Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Ravings Reports: Of Socks, Lizards&Canes

Ebbene sì! Non uno, non due, ma TRE capitoli deliranti. XD Capita più o meno una volta a settimana e la cosa fantastica è...che non ci dimentichiamo dei deliri passati. XD C'è un che di soddisfacente nel tenere presenti le nostre storie. XD
Ho cercato di dividere i 3 deliri, ma sappiate che fanno tutti parte della stessa conversazione. E se già state pensando 'Sì ma se sono tutti e 3 lunghi come l'ultimo, meglio che non lo leggo' vi tranquillizzo dicendo che sono abbastanza corti. XD Poi il concetto di abbastanza è soggettivo.
Introduzione: Cal mi sgridava perchè le avevo detto di essere restia ad andare dal medico. E da buona Unnie qual'è mi minacciava. Me la son vista brutta..XD

DIRTY SOCKS COMEBACK STAGE (Non mi assumo la responsabilità di quello che troverete scritto ad un certo punto...poi capirete. ':D)

Cal: Leave @MagicManula to unnie!
Menu: Cal, i have to tell you. I think you've spent too much time watching JungMin bullying HyungJun. XD
Cal: Not at all. And don't use HyungJun's puppy eyes on me 'cause it won't work.
Menu: Shoot...I was counting on that. XD I mean, not that puppy eyes work on JungMin either, but it is said hope springs eternal. XD
Cal: Nope. Hopeless. *takes cane* Now, promise me you won't let your fever worsen.
Menu: Yes! Yes! Yes! I swear! Don't hit me! I'm too young to die!! ;_; XD XD (*takes cane* was funny, though XD)
Cal: xD Well, if not cane, then you want a pair of smelly socks from Mal which he secretly stashed in cardboard for keepsake?
Menu: I'll still go for the cane. XD XD And tell JungMin that instead of hiding his socks, he could also wash them. XD
Cal: You know, other than being a total narsicist, I secretly suspect he's in love with his own (albeit not public-accepted) odor!
Menu: Well, at least that's not something he needs to be jeaolus of since i doubt anyone envies him for that. XD
Cal: Oh boy, I bet he thinks people actually envy him for that "awesome" odor... Lol. Self-confidence overflow.
Menu: And i guess everytime someone tries to tell him that it's not like that, he threatens them with his socks. XD
Cal: LOL that sounds very him indeed! And slowly people will just say things Mal wanna listen because they are afraid of the torture!
Menu: That would mean he stopped washing his socks because he thinks people envy him. Everything figures. XD
Cal: Probably! Omo, now I'm wondering if he washes his briefs or not.. xDDD
Menu: I want to believe he does. XD I won't go any deeper. XD
Cal: Well, it would be a well worth goal to sneak into his dorm and find out the truth. I shall leave the mystery unresolved..
Menu: If i could sneak into his dorm i think i'd forget about his socks or briefs. XD XD
Cal: On the contrary, if I sneak into his room, first thing I'll do is to find his briefs!!! xDDDD
Menu: XD Yeah, well...true. XD But if it turns out he actually doesn't wash them the whole atmosphere will be ruined. XD
Cal: Ummm, yeah. I hope he does wash his briefs.. lol. And oh, I need to rackey his collection of porns too. xD Throw em away. (capite cosa intendevo con le responsabilità?)
Menu: XD So you're basically going to raid his room. XD
Cal: *exhausted* Looks like I have to. I know he's a man alright.. but too much of those.. is not.. good for health. xD
Menu: Right, because he would got hit very badly if he keeps watching them. XD


