Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.


Ravings Reports: Deflating YoungSaeng

Raving Reports is gonna become a series, i think. I would love to post the ravings about HyungJun's dirty socks, but i should backtrack too much.
So i'll start with last night's ravings.
And yes, i know. You probably don't care about it, but just in case one day i'll decide to go back and read my sick mind's products (which i love doing every now and then) i'll know where to look for them. ^^
'Deflating Young Saeng' is because one of SS501 members misteriously "chubbied". But the story begins way earlier.
I need to thank my dearest TripleS Cal, Mai&Cath for starting and contributing to this first chapter. ^^ All you need to know is i, Cal&Mai are JungMiniacs. Cath is a hardcore Leader's fan. ^^

Menu: I agree! XD If internet dies we'll need to arrange an expedition to Korea and find them. XD
Mai: I'm taking Jung Min oppa!!! *grabs and runs from Cal*
Menu: Don't fight! I can settle this: I'll take JungMin!
Cath: I'm gonna pass about this. I'm in love with Leader! XD
Menu: Yes, it's a mess. We're fighting even before leaving. XD Just don't tell PRIs or Hottests or A+, 'cause we're supposed to be the most united fandom of them all. 
Cal: But JungMin's alrdy MINE since eons back!! xD (repeated about 6 times in caps)
Menu: Ok, ok..I'll take HyungJun then.
Cath: Manu, you gave up too fast! Don't take my Leader when you'll have to fight against HyungJun fans, ok?
Menu: No, don't worry. In case, i'll switch to YoungSaeng first. XD XD The trouble will come if i have to fight against Tata&Nov for Kyu. (Tata&Nov are obsessed with Kyu.)
Cath: LoL! So you just take Saengie since he's easier to handle? Lucky you, it seems that no YoungSaeng's fan is still alive. XD
Menu: Good, so he probably needs some love. XD I prefer taking him than fighting against JungMiniacs. XD They can be scary. Look at Cal&Mai! (currently fighting since Cal claimed some rights over Jung Min)
Menu: I just pictured Cal running towards you with a huge axe in her hand. XD I'd go easy if i were you, Mai. (Mai insinuated Jung Min was already at her place)
Cath: You're gonna die before winning against all of the JungMiniacs. XD
Menu: Yes, you're right. XD XD I should just take YoungSaeng. No regrets and no complaints. XD
Cath: Don't forget to give him less food and tell him to keep practicing, Manu! He said he wanna give us JJITSAENG in the next album. XD 
Cal: Oh, right! Remember to give him less food! He's bloating!
Menu: Poor YoungSaeng!! XD
Cath: Ok, gals! Should go off now! Take care of our boys. I'm gonna take my Leader to sleep with me. ^^
Menu: Ok! ^^ Goodnight then!! Hopefully Mai, Cal and i won't have hit each other by tomorrow. XD In was nice to know you, Cath! XD XD Tell Leader i loved him. Not as much as you, but i did. XD XD

Cal: Imagine Hyungjun running and knock on Saengie's door: "Hyung! Come read, they talking about not feeding you! Pali!"
Menu: *dies*
Menu: No, wait a sec, there! How come you all have a member waiting for you and i have just my cat? -_- XD 
Cal: You have Saengie! Who is probably waiting for a piping bowl of hot ramyun. Please, just salad will do, Manu.
Menu: But i didn't go pick him up yet. XD If he really is here, first of all he should have told me. And second: he came on his own. XD
Cal: Anyway he is bloating. And if he keeps bloating i'll stop calling him 'Polar Saeng'. I'll call him 'Saengie The Puffer Fish'. XD
Menu: OMG! Saengie the Puffer Fish!! I hope that day comes now. XD Anyway there's a gym 2 minutes from here. Don't worry! XD ....Though i'm afraid he'll leave me soon. XD
Mai: WHY??
Cal: Why? You take care of him, love him and feed him.
Menu: Yes, but according to you i have to starve him and force him to go to the gym. XD Anyway i was trying to convince him that it's all for his own sake. XD But in the end i just had to handcuff him. XD.......And if he wasn't going to leave before, he is now. XD
Mai: Keke, good girl! ^^ Saengie needs a firm hand, or he'll run away clubbing with Leader! He just gotta realise that it's all for him. XD
Cal: You what?? You handcuffed him?? He was too hungry and he ended up hitting you?? XD
Menu: You know, i thought i was going to end up with JungMin until 10 minutes ago. I don't really know how to deal with YoungSaeng yet. XD Oh, wait! What happens if Leader comes rescue him? SOMEONE PLEASE TELL CATH TO HANDCUFF HIM TOO!! XD XD
Mai: That's a tough one, unnie! We all know Leader has this special relationship with Saengie...Ottoke?
Menu: Uhm...'ll get down on my knees and beg? XD No, don't think that would work with Leader...

Mai: My sister thinks we're totally nuts! xD

Menu: So we give up on the mission 'Let's stop YoungSaeng from bloating'?? XD 'Cause if i start feeding him it's all over. (can't remember why we decided to feed him at some point XD)
Cal: No! We cannot abort the mission of deflating Saengie!! (Omo, what a word! XD)
Mai: I think as long as you take him to the gym enough it should be fine, ne?
Menu: Ok, then i won't release him until Leader comes. XD Then i'll suscribe to the gym. Yearly. XD Anyway...if it was all about deflating him we could have just used a needle. XD *What am i saying?? o.O*
Cal: Let's ask Cath to hide all Leader's clothes so he can't step out of the house and rescue PolarSaeng. *evil*
Menu: Yes! I agree with that! Hide his clothes!!
Cal: OMG, can you imagine if Junnie, Minnie and Saengie are actually in front of their laptop and reading our conversation?
Menu: XD XD OMG! XD XD At least you 2 are just talking about hiding JungMin. I just said i want to DEFLATE YoungSaeng! XD
Mai: ROFL, well we...*I* have been saying some pretty nasty stuff though! XD
Menu: Yeah but you haven't kidnapped, handcuffed, starved, exploited and deflated JungMin in 10 minutes though XD You're safe. XD
Mai: By the way you know that members named Saengie 'best trained body'?
Menu: Really? Then what have we been talking about the whole night? XD
Cal: There's no way he could have been named that! Let's just hang a drumstick on the back of a bicycle and make him run after it while Manu rides. XD
Menu: Yes! I like riding the bicycle!! XD (YoungSaeng's not famous for his fighting skills, right? XD He won't hit me? XD)
Mai: He may want to, but he's not that kind of bad boy. Just feed him and you're back on his good side. XD
Menu: I need to fill my fridge then. XD XD *Throws all the carrots away and replace them with junk food*

The morning after:
Cal: How was Saengie? I hope he didn't felt too grouchy eating all the salads.
Menu: No, he's turning into a rabbit. Even if he wants to be grouchy, he can't talk.

2 commenti:

Fabiola ha detto...

Concordo con la sorella della tipa XD XD XD (l'ho letto tutto eh XD)

Fabiola ha detto...

E perché dice che ci sono 0 commenti?!?! XD