Remember back in the days...


[I'm still one, but my diary was incorporated into my Tumblr. Check the links. :)]

Enough said.

My header explains everything: i love every single breathing being in those pictures.
But my heart is mostly green: i'm a TripleS to the core.

I officially don't roleplay anymore, but you can check the links if you wanna take a look at my work.

This is all. Take whatever comes. And you can never be sure of what that is.
Love Ya, Menu ah

[credits to Reichenbach @Deviantart for the background
Even though it doesn't fit perfectly, i love it too much to replace it.]

My favorite word is SS501. It's the biggest stronghold of my life.



Ed ecco il primo post che non riceverà manco un commento. XD
Oh, scusate ma mi annoio. Però vi prometto che in pochi giorni arriverà anche la recensione di Alice quindi potete anche saltare questo post e aspettare il prossimo. 24 Febbraio era il compleanno di KyuJong. Il famosissimo KyuJong. Ed è stato il primo compleanno da TripleS per me. ^^ E su Twitter c'è questa moda delle "Trending Session", ovvero spammare su un argomento prescelto.
La mia mente quel giorno ha prodotto circa 130 messaggi di spam, per cui mi sono meritata un 'DAEBAK' da parte delle altre TripleS. ^^
Vi farò il favore di tagliare almeno alcuni messaggi che ho postato a nome di un'altra tizia. Nel caso incappiate in un 'Tata', quelli non sono miei messaggi....Ma quelli che rimangono sono comunque parecchi. Perciò dicevo che potete anche saltare questo post. XD

