Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


About HJB Becomes a Progamer

I'm stupid.
Utterly stupid.
For three days i've been telling myself 'Pretend that Progamer never existed! It won't be good for your health.'
But yesterday i had this weird thought, like 'I'm not that sad anymore about it. I can rewatch the last episode.'
And here we go. Crying buckets over the last 15 minutes of the show.
I watched the first episode when Progamer was still airing but i let it go to focus on other dramas 'cause i thought it was all about the game. And i'm not a great videogames fan.
I told myself 'Let's watch it when you won't have anything else to watch. It's still Hyung Jun. You can't simply avoid it. But just postpone it.'
Now i wonder how i could go all this time without knowing about the MBCGame Hero Team.
'Cause this show is almost about everything except games. And it was so touching i couldn't not leave a trace of it in my diary.
Friendship is probably the thing that moves me the most, among the things that moves me in a good way. Meaning all those things that make my eyes watery without hurting me.
Despite being a keen Nicholas Sparks' fan i cry more easily for friendship than love.
And HJB Becomes a Progamer is full of friendship and strong bonds.
I personally know true friends aren't easy to find so seeing these guys supporting each other and supporting what it was basically a stranger impressed me.
If you've followed my spam on Twitter you know i called HyungJun&GyungJong (Shark) 'childhood friends'.
Maybe because that's the feeling i got when the show came to an end.
When Baby visited the practise room, and say bye to Papa Bear and then spent the night with the team and finally waved them goodbye i was reminded of my past 20 summers.
I used to spend summer always in the same place, with the same people, who disappointed me in the end, but when they were important, when i didn't have friends home and couldn't wait for August to come so i could meet my true friends again...When after 2 weeks of fun together we had to separate once again for ten months i felt exactly like i felt while watching the show.
That bittersweet feeling, halfway between knowing you found someone you'd be crazy to let go and having to face a farewell. Which is not a total farewell but it feels like it is.
Ah...what do these korean shows do to me? I swear, i belong to the technology generation. We're the kids grown up with television. Yet no other tv show in my life has touched me like especially Progamer and We Got Married did.
I'm gonna miss Shark so much. Out of everyone, i'm gonna miss him.
He was just the perfect match for Hyung Jun: lively, supportive, caring, constantly smiling.
It made me think: who said soulmates exist only in love? Those two brighten my heart just while talking to each other.
And it would have been great if Baby didn't keep saying 'Shark, you're the best!' at the end of the last episode. That was when i officially collapsed. When Baby had to leave but didn't want to leave and in the end just hugged him one more time.
Though, again...i'd regret it if the show ended and i didn't hear Baby expressing his feelings like he did.
Yeah, i know. It's just a show. But i'm butterhearted. Deal with it! ;_;

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