots&thinking of JM, seeing a horse&thinking of JM...#501day
...waking up and seeing Tom&Jerry on tv&thinking of JM&Baby. Watching a 3D movie&thinking 'Tsl...3D...Leader is 4D!' #501day
If i didn't know them, everytime i get mad i wouldn't think 'Calm down! Kyu would be ashamed of you!' #501day
And i couldn't have my delirious conversations with my beloved inflated&deflated Saengie!!! #501day
I refuse to look at the TT list. I guess when #501day will reach the top3 and the 1st position i'll read it somewhere. XD
On JungMin's bday i was too pissed off to keep looking at the bloody TT list. #501day
BTW! Tonight my cat made my 5M5Y DVD fall!!! I woke up all of a sudden panicking!!! XD #501day
And Find must have restarted 2 more times. XD Ok, guys...change now! #501day
Random thought...I LOVE MY AVATAR!!! I love that photoshoot!! Despite JungMin is wearing a table cloth. XD #501day
But i guess Sexy Charisma can afford to wear a table cloth and still look like Sexy Charisma. #501day
I didn't check. I wonder if the famous TripleS trending enemy is on the top of the TT list today. What am i saying? Of course! #501day
SHOOT!!! KPOP FANBASES!!! STOP TWEETING *fanbasename*sontwitter!!! Can't you do that tomorrow? #501day
No seriously...before just starting a session you should check! WTF!!! DON'T PISS ME OFF!!!! GTFO!!!! You can do that anytime!!!! #501day
Aish...i mean i love Vips&Elfs but WTF! #501day is only today!!! Jesus! Or better..Shisus!!! Cut it!!!
WHAT?? #501day is in 2nd place??? AWESOME!!!!
Ok, but to tweet that i forgot what i wanted to say. #501day
Oh, yeah!! TRIPLES! TripleS are awesome!! I've repeated this every time i had the chance to do that. But i'll say it once more. #501day
They always care. They think of you when you're not around. They never judge. They cheer you up. TripleS should win a nobel! XD #501day
And though this counts for every other fanbase, the way we just don't care about culture, religion and skin color should be awarded. #501day
It's something most of the "adults" who think we're childish to care so much abt a band can't do, being truly tolerant. But we can. #501day
RT: @ropridis Young Saeng: "We will always be forever as one." #501day
5 forever as 1. I love the way members do believe in what their band's name means. #501day
When i read that when they released Ur Man they wanted to be named 'TripleS' but remained SS501 for what it means i went *_* #501day
Honestly, i always say i don't want another brother. But if i got to have them as brothers, i wouldn't mind having 5 siblings. XD #501day
Kyu to give me wise tips, HJL to stand up for me, HJB whenever i'm down, Saengie to go shopping (XD)...and i'd fight w JM so much. #501day
Though JM's sister said he's totally cute when he's with his family. So maybe we wouldn't fight too much if he was my brother. #501day
We wouldn't fight as much as my brother&i actually fight, for sure. XD XD #501day
OMG! I just found a @bigbangfacts_ i so want to retweet but i'm busy w #501day. DAH! Why 2 sessions at the same time? Or better...4...;_;
Btw, SS501 are currently staring from my own bedside table. Yep! My 5M5Y DVD is right next to me. XD #501day
HJB: 'You're my sister, brother!' HJL: 'HyungJoon-ah, if you do this you'll be rejected!' XD XD #501day
'I'm an alien from Jupiter. (to HJB) Alien from Venus. (to Saengie) Alien from Mercury. We're all aliens from this universe!' - HJL #501day
And now my 2 fav "serious" quotes. #501day
'My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.' - JungMin #501day
'It's not for TripleS to protect us. It is us protecting TripleS.' - HyunJoong (Our Leader is the best!! *_*) #501day
OMG! I just had a sudden thought: HyungJun shouting 'SPARTA!' in Idol World. XD XD #501day
I wonder why such thoughts just leap to mind everytime i'm trending. XD #501day
And now i'm listening to Green Peas, but NO! I won't give you the satisfaction to type hash en oh double u and so on...#501day
But it's kind of reassuring, knowing that whenever TS are trending smth we have to fiercely fight the effing hashtag. #501day
Waaah...time flies when we trend! An hour's gone already!! #501day
And seriously...why do we always trend when it's also a special holiday? Last time it was Easter. Now it's the 1st of May. #501day
What are we? The holiday fanbase?? XD XD Easter and May Day. OMG! We're s unlucky! Someone must hate us up there! XD #501day
RT: @NovKyu but what's up with dynamite on JungMin's head??? it'll blow up his brain..xDDD #501day
What if SS501 new concept is "fighting asthma"? I bet you've never thought about this. XD OMG! Blasphemous me! XD #501day
But i guess you can tease SS501 if you're a TripleS. So yeah..."fighting asthma"! New concept! DSP! You have my vote! #501day
OMG! How long has it been since the last time i listened to Wasteland??? #501day
Idaero dolaseo gal sun eobseo, Ireohge jeoldae bonael sun eobseo....(Here i go! Raving again XD) #501day
OMG! ROFL! XD We treat him like a mosquito. XD RT: @greenpea95 #501day go away bieber..