*I really envy Eun Ah so much because have such a brother like KyuJong - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*I envy Eun Ah, too!! XD #501wishesforkyu
*Can i just say that i honestly refuse to believe my line is being a bitch again? #501wishesforkyu
(durante la precedente sessione la mia linea è morta per 4 giorni XD Temevo che ricapitasse)
*Ok, now it's me again. Let's hope my internet helps me out today. XD #501wishesforkyu
*First of all Kyu's bday is the first birthday i get to celebrate as a TripleS #501wishesforkyu
*It's a huge event for me so I really deeply hope this session works. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*Even considering that for some creepy reason i never take part in TT sessions. XD #501wishesforkyu
*So that's the first wish: get into the TT Top 10. XD And it'd be awesome if Kyu would actually know about what we're doing. #501wishesforkyu
*The 2nd wish is quite obvious: HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY, KYU!! ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*No, actually wishing him a GREAT BIRTHDAY is the 1st wish. It just came out later in my tweets. #501wishesforkyu
*Since you are such an amazing person i really think u deserve the best bday ever. #501wishesforkyu
*It's against nature that the best friend, son, brother ever gets a bad bday, right? #501wishesforkyu
*HA! How i'd like to have him as a brother sometimes. XD #501wishesforkyu
*I mean, i love my own brother but he's often annoying. Kyu would be the best! ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*And my brother doesn't invite SS over for dinner. #501wishesforkyu
*Nor he couldn't provide me free tickets for concerts&fanmeetings. XD #501wishesforkyu
*Uhm...this is getting delirious. As usual when it comes to me. We were saying...#501wishesforkyu
*The best person ever!! And he wouldn't change his family with anything, anyway. #501wishesforkyu
*I clearly remember the 1st time i realized he was that much of a great person. #501wishesforkyu
*On his debut day he said something like 'What should i say? I should just be thankful!' #501wishesforkyu
*In that moment I thought 'Is this level of humbleness even possible?' *_* #501wishesforkyu
*Wait a sec! #501wishesforkyu is already 2nd place!! *_* YYYYYYYYAAAAAAATTAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Omg! Praying mantis! I had forgotten about that! XD #501wishesforkyu
(Gli altri membri lo descrivono come mantide religiosa. Non s'è mai capito perchè. XD)
*24th February...24 years old...24 hours a day from Monday to Sunday night I always remember you - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*24 is the magic number for today, i guess. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*Kyu your birthday gifts still with me, but dun worry I'll send that to u as soon as possible - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*My letter is still with me, as well. ':D Bad Menu! Sorry Kyu! But they say the more you wait for smth, the better it is. XD #501wishesforkyu
*He's not a perfect man, but in my eyes he's damn perfect - Tata #501wishesforKyu
* one's perfect but Kyu's very very very close to perfection, i think. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*There's a weird&funny anecdote about my early days as a TripleS (last week, basically XD) #501wishesforkyu
*I was having a hard time remembering all members' names but i had almost made it.(1) #501wishesforkyu
*I was watching the Love Like This MV thinking 'HyunJoong, JungMin, YoungSaeng, HyungJun..' when i saw their faces...(2) #501wishesforkyu
*...Then i saw Kyu and i thought 'Wait a sec, there! Who is he?' XD (3) #501wishesforkyu
*It's not that i couldn't remember the name. I just couldn't remember him. XD Poor Kyu! (end)#501wishesforkyu
*One thing Kyu&I share: the fear of dogs. Not completely past yet. XD #501wishesforkyu
*He kind of got over it during TFRMU. I'm just less scared than i used to be. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
(TFRMU è un programma televisivo in cui i SS dovevano allevare un cucciolo ^^)
*I'm so KYUddictive to his KYUteness that's why I really really like ThanKYU so much for this - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*We all know i'm a JungMiniac but i love the way "Kyu" fits with so many words, like that. #501wishesforkyu
*KyuJong, ni jiu shi wo de xing kong - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*Wo zhen de zhen de hen xiang ni - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*At amem et foveam KimKyuJong - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*KimKyuJong!! I got that from the last tweet! XD XD Sorry, i'm delirious. I just can't help it! I'm having too much fun! #501wishesforkyu
*ROFL! XD XD RT: @stalking_hj nowplaying go to hell #501wishesforkyu DAEBAKKK!!!!
("nowplaying" è un'altro trending topic che è difficilissimo da battere. Lo odiavamo perchè non ci mollava la prima posizione)
*I really totally completely had to do that again. I'm proud of that song. XD #501wishesforkyu
*XD Cute! XD RT: @19frantze HJB: " i like the stuff toys from fans but seems KJ likes them more " :)) #501wishesforKyu
*Trying to remember what other Kyu memories i have...#501wishesforkyu
*OH! When he spoke with his original accent during Intimate Note. XD #501wishesforkyu
*I almost fainted because of laughter that day. XD XD #501wishesforkyu
*And have i ever told you i thought Kyu was the oldest member? XD #501wishesforkyu
*In my mind there was him, then HyungJun, HyunJoong, YoungSaeng and JungMin. Thinking of that now i feel ashamed. XD #501wishesforkyu
*It's just that Kyu's outfit in LLT was weird and i knew NOTHING about SS at that time. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*RT: @scjj501 The guy who went thru all sorts of struggles to get to where he is today! and to accomplish his dreams to be a singer! #501wishesforkyu
*RT: @xiaochu1004 Fact : In early days, Kyu used to cover his mouth when he laughs...due to inferiority complex of his uneven teeth #501wishesforKyu
*Cool! I do that too!! ^^ Though i think it's just an habit for me...XD Never thought it was because of my teeth. XD #501wishesforkyu
*Lots liked this! ^^ "His hardworking inspires me to do the same thing, only with hardworking you can reach ur dream" - Tata #501wishesforKyu
*Now...could i make a TT session w/out posting quotes? The answer is i couldn't. XD #501wishesforkyu
*Actually i only have 2 memorable quotes about Kyu. But they're stuck in my mind. XD #501wishesforkyu
*'In my heart i told myself i had to work hard. I had always thought i was very mature but the truth was that i wasn't.' (Kyu) #501wishesforkyu
*Like i said earlier....pure humbleness! ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*Btw, is it me or your eyes also get watery whenever you hear Kyu talking about his family? *_* #501wishesforkyu
*Wouldn't the world be such a better place if everyone had Kyu's heart? #501wishesforkyu
*But again he wouldn't be that special if everyone was like him. ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*Sometimes it leaps to my mind the moment when Kyu ripped JungMin's clothes before a show and then ran away like a kid. #501wishesforkyu
*He looked like he was thinking 'Run! It wasn't me! Run!' XD XD #501wishesforkyu
*And the second quote is: 'I'm sorry...why is the floor this hot?' (Kyu) XD #501wishesforkyu
*RT: @ JDream24 Kyu’s line in SS501- Man “Even if I face the world's strongest, I will not shrink back” What a supportive line,isn’t it? #501wishesforKyu
*Talking about ROFL stuff...When i see Kyu&HJL imitating "Michael Jackson&korean person"...My day just gets better! XD #501wishesforkyu
*Have you ever considered that if Kyu DID leave SS, we wouldn't be here trending right now? #501wishesforkyu
*And have you ever considered that if Kyu DID leave SS, we wouldn't know the best person on earth? #501wishesforkyu (Durante la preparazione, 6 anni fa, Kyu voleva lasciare il gruppo perchè si sentiva inferiore. Spiego per chi non lo sa. ^^)
*I've called him 'the best person on earth' so many times, but that's just the best way to describe Kyu. #501wishesforkyu
*NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even have words to describe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #501wishesforkyu
*I just hate that freaking hashtag we're not allowed to name today. I mean, aren't you tired to be always in the same place? #501wishesforkyu
*Dear hashtag, world is big&wonderful...Just go and have a trip away from us!!! *ambulance siren in the distance...again* #501wishesforkyu
*RT: @ phtriples Looking back at the time when Kyu accidentally splashed himself with water because he didn't know what a bidet is. Haha! #501wishesforKyu
**_* RT: @JDream24: “Whoever can say whatever. Our love will be together forever” #501wishesforKyu
*Now that i think about it..Until last year 24th of February reminded me of my worst memory ever. ThanKYU for changing that! #501wishesforkyu (Il 24 Febbraio ero a Herzhausen. Con l'asma. E tutto quello che è venuto dopo. XD)
*I suddenly remembered when Kyu gave a book to HyungJun&then forgot where he had put it (it was during a show) XD #501wishesforkyu
*And what about when Kyu, HyungJun&YoungSaeng went visiting disabled children? Is there a field those boys lack in?? *_* #501wishesforkyu
*And how funny was he when he stood on the piano stool because he was afraid of dogs?? XD #501wishesforkyu