(la conversazione continua dal messaggio precedente. XD)
Cal: Cuz he had severe dark circles and extreme weight loss previously.. MANU! GOT BABY LIZARD on my floor! xDD
Menu: XD XD That's what you call a change of subject. XD Give it a name and a place to sleep! (Don't even know if lizards sleep XD) You'll go down in history as "The lizards whisperer". XD (due giorni fa parlavamo di come le lucertole la adorino. XD)
Cal: I'll name her Shooshey! And there's planty of place to sleep in my house...AH! SHOOSHEY CAME OUT AGAIN! SAY ANNYEONG! Eh.. the more I say annyeong, the more it flees. Tsk!
Menu: So, he..she...well, IT breaks into someone else's house and acts rude? Bad Shooshey! You don't deserve the name you bear! U_U Nevertheless the image of you trying to make friends with a lizard that flees is something. XD
Cal: It actually came out for the 2nd time, probably trying to make friends with me. But flee again when I showed my frendliness. TSK!
Menu: Ok, no lizards whisperer then. XD You're more like a lizards...shouter? XD
Cal: Idk.. I thought I sounded as soft as I could already. xD Btw, Shooshey is officially touring my house. Imprudent fella!
Menu: Do you know about JungMin having a lizard as a pet? 'Cause maybe he sent Shooshey to prevent you from robbing his room. XD XD
Cal: Hmmm, not that I know of. This Shooshey is heading towards my room and I'm telling you, it will end up in my room eventually..
Menu: You speak like there will be no way out for that lizard once it reaches your bedroom. XD XD
Cal: Lol. Not that, but lizards seem to like my room! It simply comes back no matter how many times I shoo it away.
Menu: Maybe they like throwing parties there. XD If you ever hear strange music coming from under your bed, now you know why. XD
Cal: AH! Now it all makes sense. I always hear "tsk tsk tsk" noise underneath my bed. And occasionally screeking sounds
Menu: See? They're using your room as their exclusive club. XD
Cal: Geez and they are not even paying any cover charge! Tsk, major loss. Ottoke Manu?
Menu: Uhm...maybe that's why Shooshey was trying to flee. It was scared you were expecting it to pay some kind of bill. XD
Cal: Oh miann! Manu you are a real CSI! Ya! I really think Shooshey was trying to flee from the bills! Ahhh.. this paboya!
Menu: But if Shooshey is still there you could lock...her? him? We should decide if it's a male or a female. XD Anyway, in your room.
Cal: It's a male. From the way it looks at me, I can tell. Shooshey is a male. XDDDDDD *totally insane*
Menu: XD Ok, i won't question your instinct. XD God, now i really wanna meet Shooshey. I feel like he's a friend already. XD
Cal: Oh ya, with regards to Shooshey, idk where he went off to party alredy. Can't find him. Jerk. xD
Menu: I keep imagining Shooshey dancing in an outfit&haircut like Saturday Night Fever. XD
Cal: Omg, Shooshey. Like John Travolta?! xDDD Omg.. Imagine him doing Danny in Grease.. xD Mianhae Jungmin..
Menu: See? I told you he was JungMin's lizard!! XD XD XD
Cal: Oh boy! We still came back to the conclusion that Shooshey was Jungmin's! Oh boy we are good.. LOL.
Menu: And the satisfaction when everything figures. XD Now i know how Isaac&Albert felt. XD


(Cal aveva chiesto a Mai di sgridarmi, sempre per la storia della febbre. A mio vantaggio c'era il fatto che Mai si fosse appena connessa e non sapesse nulla. Vantaggio durato ben poco. XD)
Menu: No, don't listen to her, Mai! XD I'm a good girl! XD @violettacal I'm still afraid of your cane. Sorry. XD
Mai: Rofl! Good girl? I'm just gonna say 1 word......... "deflate"
Menu: In my defense i must say the deflating thing was Cal's idea. XD XD But i admit she's right about the doctor. ':D
(stavamo parlando anche della sicurezza agli aeroporti)
Cal: Oh oh oh, sorry to interrupt. I was once categorised as "illegal possession of lethal weapon" in the security check!
Menu: WHAT? XD Why? Oh, wait...THE CANE!! IT WAS THE CANE, WASN'T IT?? XD Do you know cane in italian means dog? Ok, sorry..
Cal: LOL!!!!!! You mean you were thinking of MY cane as in canine all this while?!
Menu: No no, don't worry. XD The pronunciation is different, but you spell it the same way. XD But i admit i imagined this cane with a little dog head as knob. Something like Mary Poppins's umbrella. XD
Cal: LOL, can't stop laughing at Manu's humour! LOLL. Anyway, I had a jack-knife with me when I boarded the gate..
Menu: Oh, i see. Indeed the cane would have drawn too much attention. *STOP TALKING ABOUT THE BLOODY CANE ALREADY!*
Cal: And Idk why, I keep imagining the dog knob as scooby doo.. Omg mary poppins and scooby doo. Epic failure. xD
Menu: As long as you don't go chasing for monsters, Scooby Doo would be fine. XD
Cal: Ahhh, i see. LOL. Psst, have you realised @Maisimus is completely ignoring us with our canes and mary poppins conversation..? xDD
Menu: *whispers* I don't blame her. (XD)
Mai: You know, I can still read it even if you don't tag me! xD
Menu: Actually i wanted to tag you but i clicked before i could do it. XD
Cal: Okok I'm sorry! I HAVE to tell sm1 my fear for JM being raped! xDDD (conversazione parallela con un'altra tipa)
Menu: Uhm...but Saengie will be mad if i leave to protect JungMin. *_*
Cal: Just deflate him for awhile.. OMO! What did I just say?!
Menu: He became a portable item. XD I deflate him and bring him with me everywhere. Seriously, thank god my chances to meet YoungSaeng are very very low 'cause i couldn't look at him anymore. XD
Mai: This will never end!
Menu: No, i think it won't. XD I've become the 'YoungSaeng deflater' w/out even knowing. XD
Cal: You can't think that way! All of us will have a chance to see SS501, and you - YoungSaeng the portable and deflatable. xD
Menu: Well, i guess a lot of people cry when they find themselves in front of them. I'll just laugh, kneel down&apologize.
Mai: I think we'd all be giddy when seeing the rest of the members and then suddenly die laughing when YS comes out! xDD
Menu: I hope he'll have lost weight before that day comes. But i'll bring a needle with me just in case. XD Cruel or i really wanna try how it feels deflating someone. XD I got curious.

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