What if i repost my first thoughts about SS501?? OMG! I have to find that note!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW!!! #501day
Found it!! XD Some of you may have read this already. But i'll repost it anyway. My thoughts while seeing a SS MV for the 1st time. #501day
0.00 of LLT: 'Come on, Menu! Don't be biased! The scenery is good, at least!' #501day
0.25 of LLT: 'THOSE RED SHOES ARE SUPER COOL!!!!' #501day
0.37 of LLT: 'I so need to learn that 'LOVE' sign! *acts dim-witted and gets pissed of at her own inability*' #501day
Btw, Ur Man just started and i thought my cell phone was ringing. XD #501day
0.43 of LLT: 'Jeez! That guy's a poser!!' Ok, i'm telling you now. I was looking at Kyu. Had no idea he could be the nice guy he is. #501day
0.53 of LLT: 'I kind of like the choreography, though!' #501day
0.58 of LLT: 'WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH JIHOO'S HAIRCUT?????' (He was still JiHoo for me XD) #501day
1.24 of LLT: 'Well, this dude's a poser too.' (Saengie...Thank God he's not here right now. XD) #501day
OMG! I AM!!! I love this Baby's solo!! Not to mention he's everything but a Baby when he performs this song. XD #501day
1.39 of LLT: 'Wait!! This guy...Has he always been this handsome from the beginning??? WHO IS HE??? *rewinds 15 times*' #501day
So, now you know i've fallen for JungMin after 1.39 minutes of LLT MV. On an undefined day in early December 2009. #501day
1.56 of LLT: 'What's their problem with cars? And that car always the same? Or every member has a car for himself?' #501day
2.22 of LLT: 'Wow! They're good, though!' #501day
2.24 of LLT: 'This one still looks like a poser but he's damn good!' (Saengie! Now he should be here reading this. XD) #501day
2.43 of LLT: Completely sold my soul to SS501. #501day
And now since we still have 40 minutes to end the session&we're still quite rocking the 2nd place: my current thoughts about LLT! XD #501day
0.00 of LLT (i'll add a "now"): *_* "My boys are so awesome!!" #501day
0.37 of LLT now: 'Who knows if i can still make the LOVE sign...*afraid of trying*' #501day
0.53 of LLT now: 'I used to be able to dance the chorus choreography. *still afraid to try*' #501day
Btw...My Girl makes me cry so much!!!! ;________; #501day
from 1.05 of LLT on (now): 'JUNG MIN!!!!! YOU'RE SO FULL OF YOURSELF!!!!' XD XD #501day
1.06 of LLT now: 'Bitch...' #501day
1.11 of LLT now: 'Bitch..' #501day
1.18 of LLT now: 'Bitch...' #501day
1.23 of LLT now: 'Bitch....' #501day
1.32 of LLT now: 'Bitch..' #501day
1.47 of LLT now: 'Bitch...'#501day
1.48 of LLT now: 'Bitch...' #501day
1.56 of LLT now: 'I still haven't figured out if the car's the same one.' #501day
2.29 of LLT now: 'Bitch..' #501day
2.33 of LLT now: 'But the thing they do with their jackets MUST be shown in the MV!' #501day
2.43 of LLT now: 'MY BOYS!! SARANGHAE!!!' #501day
And like Leader once said...SHOW ME YOL EYE! AND GIVE YOU MY LOVE!!! XD #501day
You know what? I can do something good even w/out preparing my tweets. I though i couldn't XD #501day
And i just realized we have only 30 minutes to go, but no tweet limit yet! (Which will come..RIGHT NOW! Right?) #501day
Nope...oh well, lucky me. But i guess i'll have to let my Twitter rest for a while after this awesome session ends. #501day
But, we're all happy to see the teaser pics and that SS perform in Taiwan today. But let's hurry with the MV. #501day
I can't wait to know what it feels like watching a SS performance live and not by looking for it on YT 2 months later. #501day
RT: @phtriples They started out as group members then became close friends. they treat each other like real brothers. #501day