#501wishesforkyu @IAmTheMenu (Il mio account di riserva, perchè di là avevo raggiunto il limite. XD)
*Lol! XD RT @cal4cnblue Why I like TripleS #501wishesforKyu 1) Idk abt you, but this is the 1st time I've come across millions of girls together.
*And anyway i should just thank my line for helping me out today!! ^^ ThanKYU, Menu's phone line!! #501wishesforkyu
*Seriously, i'm touched by this thing! It's kind of magic the way we all gathered "just" to wish Happy Birthday to Kyu. #501wishesforkyu
*I'm torturing my earphones because that effing hashtag simply won't move out of our way. >_< #501wishesforkyu
*And i'm so tense i can't think about anything reasonable to tweet except that...-_- #501wishesforkyu *Can i be..idk, rude for a moment?...Can i?....I NEED TO PEE!!!! *_* But i can't leave my emplacement now. *hero* #501wishesforkyu
*And anyway #501wishesforkyu is just the best hashtag ever. ^^
*And this was my first SS bday as a TripleS! ^^ Thank God i saved a screenshot of the TT list when #501wishesforkyu was #1. ^^
*My eyes hurt, my fingers i said, i need to pee. But i had so so so much fun!! Hopefully Kyu's having fun, too! #501wishesforkyu
*ThanKYU, Kim Kyu Jong!! For being a SS member, for being the kindest person ever...just for existing!! ThanKYU!! ^^ #501wishesforkyu
*Again....AUGURISSIMISSIMISSIMI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD *my brain is officially packing and leaving* #501wishesforkyu

Se siete arrivati fin qui: THANKYU e COMPLIMENTISSIMI!!! XD XD
Allora ci rivediamo Giovedì o Venerdì. XD E poi il 3 Aprile per.....rullo di tamburi......IL COMPLEANNO DEL JUNGMIN!!!!!!!!! ;_____________;

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