Bye bye, babe bye! Onur harudo to ne khumsoge molle's what i'm listening right now. XD #501day
1st TS commandment: Do not have any other groups before SS501. #501day
2nd: Shall not make for urself an idol. What are SS501 there for? (The 1st part of this is actually the true 3rd commandment XD) #501day
3rd TS commandment: You shall not make wrongful use of the names KimHyunJoong&KimHyungJoon. Learn who is who! #501day
4th TS commandment: Remember the Sexy Charisma and keep it holy. #501day
5th TS commandment: Honor your members and your fellow TripleS-es. #501day
6th TS commandment: Love Saengie despite his shyness&inflating. #501day
7th TS commandment: Double your s in every word you write down. #501day
8th TS commandment: Always remember to mispell the word 'you'. #501day
9th TS commandment: You shall not bear false witness against your idols. #501day
10th TS commandment: You shall not take your neighbor's favorite member. (Though they're only 5 so it may be a problem XD) #501day
And finally my self-made short story made with SS501's songs titles. The plot is lame but it's all i could come up with. #501day
"On one of my LUCKY DAYS i SOMETIMES have a DEJA' VU of a FIGHTER and a SNOW PRINCE arguing about a LONELY GIRL named ALICE...#501day (1)
The FIGHTER shouted at the prince "I'm WARNING you! She's MY GIRL!' The prince ignored him, turned to face the girl&told her:... #501day (2)
'YOU ARE MY HEAVEN! PLEASE BE NICE TO ME!' (of course he wasn't shouting XD) At that point ALICE became even sadder...#501day (3)
..and told both of them 'I'M SORRY, I LOVE YOU, but you're just not my DESTINY.' (she wasn't shouting either.) #501day (4)
She turned into a GLEAMING STAR and disappeared." #501day (end)
Well, now Twitter...if you really don't want to give me tweet limit, at least let me go until the end of the session. #501day
While i was tipying the story i was listening to You're My let me shout a late 'SARANGHAE SARANGHAE SARANGHAE SS501!!' #501day
And i've earned 10 followers during the session. Don't have time to check but if you're all TS, THANKYU AND WELCOME TO MY CRAZINESS! #501day
In the end...I really can't wait for the actual SS501's comeback. I'm sure i'll shout and cry like a stupid child at Xmas. XD #501day
I'm so happy we've stayed on the top of the TT list for so long w/out any trouble. ThankSS to ELFs, VIPs&Shawols for being quite. XD #501day
And now let's spend these last few minutes listening to my favorite SS501 song!! Dejà Vu!! #501day
Though after watching the parody of the MV (the one abt Saengie's pizza...He's always related to food in the end) i laugh so much. #501day
Especially when JM's supposed to say 'HyungJun even got a rush....' and HyungJun goes on 'IN MY EYE!!' XD #501day
T'eojil teut han kaseum unmyeongch'eoreom, al su eoptneun kkueulrim neol nohch'ji anha IN MY EYE!! XD Ok, sorry XD #501day
RT: @dmjparkTS I ♥ Hyunjoong #501day I ♥ Youngsaeng #501day I ♥ Kyujong #501day I ♥ JUNGMIN (bold/italic/underlined)#501day I ♥ Hyungjoon #501day !
DSP!! MAKE THEM COME BACK SOON!!! I need my 4D Leader, my inflated Saengie, my KYUte Kyu, my crazy JungMin&my bullied maknae!! #501day
That's my last shoutout! Stolen from my own blog. XD XD Now don't dare Twitter too much about the tweets limit. XD #501day
Taking a break now. Brb! Just want to let Twitter relax. XD NO LIMIT!!! HAHAH!! TWITTER!!! I WON THIS TIME!!! *evil laugh* #501day
Ok, my dear followers!! I need to flee now, for real. ThankSS so much to my new followers&to my super awesome TS friends!! #501day
It's always a pleasure to trend with you. Menu is discharged and heads for the bathtub! Enjoy the rest of this #501day! I'll reply later!!

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